Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 2235

Jiang Luo's words whispered in her ear, and Karen's eyes gradually became firm. She squeezed the hand firmly, even through the gloves, she felt the warmth and confidence from the man in front of her.

"Yes! I will do it, we will do it!"

Jiang Luo ticked the corner of his mouth slightly and said softly: "That's it, Karen, that's what you want!"

"With the latest information just received, Cornelia is about to dispatch an army to attack the headquarters of the ‘Japanese Liberation Front’ on Mount Narita. This is our opportunity, our chance to show miracles!"

Item 0130

"Your Excellency, Jeremia, please see me..."

The secretary stood beside Cornelia and said respectfully.

Cornelia, who was looking down on the map, frowned. She raised her head displeasedly and said, "Jeremiah?"

The name was a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, I finally remembered that this was the former leader of the pure blood faction, who had now been demoted because of Zero.

"Huh, did you come to me to complain about being demoted?"

Cornelia's tone was unpleasant. She waved her hand and said in dissatisfaction: "I don't want to see this person, I will drive him back!"

"Yes, Governor!"

The secretary didn't dare to say more, and walked out with a slight bow and backwards.

"Dalton, is it time?"

The middle-aged man standing beside Cornelia was her military teacher and her most powerful assistant to the adjutant.

"Yes, Your Excellency! Now the defenses around the concession are becoming more and more complete, even if you leave the concession temporarily, there will be no trouble, but I propose not to use air strikes this time, but directly use the Knightmare to suppress the war!"

After saluting, Dalton quickly entered the state and reported the situation.

"After all, there is the enemy's base camp, but if possible, I hope I can capture the enemy leader or that Fujitang alive. The miraculous Fujitang, hum, interesting..."

Cornelia looked at the map in front of him and showed a fearless smile.

"Very well, this time the establishment of the troops is up to you, Dalton, once again send the advance reconnaissance troops, and after receiving the return, immediately launch an attack on the headquarters of the Japanese Liberation Front in Narita!"


After Darton left, Cornelia looked at the two standing in the corner-Bertoris and Monica.

"Bertorisqing, is there anything?"

Conelia also respected the woman who was the former Second Knight of the Round Table who was also the disciple of Princess Mariana.

"What happened in the eleventh district has alarmed your majesty. I just want to remind your majesty, don’t make any more mistakes. You should understand your majesty’s temper. He will not care how much you have done before. If something goes wrong with the country, your Majesty will be angry."

Confronted with Bertoris' kind reminder, Cornelia nodded and said yes.

Looking at the sand table map in front of her, Bertoris's mouth twitched, her eyes turned to Monica who was standing next to her, and she sighed slightly.

"It was calculated by that majesty, Monica Qing is also pathetic..."


"These guys have only one dead end!!"

In Jiang Luo's bedroom, Lu Luxiu and Jiang Luo sat on both sides of the table, he asserted.

He swept around quite confidently and found that there were only two people present. As if looking for superior IQ, he crossed Jiang Luo and said to CC who was lying lazily on the bed behind him. In history, there are very few examples of successful regaining power. Do you know why this is? CC."

"do not know……"

C.C replied nonchalantly, her whole attention was focused on the opened box in front of her, inside was the pizza Jiang Luo had just bought for her.

Looking at the different seasonings in his hands, C.C was very worried about which one to use.

After discovering that C.C didn't care about him at all, Lu Le Xiu curled his lips boringly and fixed his eyes on the LCD TV.

"Because, those people in the old age have too old-fashioned thinking. Even if they have military power, they lack thinking. Well, it should be said that they lack a correct thinking!"

Jiang Luo took over the topic quickly to prevent being cold, and answered Lu Lu Xiu's words.


In response to Jiang Luo’s answer, Lu Lu Xiu nodded and agreed: “Those warlords of the old era tried to restore the original system, but they didn’t know that the broken vase could not be glued together. From the beginning, they came to a dead end! It is absolutely impossible for them to become the banner of the new era!"

"Oh, do you mean that you will become the banner of that new era?"

C.C tasted the pizza blankly, his beautiful eyes slowly turned to look at Jiang Luo.

Lelouch didn't care about who C.C was talking to. As long as someone talked to him, it was enough for him.

"The Japanese liberation front is not important. That useless organization is a little more eye-catching, that is, a talented Fujidō. But that Fujidō is only good at defensive warfare, and its thinking is also a bit old-fashioned. If possible, use it for It’s not bad to be a pawn."

Jiang Luo held the chess in his hand and placed it on the board.

"So, you want to help the Japanese liberation front for that talent?"

"Although Fujido is a good talent, he is not strong enough to make me help him so desperately."

Jiang Luo sneered and took a sip of tea.

"It's just that Cornelia's recent development speed is too fast. If this continues, there will be no room for the development of the Black Knights. What's more, the Black Knights cannot do some police tasks every day. Those guys will complain gradually, so..."

"Need to give them a miracle!"

Lulu Xiu took the words and asserted like this.

Jiang Luo put down the teacup in his hand, slowly picked up a chess piece, and lowered his head to think.

"The enemy's total strength is 650,000, our strength is 700..."

Speaking of discouraging nonsense, Jiang Luo put down the chess pieces heavily, but his tone was quite playful.

"However, the enemy must guard the entire Eleventh District, so their actual combat strength is only 50,000 at most..."

"The strength of the Japanese Liberation Front is probably less than 10,000, but because of the last hostage-taking incident, the relationship between our side and the Japanese Liberation Front has deteriorated and it is impossible to fight together... Since joint operations are not possible, then they will be treated as such. Deal with the enemy, um, they are also useful, for example, to become a good decoy."

Jiang Luo murmured while Lulu Xiu was studying the map and carefully considering the tactics.

"Oh, Cornelia is really invulnerable..."

Jiang Luo rubbed his chin, his tone a little helpless.

"Cornelia’s troops are all long-fighting soldiers with high morale. Although she likes open and honest offensives, she is not rigid. She knows how to win by surprise, and her men are talented. There are a large number of capable officers, and most importantly, she knows Judging the situation, knowing whether to advance or to retreat... Tsk tsk, it's troublesome."