Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 700

"Sakura, be careful! This may be a trap!"

But after hearing Liang Yiluo's words, Jian Tongying was already pleasantly surprised, and didn't care what Medusa said.

"No Rider! Brother Luo would never do that!"

"Then Sakura, do you agree?"

Liang Yiluo smiled.

"of course!"

Regardless of Rider's stop, Ying Meng nodded her little head...

Item 0252

Liang Yiluo took Sakura and Medusa out of Ma Tong's house, and the destination was the Wei Gong family. Now that the treasure of Semiramis was not formed, Liang Yiluo was going to use it as a base for the time being.

Because of the ritual in his own territory, he didn't want anyone to bother him.

Shinji Matsumoto burned his enthusiasm under the fallacies of the two elders, staying at Matsumoto's house, and fighting to protect the "family".

Standing at the door of Matsumoto's house, it was King Arthur and Joan of Arc. Semiramis couldn't stay away from the ceremony place because of the ceremony, so he didn't follow, and Medea also wanted to help her perform the ceremony.

After converging the two holy girls, several people began to go to the house of Wei Gong.

Although Sakura is curious about Saber and Joan of Arc, she is just a bit shy by nature and did not ask too much. Medusa has been protecting Sakura closely, and is extremely vigilant against the other two heroes, fearing that Liang Yilu suddenly orders After they shot, Medusa asked herself that under the attack of these two heroes, she didn't have much chance of surviving.

On the way to Eomiya's house, Joan, who had a greater perception than Saber, suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to stop Ryogi.

"Luo Jun, please stop, there are heroic spirits watching!"

In the right hand appeared the secret weapon belonging to the saint. It was the holy flag of Joan of Arc to command the French army. In the past, countless elite soldiers gathered under this banner!

"Is it the enemy?"

Since knowing the concept of the Holy Grail War, although I dare not say that it is an enemy of the world, they do have too many enemies. King Arthur held the holy sword in both hands, took a step forward, and placed all Liangyiluo and Ying under his protection.

"Please don't be impulsive, we don't have any hostility!"

On the roof of the house not far away, the blue spearman appeared, and beside him, it was his Master, Bazette.

"Salute you, Lord Magic!"

Like a man, Bazet in a suit performed a housekeeper's etiquette.

"Bazette? I still remember you..."

"It is my honor to be remembered by you."

The beauty of men's wear is still very formal.

"You, as the Master, and your heroic spirits should also know the situation this time, so come here, do you already have an idea?"

"Yes, this war is no longer something I can fight against. Therefore, I hope you can let me join your command temporarily."

Bazette spoke seriously about his alliance.

"Ha, although I prefer to fight alone, in this situation, fighting alone is just the courage of one man!"

Ireland's Son of Light said boldly.

"It's best to have such an idea, then come with me, I have notified Einzbern's house."

He made a request, and this time the team grew even stronger.


"Killed Berserker four times??"

Ilia looked at the place where the red bowman disappeared in disbelief. Except for the beautiful red gem, there was nothing left.


With a low voice, Tosaka Rin walked slowly to the place where the red A had disappeared, and picked up the gem. The last inherent barrier of the red archer, the figure fighting alone on the deserted hill, deserves to be a true hero!

After staying for a while, Illya returned to her old smile. Her calm words carried the pride of victory, and she said: "Even if the heroic spirit of that level uses the inherent enchantment, it cannot be Berserker. Your opponent’s! Now that you have no heroes, what else can you do?"

In accordance with Ilia's words, Hercules raised the axe and sword in his hand high.

"Kirji! Now pay the price for what you did in the first place!"

Illia gave a grinning grin. As long as she gave an order, under the terrifying power of Hercules, Kirishu Eomiya would definitely die instantly, but apart from the grinning, she did not issue any orders for a long time.

Eimiya Kirisugu ignored Shirou's obstruction, stepped over the crowd and came to Hercules. He looked at Ilia so peacefully, letting her decide her own life and death.

"Humph! At this time you are acting as a hero again, what are you doing then!!"

Illia looked at Eumiya Kirishu bitterly. When she needed a hero most, her father didn't show up, but when others needed a hero, he always stood at the forefront.

However, Illiya opened her mouth, no matter how hard she was, she couldn't issue the order to kill.

Just when Ilia hated her cowardice, the distant sky was suddenly blocked by the red curtain, and at this moment, as long as it was a character related to the Holy Grail, a lot of information suddenly appeared in her mind.

The arrival of the magic contact between Liang Yiluo at the right time made Ilia breathe a sigh of relief, which was a good excuse.

After completing a simple conversation with Liang Yiluo, Illiya smiled and said, "Fortunately, you are lucky! This Holy Grail War is different from the past, so let's go find Big Brother with me!"

Like a shepherd, Hercules was at the end, rushing Rin Tosaka and the father and sons of Wei Gong. Gil was carried on his back by Shirou again, and the few people were relieved, at least there is no life in danger now.


"Big Brother~~~"

It was completely different from facing Rin Tosaka, when she saw Liangyi falling behind, she jumped into his embrace. Well, since the Einzbern family has given the ownership to Liangyiluo, Illya naturally wants to please her owner.

"Illya did a good job, she actually killed a hero."

Ignoring the envy, jealousy, and hatred of Kirishu Eomiya, Ryogisaki embraced his daughter and drank tea leisurely.

"Meet again, Rin! And Xiao Shirou over there!"

Slightly raised his hands to signal a few people to sit down. In this spacious living room, almost all the Masters and heroic spirits of the Holy Grail War gathered.

"Speaking of which, you should all know the situation of this war. So, we can only unite, and if we fight alone, we will only become the laughing stock of others."

Liang Yiluo spoke leisurely, looking at him not nervous at all, and everyone else took it for granted that Liang Yiluo had snatched everyone's right to speak.

"It's not that troublesome, right? It's just some heroic spirits. With your ‘magic’, you can easily solve the problem by yourself!"