Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 705

Semiramis also placed his gaze in the window. Although the muscular man with his brother was calm and depressing, the gentleness exuded from it was incredible.

"Haha! Those little girls don't care, why don't you go and have a good chat with Saber."

"King Arthur... my lord, my kingly way runs counter to her. It is my lord and your personality to be able to stand together and fight together. My way of life is completely different from that of the holy king."

After a pause, Semiramis sighed, “But I have to say that the king’s heart is thorough and honest. She personally told me and apologized. When facing me, it was like facing her sister, so she didn’t Don’t want to communicate with me too much."

"You actually want to say that there are no need for two kings in this world, as long as one of you is enough."

Liang Yiluo laughed out loud.

"It's so boring, have you discovered it, Master!"

Semiramis said in a bit of anguish.

Liang Yi took a few steps forward with his hands behind his back, and faced the empty ground and said, "Semiramis, what is your wish?"

"Before this, I want to ask you, my lord, what is your wish? Right, money, woman, power? Or, do you want to say ‘I want to own the whole world?’"

Semiramis asked rhetorically.

"Is the problem coming back?"

Smiling softly, Liang Yiluo raised his finger to the sky, but there was nothing there.

Semiramis looked at Liang Yi falling strangely.

"You can’t see because it’s too far away? Yes, the sun’s radiance obscures everything, even the great thing cannot be compared. There, the light blocked is the moon, there is Mars, and there is Venus, you can see Jupiter across a long distance here. Semiramis, what is your so-called "world"? Is it just the earth under your feet? If so, then I don’t have the world. I'm not interested, it's really not challenging. The nine planets around the sky with the sun as the center, I, want them to revolve around me, I want to create this entire universe!"

This is, what an astonishing dream, what a ridiculous dream, and how overwhelming it is!

However, Semiramis did not laugh at him. This Assyrian empress quietly looked at the man in front of him. He was not a king, but even a king had to work for him under his command. His gaze had already surpassed the planet. Directly to the entire Universe.

Up and down the Quartet is called the universe, and the universe has always been called the universe!

The so-called universe is the endless energy and matter that runs through all time and space, as well as the existence of time and space!

Semiramis, who has seen Liang Yiluo's true body, knows that he is really moving towards this great goal, and that the incredible road is so clear before his eyes.

No one is qualified to laugh at this man’s dream!

"It's really ambitious, and I am moved by it. This is a concept that has surpassed miracles and miracles. It is not so much a dream as a delusion. But my lord, my dream is compared with you. Yinghuo and Haoyue are incalculable. I suddenly became interested, and I want to see my lord, where can I go?"

The laziness on Semiramis's face was missing, she rarely looked at Liang Yiluo squarely, her monster face was full of seriousness.

"Then can you help me? Kick away that little stone for me in my endless and expansive journey."

"Hahahahahahahaha!! Mysamiramis, the female emperor of Assyria, is only qualified to kick off the little stones for you?"

The coquettish beauty laughed, and it was not until she bent down to laugh that she regained her former laziness.

"Then I promised you, but don't let me down, my lord, my biggest wish now is to see how you move forward, lord!"

The Queen of Assyria felt flustered for the first time.

This was the only man she saw in her legendary life, which made her feel uncontrollable.

Is this man like a saint without desires and desires?

No, the Queen of Assyria denied it.

This man, he has desires, and that desire is stronger than anyone else. What he desires is that boundless power, right, whether it is a woman, it is an appendage of that power.

But this man, he is not pursuing power for the sake of power, he is not aimless, seeking blindly. He has an ideal that is broader than anyone else, and a heart that is more majestic than anyone else. With a heart that embraces the universe and is uncertain, Semiramis has a sense of helplessness. It is a greatness that is impossible to grasp!

Yes, Semiramis can feel that this man has human nature. He loves his lover and beautiful woman, but this man also has an extraordinary divinity. He can abandon it for his own purposes. All morals and ethics, even feelings can be discarded at any time! This is a perfect assembly of man and god!

He is more difficult to deal with than a holy person who has no desires, because his desires are really big and boundless!

For the female emperor of Assyria, a man is just a toy, and there are countless people who have been taken away because of her instigation.

For a woman, she is only limited to her own existence. Except for the women necessary for reproduction, a woman who can manipulate a man casually, she only recognizes herself!

From the very beginning, she lived a life like this...

Her mother was a **** who gave birth to her for committing adultery with a man. As a god, the mother regarded this as a shame and abandoned her and killed the man.

The cry of the queen with the blood of gods when she was a baby attracted the attention of the pigeons. Countless pigeons gathered around her, warming her with her body, and feeding her with milk that she did not know where she got. In the feathers of the dove, the queen of the white dove gradually grows up.

Then, ten years later, she was discovered by a herding man, and since then she has entered the human society and learned all the knowledge she likes with absolute talent.

She hates women, and she will not forgive even a **** for a weak and stupid woman who is played by a man between applause.

She ridicules men and always insults women. In fact, they are only those who are full of animal desires, who should be played with!

‘It’s you stupid that didn’t stop the man’s temptation! ’

Semiramis used to mock his mother so much.

but now--

"It's Mysemiramis, there was a day when I was tempted by a man."

This man, the man who surpassed human beings, surpassed gender, and stood here as an absolute transcender, the way of survival deeply attracted her!

She suddenly wanted to see how he achieved his ambition! Even if you lose because of lack of strength, it is also very interesting. With such an ambition, how desperate will a person with such an ambition be when his dream is shattered?

Become the devil who destroys the world? Become a pervert with only animal desires and no reason?

In any case, if you really get to that point, even if you use your own body as the price, as long as you can see the ending, everything is worth it!

Item 0257

"Master Luo! This is what happened last night."

Medea, who was on the side, finally finished his work at this time, and said.

Liang Yiluo focused on the crystal ball in Medea's hands, and countless pictures flashed quickly inside, all of which were the killing of ghouls in the night.

"Any dead people have entered this city. And they are so unscrupulously making ghouls."

The enchantment of the Tosaka family could not clearly perceive the dead, otherwise, the Templar Church would not be so troublesome to chase down the dead. Some of the dead were completely hidden in the crowd, and as long as they did not do too much in one breath, the Templar Church would not be able to find them.

"What should I do, Lord Luo?"

Medea was like a witch, manipulating her magic, and her low tone gave people a mysterious illusion.

"If you don't find the dead ghouls who are the creators of the ghouls, it will be useless to clean up these ghouls. I don't know if this dead is the twenty-seventh ancestor... directly inform everyone and let them night When patrolling, if you encounter ghouls, kill them. Although I hope that everyone in this city will die, it will become a burden during the battle. However, if there are too many ghouls, it is a troublesome thing."