Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 2307

Lelouch was stunned. He staggered back two steps, knowing the reason why his Geass failed, because he made this order too refined, but the girl in front of him no longer had that name, and his neck seemed to be rusty. Slowly twisting around and looking at Jiang Luo like a clockwork, he suddenly burst into laughter, "...hahahahaha! We lost, we lost completely! Euphemia, you won, you won Lelouch, I won Jiang Luo!"

Lelouch seemed to be mad, his tone slowly calmed down, he glanced at Jiang Luo for the last time, and whispered: "...Look, we will all go to hell!"

"Yes, Lulu, we will all go to hell..."

The prince of the Chinese Federation raised his head, his eyes dry and cold, as if he had drained all the tears and gave up all weakness, "...Lulu, then use the second plan."

"Yes, the second plan..."

The flying bird in Lelouch's left eye swelled wildly, and it was imprinted on his eyes forever.

"Yufemia... please go kill the Japanese!!"

Lulu Xiu and Jiang Luo both closed their eyes.

Chapter 0209 A Man's "Basic Love" and Geass to You

The spring-like smile gradually disappeared, and there was an unknown red light in Euphemia’s pink eyes, she slowly closed the corners of her mouth, the bright red color completely occupied her mind, the sorrowful sound of pain Slowly spit out from her throat, "...Don't...Don't...I don't want to do this...I don't want to kill, why? Why is this...fall, Lulu, why did I become like this?"

Yufimia's will is very strong. She is using her kindness against Geass, but her personal strength can't fight against the entire human race. Yufimia doesn't have the qualifications of a king after all, and she trembles and shakes her body. Stepping back, holding his shoulders with both hands, a hollow smile gradually appeared on his face, like a delicate puppet with no emotions.

She finally couldn't resist Geass's invasion, turned around and ran outside, yelling in her mouth as she ran, "...the Japanese must be killed!"

There is not only one road leading to tragedy, but some roads lead to tragedies that people least want to see, the former prince of the Federation of China named Jiang Luo, and the former prince of Britannia named Lelouch. , Two swindlers completely deceived an innocent girl, and then took away the lives of innocent people.

The road to imperial power is never smooth, and the confrontation between the emperor and the emperor is desperate.

Lelouch patted Jiang Luo on the shoulder. He regained his energy and gritted his teeth and walked to the venue. He knew that what he wanted to see next would be the **** he and Jiang Luo created together.

"Why, regret it?"

When Lelouch left, C.C walked out of the corner. She looked at Jiang Luo sadly, her tone no longer the usual mockery.

"Of course you won't regret... You once called yourself a witch, then from this moment on, I will become a demon king... But maybe the gentlest demon king ever."

Jiang Luo's self-control is extremely powerful, otherwise his Geass wouldn't be able to manipulate his personality, and he wouldn't be crazy even if he went violently.

"Next, it's the demon king's performance! Look good, witch!"

Jiang Luo tidyed up his clothes and walked towards the meeting place in large strides, and he heard Euphemia's dry voice in his ears:

"Everyone who claims to be Japanese!"

"I have a request!"

"Can you please die?"

Her lovely voice is still so beautiful, "...I want everyone to commit suicide, but I know you will never do it, so...Britania soldiers, please kill all the Japanese here. People, slaughter them completely, please!"

Dalton in the stands stared at all this in amazement. He suddenly stood up and yelled: "...Turn off the microphone and all the cameras!"

"Ge, sir! The microphone and camera can't be turned off!"


Dalton was startled, and then he saw Euphemia raised the gun in her hand and was the first to shoot at the crowd watching the ceremony. The loyal soldiers were in'Yes, your .highness' response, raised the gun, countless tracer bullets flew out, in the Japanese struggling and horrified shout, countless human beings were torn apart by bullets, among them were elderly people. Children up to ten years old, there are sturdy young people, and pregnant women, but no matter who they are, as long as they are from District 11, they will be greeted by countless bullets!

Pieces of corpses fell, and the entire stand was plunged into a river of blood. Tens of thousands of lives were about to be lost at this moment, piled up like a hill, and this scene of **** was also broadcasted all over the world, telling the story. The cruelty of Britannia!

"Massage, massacre, all Japanese people go to death!"

The killing continued, people screamed one after another, and at this time Jiang Luocai and Lulu Xiu were late, and the two walked on the clean rostrum, which formed a sharp contrast with the **** scenes around. The Japanese who saw the two of them seemed to have seen the last straw, shouting desperately:

"It's Zero and Nine, it's Zero and Nine, it's our savior!"

"Our hope is only you..."

"Please... please..."

"Save us, save this invaded land, save the oppressed people in the entire world!"

Lulu Xiu and Jiang Luo said nothing.

"Now, fall... only those who have the consciousness to be shot can shoot. We already have that consciousness."

"Of course Lelouch... From the time we came to this land, we had that consciousness."

"Yeah, at that time we had this enlightenment... But ah, we are not the savior, but--"

"--But the real executioner, Lelouch!"

Jiang Luo under the mask laughed. He grabbed the hand of Lelouch who wanted to pull out the pistol, shook his head and said, "...You have already taken on your sins and the rest. Let me do it!"

"It's Zero and Nine, don't let these terrorists run away!"

The surrounding Britanian soldiers saw the two men and ran here one by one, while Jiang Luo flicked his sleeve, and two pistols appeared in his hand. A few clean shots killed all the soldiers... …

Then he stepped on the corpse and slowly walked towards Euphemia.


When a bullet flew, Jiang Luo twisted his head and avoided it as if he had already predicted it, then quickly twisted and shot. A strong man was shot in the abdomen and knelt down on one knee.

He came here to stop Euphemia, and Cornelia was one of the most trusted knights, Dalton.

"Nine, what did you and Zero do to Her Royal Highness Euphemia? It is impossible for her to give such an order!"

"Andre Dalton? Is Cornelia a trusted knight? Lelouch, he left it to you."

When Jiang Luo's voice fell, he saw Lulu Xiu turn on the mechanism on his helmet. Now that the two of them can no longer cleanse their sins, then go and use everything available!


Just when Lelouch was about to use Geass, he suddenly spoke.


"We have committed an unforgivable sin, but in this world, I only believe in you. Only when I believe in you will it bring real peace to it!"

Lelouch seemed to be talking about the last motto of life:

"... We can't fall into the abyss together, otherwise the world will really fall into the abyss, so leave all sins to me to bear, let me fall into the deepest part of **** and become a road bound by chains Xifa, and you, are the ones who walk in purgatory, the devil who really lives in this world!"

Jiang Luo was silent, he understood the meaning of Lelouch's words.

"Don't make yourself so great, Lelouch... After you fell into hell, the orphan will pull you up again! Although we can't go to heaven, we can live in purgatory and look up to heaven. Arrived!"

"Ah, no one wants to live in **** all the time, but it is precisely because you have fallen, that I believe you! I believe you will pull me up again!"