Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 1663

Shooting stars across the dark sky, here is like a silent universe, only the gleaming light rushes through, making people lose their eyes.

In this starry sky, a handsome man with light blond hair is standing here, and beside him is an elegant bunny demon with a bunny head and wearing a strange dress.

In front of the two of them, there was a curtain of mirror, and what appeared inside was the battle between the rose crystal and the six rose maidens in the rose garden.

"Why don't you face the picture inside the palace? I want to see, see the legendary puppeteer Luo Zhen who created the Rozen Maiden!"

The young man with light blond hair excitedly said to the rabbit beside him, his eyes showed longing, longing and a perseverance to surpass!

This is a naive and stupid person. Because of his innocence, he will do stupid things, and because of his stupidity, he will appear so innocent. His innocence means that there is nothing else but a doll in his life. He has dedicated everything about himself, from body to soul, to the doll.

It was in the long past, an ordinary young man who loved the doll sincerely, dreaming of making the most perfect doll in the world.

After knowing the legendary creation of Luo Zhen—the Rozen Maiden by accident, the young man exhausted his mind and overcoming obstacles. After numerous hardships, he finally saw the legendary Rozen Maiden.

It is truly perfect, able to move, possesses its own soul, and has its own will. The gorgeous and exquisite appearance, and the touching and different personalities, make the young people who love the dolls crazy, and once again look back on the dolls they made. , The discovery is so crude, so unacceptable.

Unable to endure the inner blow, the young man gave up on himself, and when he was almost desperate, he encountered this mysterious rabbit demon, named after the all-knowing and almighty demon-the demon of Laplace!

The Demon of Laplace gave him the necessary knowledge, and the overjoyed young man fell into tireless research. His obsession and talent have allowed him to reach a state in the technology of dolls, which surpasses the realm of mortals, and makes him as a human body transcend life and death, even after a hundred years, millennia, It will not age and die.

He longed for Luo Zhen, longing for the Rozen Maiden created by Luo Zhen, but the mysterious puppeteer, even after countless lives and time, he could not be found.

The young man regarded himself as Luo Zhen’s apprentice. It was a yearning for and admiration of his predecessors. His goal was to learn from Luo Zhen to create a perfect doll like the Rozen Maiden!

"Sorry, Huai! I can't do this..."

The Demon of Laplace's mouth did not move, but the voice of a male gentleman came out of the rabbit's mouth.

"Why can't you do it? Are you not the omniscient and omnipotent demon of Laplace?"

Huai yelled a little excitedly. He really wanted to, really wanted to see the puppeteer who made him pursue his life.

Although the young man named Huai was able to create a powerful doll, he did not have any special abilities except that he would not die of old age.

"I'm just omniscient, not omnipotent... No, at the moment when the world coincides and the point of destiny goes wrong, my omniscience is gone.

The rabbit straightened his somewhat funny little top hat, and then said this calmly.

But only the Demon of Laplace knew that it was not that he could not do it, but he dared not do it. If he dared to focus his gaze on Luo Zhen in the palace, he would be discovered by that terrifying monster in an instant.

The Demon of Laplace feared Luo Zhen, but he coveted what Luo Zhen possessed.

‘The transcendence who crosses the world...the thing I wish for is in your arms. Alice’s game will definitely take me to the end, Rabbit, never give up because of a little setback. ’

"Want to see Luo Zhen? Huai..."

Rabbit's words are like a spectator, like a host and a referee, people feel that they have an alternative majesty.

"Of course! This has always been one of my goals!"

Huai nodded affirmatively.

"Then finish the'Alice Game'. When Alice is born, you will be able to meet the person you dream of..." The rabbit is like a devil in the abyss, tempting the innocent and persistent crazy youth.

"Alice game? The Virgin of the Rose is brought together to give birth to the perfect "Alice"? Why? Why is there such a game? Is the Rozen Maiden not perfect? ​​Is there a more perfect doll than the Rozen Maiden?"

Huai completely forgot about the others, and whispered to himself fanatically, dedicating everything he had to the doll he loved.

"It's up to you to discover it yourself, Huai...I am just the supervisor of Alice's game. I remove all the factors that affect Alice's game, and then, while watching, witness the birth of Alice."

The ambivalence of justice and funny in the rabbit's tone makes it impossible to doubt his words.

"Go work hard, Huai... Alice is not only born in the Rozen Maiden. The doll you make already has the qualifications to become Alice. Let Luo Zhen see your hard work and your persistence. The legendary puppeteer, he was just to witness the birth of Alice. If you can prove that you are doing better, he will definitely be happy too."

The devil of Laplace was savage and good, and the devilish tone made Huai no doubt at all.

"Yes, the Demon of Laplace, you are right! If, if my doll can capture all the Madonna of the Rosary, they will definitely become the "perfect Alice", and the puppeteer will be delighted. Come on! Look, Luo Zhen, I must surpass you, surpass the dolls you make, and let you know that I will not lose to you!"

The man who calls himself Luo Zhen’s apprentice has a different thinking from ordinary people. Because of his vision, he has to surpass, and because of his admiration, he must let you know that I can do it, and can even do better!

"Go ahead, Huai! As a supervisor, I won't help you, but I will watch and watch the birth of Alice. This is'my best friend', Luo Zhen's wish! You! You have got the necessary things from me. Your dolls have the power comparable to or even surpassing the Rozen Maiden! Under the red eyes of the rabbit, let everything be witnessed and ended!"

The Demon of Laplace bent down gracefully, took off the top hat on his head, and performed the etiquette of a nobleman.

"Yes, yes..."

Huai muttered to himself, lowered his head, under his feet, there were seven things like the Rozen Maiden wooden box, one of them has been opened, and the other six, also in his madness, slowly opened .

This is Huai based on the Rozen Maiden as the prototype, which corresponds exactly to the seven Rozen Maidens, and belongs only to the "Huai" girl.

"Wake up, my children! Your sister, Rose Crystal, has gone to prove that your father is stronger than Luo Zhen! Next, it should be your hard work, fluorescent lights, my snake, obsidian, green patio, Magenta and raspberries!"

The Demon of Laplanras standing behind Huai, watching Huai's behavior, the corner of his rabbit's mouth showed a weird and peculiar smile...


"Do you know? Pure... If a person can know the force of all natural motions and the positions of all natural objects at a certain moment, if he can also analyze these data, then the motion of the largest object to the smallest particle in the universe will be Contained in a simple formula. For this person, everything in the future is not vague, it will only appear in his eyes like the past, and this "all-knowing and all-powerful" person is called-Rapla The Demon of Si!"

Luo Zhenpin took a sip of the mint-scented black tea in his cup, and faintly said something strange to Sakurada Jun.

Item 0119

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Die die, die, you fake!"


The fierce and pitch-black flame turned into a giant dragon, the dragon head raised high, with the flame's sharp teeth, biting into the rose crystal.

The mercury lamp seemed to be plunged into madness, with a hideous face, and a fierce black flame burned all over, raging the entire rose garden!

Countless purple crystals burst out of the void and whizzed towards the body of the mercury lamp, but the mercury lamp was like a real swordsman, using the mercury sword in his hand to smash all the crystals.

"Huh! Is this the only thing you can do? Trash fakes!"

The Mercury Lantern laughed loudly, releasing his anger to his heart's content.

"Is there only this ability? Trash fake..."

The rose crystal repeated the words of the mercury lamp with an emotional voice.

This repeated sentence seemed to hurt the fragile heart of the mercury lamp, making her laugh wildly, and her actions became more and more ruthless.

For a time, the rose crystal was beaten and could not fight back, and the situation was all favorable to the mercury lamp.

Because of the frenzied attack of the mercury lamp, her sisters had no room to intervene at all. Looking at the battle in the sky, Zhen Hong frowned slightly, "The mercury lamp does not have the support of the medium. This state cannot last long."

Zhen Hong has already discovered that Jun Sakurada’s teacher is not the medium of mercury lamps at all!