Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 344

The subordinates of the trial group are divided into many sub-groups, and it was the head of this organization who attacked Elteluci. In the face of the ancestors of the four dead, only the head of the group was qualified to participate as a commander. At the beginning, it was even weak and severely injured by the teachings of the stomach world, and even the psychological defense line was broken, which made Luqi reveal her rare girl's thoughts...

However, if it were not for the blow of the teachings of the stomach world, Liang Yiluo would like to develop that kind of intimacy with Alte Luci. I don’t know how long it will take, or even the whole life. When a substantial relationship occurs, the ancient red is not an ordinary girl who easily surrenders her heart...

"Such a young leader of the Knight Order is rare enough..." Liang Yiluo said, and at the same time felt that this girl was familiar, just like the priest in front of him, she should be a famous person in the Moon World...

However, girls definitely have great talents, otherwise they would not have these honors at such an age...

Carefully searching at the edge of his mind, the girl's information was discovered.

‘Is that the knight commander who was the last unidentified life and death on the night of crusade against Wallachia with Shion? ’

Regardless of Shion or Liz Byfield, because their stories are a bit ‘bias’, Liang Yiluo doesn’t know much about it...

"It's just the acting head..." The girl said modestly, but it was still a bit tangled. It seemed that she really didn't want to have any contact with Liang Yiluo.

Too much contact with a magician, then the consequences may be very troublesome. Just inquiries within the church, it is estimated that this girl who usually has been pretending to be obedient will be annoying...

"Liz, you will be the official leader soon!" Dawn said in a whisper.

"...Liz is an expert in dealing with dead followers. Regardless of her young age, many dead followers have already been attacked. If this mission is really to attack the apostles, Liz is also the one who fights, but it's not me! I'm just a porter, a transporter... If I really let me crusade on my own, I am afraid that the boss is not pleasing to my eyes and wants me to die!"

The priest said these things to Liang Yiluo without evasiveness. He did not feel jealous or dissatisfied about the things that young girls are much younger than him. At the same time, he knew his own situation very well. Narubalek is not so respectful and afraid...

Even if the combat effectiveness is very low, Liang Yiluo knows that the burial agency cannot recruit useless people. The director of the burial agency Narubalek, although he has only met once, is very impressive. He is not a simple woman. , This Father Daun, in some respects, must have an irreplaceable role!

Those who can enter the burial facility are all weird!

Item 0045

"Since it's not a crusade against the dead, a burial institution, a knight fighter, what did he do when he came to this remote place?"

Liang Yiluo asked strangely.

But Daun, as expected by Liangyi, didn't have any idea of ​​secrecy at all, and directly stated the content of the mission.

"It's not a big deal. I'm just as a transporter to send Liz... Although Liz is excellent and has experience in crusade against dead people, Cardinal Geser Barunne is afraid that she does not have too much society. Experience, so please ask me to send her over. I have nothing to do, and the boss doesn’t care about it, so he agreed."

Fearing that Liang Yilu didn’t understand, Dawn continued to explain: "...Liz can be regarded as the godson of Cardinal Guthébarune, and Cardinal loves her very much..."

Liang Yi nodded and said, "Then Father Daun, can you not tell me the point?"

After talking a lot, although the priest exposed a lot of information, but there was none of them. As for the specific reason for coming here, I didn't say a word in a daze!

"Sorry, sorry!" Dawn smiled embarrassedly.

"Mr. Magician, do you know the Liyuan Girls' Academy?"

Liang Yiluo wondered why the priest asked the Liyuan Women's Academy, but he also said, "...I still know some."

Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu's current school, Cangzaki Orange once studied, in the realm of the sky is also a place with a lot of space, Liang Yi Luo will naturally understand it.

This moment, Dao En was stunned, " know so much, Lord Magic!"

Dawn originally thought that Liang Yiluo didn’t know this place. For a magician, maybe it was the kind of magician who has been living in history. It is very likely that an academy in this era should not know at all. of.

He also intends to introduce this academy from the beginning. You know, Dawn is sometimes very verbose, but since Liang Yiluo knows this, it saves a lot of things.

"There are two aristocratic women’s colleges. They are headquartered in the United Kingdom and the branch is nearby. However, the headquarters of the United Kingdom has been abandoned. Now there is only one college here. I sent Liz here , Just to bring her to work, Liz is the alternate dean of the Ceremony Garden Girls' College..."

"Alternate Dean?" Liang Yiluo said in confusion, because in his memory, the dean of the future Ritual Girl College was not this young girl, or was she already retiring at that time?

"Storindobari can be said to be the commander of the Vestel String and Shield Knights? The Ritual Girl’s Academy is just a school for ordinary people. Why does the church send a fighter with such talent to be the dean of this academy? ?"

"...It should be Cardinal Gerse Barunne who wants Liz to come here to learn something. You must know that the times are different. Only studying theology in the monastery can no longer adapt to this society. I am afraid the bishop thinks so. And Liz is still young and has enough time to study, as long as she doesn't take down her homework as a knight." Dawn replied.

Liang Yiluo glanced at Liz Byfield. Since she was very mature and sensible in front of her, it is understandable that the bishop asked her to come here to study. The Liyuan Girls’ College is the aristocratic college of the young lady. Miss’s knowledge can also be obtained here, but as far as Liz Byfield’s nature is concerned, those don’t care at all, right?

"...Of course! The church also has to eat! As the school for the noble ladies, the girls’ families are the homes of the rich and famous in the world. Even if the noble ladies cannot be made into devout believers, they can also be allowed They have a good impression of the church, and occasionally donating money to the church is normal, isn’t it! Sending someone with a certain status to be the dean here is nothing to blame!" Dawn is simply a merchant in the market, saying there. The head is right, and the entire church is regarded as an enterprise.

However, Liang Yiluo admired his speech and his carelessness.

Most of the people in the Templar Church are humans and have to eat. Such a large organization can't run without money!

"...The academy is also close to Misaki Town. The Aozaki Family Church has never felt relieved. Let Liz sit here and support him if he has something to do."

All such secrets were told to Liang Yiluo, and Liz Byfield did not stop or correct Dawn's remarks.

To be able to show their original characteristics in front of this priest, the two should have enough understanding and trust in a short period of time.

One is lacking power but not caring about anything, and the other is afraid of trouble and laziness. It is reasonable for these two'degraded' personalities to recognize each other.

The personality of this Father Dawn is very attractive. Liz Byfield was also attracted by him inadvertently, right? It is really rare that such a person still exists in such a solemn place as the Templar Church...

Just like the male protagonist of various animation games, this uncle and priest is also a good old man. It is estimated that he deceived many young girls' hearts when he was young!

If you think about it carefully, Aozaki Aoko may go out and travel in a few years, and the surveillance responsibility for this place will be much smaller. Liz Byfield may be transferred back then. As for the Valachia night when she and Ziyuan went to crusade, Liang Yiluo didn't know or didn't want to know.

The ancestor of the dead in the Night of Wallachia was originally an alchemist, an ancestor of Shion. As an alchemist, he calculated that the land of steel was the destruction of mankind and the planet. Was he compassionate to others, or too self-conscious, he wanted to avoid the demise of mankind, and began to study the sixth method crazily, but as a human being, his short life couldn’t allow him to complete that in Liang Yi Lu. It was all extremely troublesome'magic'. In the end, he signed a contract with Alte Luci, and became a dead man of'phenomenon', to continue to complete his unfinished law, the day the contract expires, that is, It is the time when the Vermilion Moon comes again after a thousand years!

He failed to challenge the magic and became a spiritual phenomenon covering the world. Whenever there are rumors, he will come in a state of ‘phenomenon’ and challenge the sixth method again!

In order to help his lord Alte Luci recover from his injuries, he appeared in the rumored village of Wallachia and slaughtered the entire village, letting pieces of human skins scattered in it, and using the blood, Only then did Alte Luci recover a little bit, so as not to fall, and the name of this ancestor was only established at that time...

This thirteenth ancestor can be regarded as his subordinate to a certain extent. As long as he is obedient, Liangyi Luo will not treat him well, let alone help others to defeat his subordinates!

Of course, if he is disobedient, Liang Yiluo doesn't care about making him feel what ‘magic’ is!

Liang Yiluo knows his wife very well. Except for the black and white knight and the primate killer, for Alte Luci, the other subordinates are all abandoned children who can be abandoned at will!

For this reason, Alte Luci will persuade his subordinates to prevent them from having any conflict with Liang Yiluo...

Item 0046

In essence, the Church and Liangyiluo are enemies, but in this world, interests are the top priority. Even if it is an enemy, as long as nothing crosses the other side’s bottom line, the two sides will not really fight... …

Just like the ranking of the twenty-seventh ancestors of the dead, as long as the dead still exercise a little restraint, it is impossible for the two sides to really break out any large-scale battle...

The interior of the twenty-seventh ancestor of the dead is extremely unstable. When a certain ancestor was crusade, other ancestors who had an antagonism with that ancestor might even go to the bottom of the rock. It is precisely because of this that the church church has been successful for hundreds of years. Several times of crusade...

This great power that has been passed down for two thousand years is still prosperous, and it must have a miracle that can be called the "world", so no matter whether it is Altluci or the Fall of the two rites, it will kill the people of the temple church and weaken The other party has vitality, but I never thought of completely eradicating it. When my strength is not enough to crush everything, it is better to do less of this kind of injury to the enemy and 800 to self-damage...

Unknowingly, there is already an empty bottle at the foot. The priest in front of him has already drunk slightly. At the end of the drink, the priest said to get something, and then brought a lot of wine from that very high-tech car. ...

The wine this time is not just some beers, but genuine foreign wines. Most of the alcohols are quite high. Liang Yiluo is completely letting go of himself without using any other power. Only with the body of an ordinary person, I feel a little bit. gosh……

As for the Liz Byfield, he is already lying on the ground and can't get up. Although he has not fainted yet, he seems to be sparsely aware...

"By the way, Father Dawn, you say you are an exorcist?"