Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 450


"Sakura has grown so big!"

Liang Yiluo's tone was a pun, and she glanced at the girl's breasts.

Ma Tong Sakura’s hair was originally as black as Tosaka Rin. This world has not been ravaged by insects. She should have been the black hair of Tosaka’s family, but perhaps she inherited the magic engraving of Ma Tong’s family. From the outside, the one that was avoided was the orthodox heir of the Ma Tong family.

With a gentle smile and a little bit of tears in the corners of her eyes, a girl with long blue and purple hair in home clothes, her full **** broke the age limit!

Not to mention her age, even many adult women are ashamed!

This is a beautiful cherry blossom that is slowly opening...

At the sight of Liang Yiluo, Jian Tongying was even shy and joyful. She was grateful for this usually a little cumbersome breast.

"Don't invite me in?"

"You, please come in!"

She let out the door in a panic, Jian Tongying lowered her head a little shyly, gently stroking the corners of her clothes with her small fingers.

"Big brother, do you want to stay?"

Ma Tongying blushed and asked.

"Fall! Just call my name... Of course, I would be even more happy if I added the word brother after Sakura!"

"Yes, Brother Luo!"

Ma Tong Ying, who didn't know how to reject others, cried out a little happily.

"It looks like I can only stay with you tonight, but I don't know how many days I live there. There are a lot of things. I'm afraid I won't stay in this city for long."

"is it……"

Ma Tongying sighed with disappointment after hearing this.

But soon, I replaced the disappointment in my heart with happiness, and cheered for myself: ‘It’s okay, Sakura! You are still young! There is time! ’

At the same time, she also found that Liang Yiluo had changed a little as an adult. Although he was gentle with himself back then, he always had a cold feeling that made Jian Tongying a little scared.

The current Liang Yi Luo, the feeling of cold light is gone, only strength and gentleness are left, which makes the smile on Jian Tong Ying's face even more beautiful.

"Sakura! Who is it?"

A somewhat anxious male voice called from upstairs, followed by messy footsteps.

"Brother Shen Er! Look who is here!"

Kozakura happily said to the boy who came down from the stairs.

"This... Master Liangyi!"

Suddenly, the anxious young man became extremely serious, as if a soldier had seen the general, and shouted respectfully.

Although I don’t know what happened back then, Shinji Matsushi yelled like that ten years ago. Sakura didn’t think much about it, or that her personality is the kind of facing the person she likes, regardless of the other person. I can't doubt anything.

This is a completely different second master from Liang Yiluo's memory, without arrogance and gloom, he looks like a hearty brother-shaped figure.

A strange smell suddenly came, and Liang Yiluo sniffed slightly, glanced at Sakura with a smile, and said, "Are you cooking Sakura? It seems, something is burning."


With an exclamation, Ma Tongying said anxiously: "Brother Luo, want to eat together?"

Although the tone is a bit anxious, but the voice is still very small.

"If you don't find it bothersome, just do my share together!"

"No, no trouble!"

While answering quickly, Ma Tongying put her hands on her chest as if praying, and ran to the kitchen.

Leaning casually on the sofa, Liang Yiluo signaled Ma Tong Shinji to sit down.

"Let's talk about what happened in the past few years!"

"Yes!" Like a soldier who took orders, Shinji Matong recounted all the major events that had happened in the past few years.

Without the existence of Jian Tong dirty inkstone, this Jian Tong family has been almost daily for the past ten years, except that the death of Jian Tong Yanye and Tosaka Aoi is slightly more serious, there is no other major event.

Shinji Ma and Sakura Ma go to school like ordinary young girls. The only difference from ordinary people is that they have to go home to practice magic.

For the time being, Makiri Sakura’s magical aptitude is not to be mentioned. The original Makiri Shinji, who is simply a waste of wood, has only a few poor magic circuits, but he is only good at or only good at it. Magic such as'strengthening' the flesh!

Moreover, Shinji Ma's behavior over the past few years has stunned Liang Yi Luo...

Excellent grades and good looks. Participated in Kyudo Club and won prizes in municipal competitions. There are suitors but not sentimental. He is devoted to his sister, not to mention insulting and even sexually abused Sakura like Liang Yiluo remembered. Now, who is the current Shinji Ma Tong who said that Sakura’s is not, just ignore the kind of person who went up to fight!

‘Is it... My distorted personality back then was too much! ’

This is the model for the protagonist Shinji Ma Tong, making Liang Yi Luo feel guilty...

Item 0016

Ma Tong Ying, according to the standards, is indeed a perfect woman, versatile in housework, gentle and considerate, and a good material for a wife!

Dinner is Western-style, and Sakura even makes desserts, and those cakes are really delicious.


This night, Jian Tongying went to sleep with a smile, but in her dreams, it made her miserable...

She is like a bystander, watching the life of "Matong Sakura"!

Since I was young, I have been devastated by the worms of the dirty inkstone of the Tongtong, and I have not been saved. Because of the engraved worms, my body collapsed. I must have **** with the magician and get their **** to erase the pain of the body...

Starting from possessing abilities, she was raped and abused by Shinji Matong. There is no future and no light. Matongying's consciousness is just a doll on that filthy body.

Seeing her sister being welcomed by people and seeing her living the life of her dreams, she was jealous, she was angry, but she was gentle and blessed silently.

The whole life is spent in the gnawing of insects and the **** of the male magician. The only function of the body is to turn into the holy grail of darkness in the end...

The white-haired Ma Tongying, with a broken smile, manipulated endless magic power to fight her sister to the death!

"No! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! Don't! This isn't me! This isn't me! This isn't me! This isn't me! All of this is fake, it's all fake!!!"
