Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 2038

"This is a shrine. Drinking on the roof of the shrine is disrespectful to the gods."

Liang Yiluo looked at the petite Ghost King with a smile.

"Ahaha, it is your shrine in Liangyi anyway. With your free and easy and the same boldness as my ghost clan, how can you care about such trivial things!"

The ghost king, who looks so young in appearance, can really talk, and even flatter the two things.

"Would you like a drink?"

Yichu Cuixiang shook the gourd in his hand at Liangyi.

"Alright, the tea just now was too weak."

As soon as the voice of Liangyi fell, I saw that gourd was thrown by Yichu Cuixiang.

Chapter 0375 Do You Really Need The Special Service Of The Miko?

A cup of turbid wine meets together--

The wine in Ibuki Cuixiang is not muddy wine. The wine gourd is sealed with extremely rare wine bugs, and the wine bugs are still the rarest kind of treasure. Although the ghosts are not good at magic arts, no matter who they are, as long as they are Creatures will work hard for their own desires. The ghosts are addicted to alcohol. Therefore, under the influence of the taste of alcohol, all the magic arts possessed by this race are related to alcohol.

The wine bugs in Ibuki are the magic that only the ghost king can use, so they can continuously produce the most top-quality spirits. Although the quality of spirits is not as good as that of the millennium wine, it is only a mass-produced thing. , But for the ghost clan, the Ibuki dipper of the ghost king Ibuki Cuixiang and the cup of Xingxiong Yongyi are the most precious treasures in this world.

Yichu Cuixiang and Liangyiluo are not a happy encounter. One has known that she is only hiding in the old hell, not really as people say that the ghost tribe is already on the verge of extinction, and the other also knows that she lives. Gensokyo was established by him, and the two have never met because they didn't meet each other because they didn't have the necessary intersection.

And now at the most important Hakurei Shrine in Gensokyo, the two finally met.

Liang Yiluo took the wine thrown by Yichu Cuixiang, but she raised her head and took a big sip. Liang Yiluo's bold appearance made Yichu Cuixiang applaud and laugh. For the ghost tribe, drinking should be so painful. Drink it happily instead of sipping with a glass.

As the ghost king, Yichu Cuixiang possesses the strongest spell to persuade people to drink, but this kind of spell is naturally useless for Liang Yiluo. He drinks only because he wants to.

"Liangyi, how about the wine?"

Yi Chui Cuixiang sits on the edge of the eaves, with two slender legs dangling back and forth. Her face is always blush, which is a sign of drinking. But unlike people’s imagination, Yi Chui Cuixiang’s misty eyes are in the deepest part. With clarity and reason, as the ghost king, although she loves to drink, she has never really been drunk, because there are very few spirits in this world that can make the ghost king drunk, anyway, Yichu Cuixiang has never seen it in her life.

"It's strong, but the aroma is far worse."

Liang Yiluo smashed his mouth and gave Yichu Cuixiang a very clear answer.

"There is no other way. We ghosts are all addicted to drinking, and we are satisfied if we have a good drink. If we are still pursuing the highest quality, then our life will be too painful."

Yichu Cuixiang said indifferently.

For the ghost tribe, spirits such as vodka are sufficient. As for the year of production and the place of origin, it is completely meaningless.

Liang Yiluo weighed the gourd in his hand and took another sip. The mouth of the bottle had an unusual aroma, the pure aroma of wine from time to time, but the scent of Ibuki's sweet red lips mixed with alcohol.

Throwing the gourd in his hand back again, Yichu Cuixiang didn't care whether the wine gourd had been drunk by Liang Yi Liao just now, but also took a refreshing sip. The ghost race was originally an informal race.

"But, Suixiang, why are you staying here at the shrine?"

Liang Yiluo came to sit under the eaves, and did not look at the **** top of her head, just asked, although Liang Yiluo's current posture only needs to raise her head, you can see the scenery under the skirt of Yichu Cuixiang.

"Because this is the place with the best view of Gensokyo, you can see the whole of Gensokyo as long as you stand on the roof."

Ibuki Suixiang smiled, and she hung the wine gourd in her hand around her waist, and pointed the whole piece of Gensokyo with her little finger.

Although the reason seems a little unreliable, Liang Yiluo knew that this was really Yichu Cuixiang's reason, because the ghost tribe was disdainful of lying.

"I think you are just eating and drinking here!"

At this moment, Reimu had hidden the ten thousand yuan bill and ran out of the living room. She heard Yichu Cuixiang's answer and then put a hand in her waist and accused her.

"Don't say that, Reimu! Although it can be regarded as a reason, I really only live here because of the broad vision!"

Suixiang didn't care about Reimu's accusation completely, she just patted the wine gourd on her waist and said, "...Reimu, you provide me with food, and I give Reimu you wine, it's not fair."

"But I don't like drinking."

Reimu's mouth curled. She was not too cold to alcohol when she was still young. Compared to alcohol, she prefers to drink tea, which is very consistent with her identity as a witch.

"Alcohol is a good thing, Reimu. If you can drink, even if you don't eat!"

Hearing that Reimu didn't like wine, Yichu Suixiang immediately started to talk about the benefits of wine.

It's just that Reimu didn't pay any attention to her at all, and walked to the entrance to boil hot water, and smiled brightly at Liang Yiluo: "...Should God use tea first?"

For the ten thousand dollars, Reimu was already ready to use the witch's duties to the fullest.

"You really can't drink those tea foams."

Liang Yiluo, who likes tea, refused mercilessly.

"This is not given by Lin Zhisuke. I can't help if he only gives me this kind of tea..."

"That's because Reimu doesn't give money every time you go to him to ask for something."

Liang Yi made a comment.

"Because I don't have any money... It was okay before. At least I can see people in the world come here to worship in the box. Now I really can't even see anyone. My grandmother wanted me to eat. If you're full, you have to go'begging' in the world..."

Reimeng wiped the tears that he didn't even have in the corner of his eyes, and showed a tragic expression like Yang Bailao who was exploited by Huang Shiren. The person who heard it was sad and the others shed tears, and then approached Reimeng and stared at Yichu Cuixiang angrily. Dissatisfied: "...It is because you monsters treat the shrine as a hotel and always hold banquets here, so that the humans in the world dare not visit, and you eat and live here for nothing every day! "

After snarling the Ibuki Cuixiang, Reimu complained to Liangyiluo again: "...How can the gods allow these monsters to come to Hakuri Shrine? You should blast them all away!"

However, looking at the expression on Reimu's face, she doesn't really care about these monsters being unable to live in the shrine. What she cares more about is whether these monsters can give me some money when they come?

Of course, although Reimu said that she hated banquets, she was actually very diligent when the banquet started. At least she was able to eat and drink for nothing at the banquet!

"Even when youkai didn't come to the shrine, there are no visitors here in Reimu, right?"

Regarding Reimeng's accusation, Yichu Cuixiang retorted.

"To shut up!"

Glancing at Yichu Cuixiang, Reimeng's fierce expression really made the ghost king shut up and not talking. From this, it can be seen that the two people are actually in a very good relationship.

Immediately after Reimu, he looked at Liang Yi Luo pitifully, without the strength he had faced with Ibuki Suixiang before, and whispered softly: "...Does the Lord God really need the special services of a maiden?"

Item 0376

"Do you really need the special service of the Miko?"

Reimeng watched Liang Yi Luo with tears in his eyes, showing an expression of "get up to me". If he were a normal man, he would definitely move his index finger at this time. He couldn't help showing his true appearance and wanted to get along. What really happened to the witch in front of me.

Reimu is very beautiful. It is not the superior elegance and nobleness of Huiye, nor the indifference and beauty of Alice, which is as delicate as a doll. The beauty of Reimu is as elegant and peaceful as the eastern landscape. nice.

When I first saw it, I didn’t give people a sense of surprise. I only thought that this girl looked very comfortable, but when I watched her for a long time, I would find that Reimu’s temperament and facial features are the more beautiful the type It's like a glass of sake that needs to be tasted quietly to taste the taste, not like those spirits and fragrant teas that you will feel the spicy and mellow after a sip.