Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 546

El Quett suddenly realized that Merian Solomon was also the burial agency, and that Roa was the founder!

Item 0099

"His Royal Highness, do you need my help?"

Dawn said briskly, while also having a headache, why would you meet this princess who makes your head hurt here! And where is that guy Meilian, who let the princess out just like this and ran around, is it really stupid to be beaten by that magician, even if the princess is resurrected?

Although Dawn didn’t want to be troublesome, he could only bite the bullet when he saw El Quette’s angry look. He was really afraid that the princess might suddenly violent. If so, even if not. What casualties, this airport is probably going to be over! No one dared to doubt the power of the true ancestor Bai Ji, let alone such an airport, she has unlimited energy and unlimited magic power, she can dismantle the city with her bare hands!

If you want her to stop, you need to hurt her to reduce her strength, but modern weapons and the supernatural powers in this city don't seem to be able to stop this princess!

Although there is usually no clergy's consciousness, Daun is still a priest after all, so he had to take the initiative to come and rescue him.

The white-haired nun next to him also bowed her head sternly: "I'm Karen Aldysia!"

She was naturally taken by Dawn, the nun who should be extremely miserable in her life!

Seeing these two people, El Quette hesitated for a while, as if wondering if he could solve the problem, and finally he said, "I'm going there!"

Point to a location on the world map on the big screen above the service desk.

But it’s not easy for Princess Princess to read the map!

Dawn carefully compared the lower positions, and then said with a sigh of relief: "Haha, it turns out that your Royal Highness is going to that island country. That's great, we are going there too, why don't we just go along the way?"

Father Dawn suddenly recovered his true colors.


Elquette nodded and agreed, not caring about his own safety at all. Yes, not many people could threaten the real ancestor Bai Ji, but the priest who went with him. He should pay attention to his own safety, in case the princess is there. I am interested in airplanes in the air, what should I do if I take them apart!

Falling from thousands of meters above the ground, Elquite has a way to keep himself safe, but the priest who is only an exorcist is about to fall into a meatloaf!

"Wait a moment!" Finding that things went smoother than he thought, Dawn quickly picked up his mobile phone and made a call, but when the people around saw that they met, they also left helplessly.

When you dial the phone, you are naturally looking for the bishop of this city. The person on the other side of the phone, when he heard that it was the arrival of the princess, broke out in a cold sweat, and then quickly prepared everything. There was no identity certificate. , Immediately became a serious, law-abiding citizen!

"I'll buy you a ticket!"

Dawn said to Elquet that he was going to help her with some trivial things. Dawn also decided that he must teach her all the basic common sense when on the plane!

Although the princess can get the necessary knowledge from Gaia, knowing and understanding are two concepts. Usually, Mei Lian will help her. Naturally, Mei Lian will not teach the white princess some necessary common sense. It is said that no matter what the princess does, it is normal to kill all the humans in a city. How can the mere humans be compared with the true ancestor Bai Ji?

"Karen, help me look at her!"

He whispered to the nun, and Daun quickly went to buy a ticket.

After Dawn had gone away, Elquet looked at Karen Aldysia curiously, and went around her in a circle.

"Am I wrong? Master Bai Ji!"

Karen frowned, wondering what this true ancestor was going to do.

Elquet's nose moved, like a puppy, and then said strangely: "You have a strange smell on your body."


With a sigh, Karen opened the mouth and said, "I didn't expect even you to find out? There is a demon on my body..."

"Demon? Isn't the Templar Church an expert in this area?"

Elquet tilted his head and looked at Karen puzzled.

Obviously an expert in exorcism, but let the devil possess oneself?

"This time the devil is a bit strange, even Father Daun has no clue, have you seen the princess?"

Karen asked El Quette. Although the princess was a little natural, she did know many secrets.

Elquet tilted his head for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it either!"

"is it……"

Although the answer was so unfeeling, Karen still had a faint tone, as if not caring about the demons in her body.

"It looks like, do you still need to find that strange priest..."

Muttering to herself in a low voice, Karen thought of the priest who brought her out of the monastery when she was a child.

After so many years, she who has grown up naturally knows that she was trained as a weapon rather than as a person when she was a child. She is also grateful to the priest in her heart. Without him, how sad her life would be. Karen couldn't even think about it.

And now Father Daun treats her very well, just like a father. These are the two most important people in her life. One gave her the future and the other gave her the present...

Whether it is her biological father or mother, it is a dispensable existence for her.

She had long known that the priest who saved her was the first magician, but she was still called the priest.

Not long after, Dawn ran back quickly, shook the ticket at El Quette, and then greeted the two of them: "Go on, Your Royal Highness and Karen, the plane will take off soon! "

As he walked to the boarding area, Dawn asked, "Well, your Royal Highness, which island country are you going to?"

"Roa is resurrected!"

In just five words, Alquette let Dawn know the whole story. The founder of the burial agency is also the biggest traitor and heresy of the burial agency. Every member of the burial agency knows his story. And also want to let that supernumerary ancestor, the snake of Akashia die!

However, he who has completed the infinite rebirth, although he has died alive and alive in the past eight hundred years, he can't be completely eliminated!

Looking at the princess, and thinking of the magician that exists on that island country, Dawn suddenly had a hunch, I am afraid that Mitchell Roa Fadanyang will really fall completely this time!

The plane from Frankfurt Airport to the Far East has taken off, and that island country will also welcome the princess of the true ancestor!

Item 0100

"Welcome to you, Father Luo Zhen!"

At the gate of the Liyuan Women's College, the old nun said solemnly and respectfully.

The older nun looked at Liang Yiluo carefully, always feeling like she had seen it somewhere, but her memory started to decline, but she couldn't remember it anymore.

And the name Rozhen Brunstad, she can guarantee that she has never heard of it...

This is the mother who brought Liang Yi to the dean's room ten years ago, but Liang Yi Luo has not changed in the past ten years. In the subconscious mind of that mother, she is rejecting this very familiar place.

"I heard that there are rumors of fairies here?"

Turning into a name, Luo Zhen said with a warm voice.

"It's true. A girl tried to commit suicide in the old school building before. Before she committed suicide, her behavior was a little abnormal. She had been talking vaguely like goblins. But these are just common rumors, and it's not a big deal. , The church does not need to send you over."