Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 760

"I hope this is the last time, Lord Ji, I really miss you."

He sighed helplessly, the proud ancestor of the dead was unable to resist and could only obey the orders of others, which made Brad's heart very uncomfortable.

"Ghost-military force!"

The flat plains of England were half turned into sea water. The ghosts of pirates crisscrossing the ocean appeared behind Brad. The old pirate ships, like skeleton soldiers, with thick iron muzzles, cheered in the air and on the sea. So, compared with King Arthur's army, there is no discipline, but there is another kind of weird majesty.

"My children!!! Today, let us conquer the territory of England and turn this continent into our raging ocean!!!"

Standing at the forefront, the white knight, like the king of pirates, commanded the pirate ghost who can do no evil, driving a huge ship that can cut the wind and waves, whizzing and rolling up the waves of several meters, and rushing towards the Knights of the Round Table!

"Wow oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

All kinds of strange sounds sounded, like clown-like pirate ghosts, brandishing the swords in their hands, following Brad, shuttled on the pirate ship with sensitive movements, and roared at King Arthur's army.


"It's the end of the world! Karen, God is already angry, let's go find a place to hide!"

The unscrupulous priest with the hedgehog head, obviously as an exorcist, is now like a substitute, with his goddaughter, clearing the world like a ghoul that pops up like a zombie.

"The whole world has become like this. Where can we go? It's already pretty good without encountering too powerful dead men."

The girl with silver hair and golden eyes decisively killed the vampire, without the appearance of a nun at all.

"The earth is too dangerous, Karen, how about we escape to an alien?"

"You are dreaming again, Mr. Father!"


"Beo, clean them up..."

Surrounded by an unknown number of ghouls, the witch's expression is still very calm, not even a trace of mood swings.

"Got it! But these things are really disgusting, Big Sister Youzhu!"

The golden werewolf complained in a childish tone, but still waved his claws and killed all the ghouls easily.

The witch of the fairy tale didn't say a word, and her white face was a little more anxious, which was nostalgia and concern for someone.


"What a disgusting thing!"

Tono Akiba gritted her teeth fiercely, and her red hair turned the blood-sucking creatures into ashes.

The jade and amber on the side picked up the broom and smashed the ghouls into pieces like they were sweeping the floor.

"Miss Qiuye, these creatures have been increasing recently, and they have even appeared blatantly in the city."

Amber lowered his head and said respectfully.

"Where did these things come from!"

Patriarch Tono, who didn't know the magic world, asked suspiciously.


The blade light flashed, and the sword shadow disappeared.

Just like the great swordsman in ancient times, people can't see the girl's action. The dignified posture and inviolable majesty make the girl attract all the attention of the world with an absolute sense of presence.

The girl in the light-colored kimono frowned and touched her belly lightly. There was indeed life brewing there, but didn't they all say that they were pregnant in October? Why hasn't there been any movement after so many years? The two rituals that have been for women are thinking strangely.

"Forget it! Don't care about this kind of thing... My elder brother, I don't know what excuse you have for not returning home for a few years?"

The expressions of the two rituals were cold, with a cold snort, and the light of the knife flashed, and the head of a ghoul was cut off by her.

Without even looking at the decapitated ghoul, the two rituals carried the sword in their hands, and walked forward like an outing. The red enchantment there was so obvious that her deadly eyes could not See through the'death' of that level of enchantment!


"Are you satisfied? Mr. Liangyi, the direction of the world has always been in your wish."

The lava rolling earth, blood-red ferocious firmament, lightning arbitrarily, death wandering, this newly embryonic, extremely broken world, two ‘transcendents’ are sitting on the scarlet throne.

"Although there are some errors in the details, the overall situation has not changed. Of course I am very satisfied."

Liang Yiluo, who was sitting across from Six Kings, nodded gently.

Everything was performed according to his own script. The King of Conquer was severely injured and defeated his most admired hero, Achilles, the protagonist of the Iliad.

I have to say that the way of thinking of that king is different from that of ordinary people. Because of worship, he has to defeat and conquer. His path to king is pure and powerful.

Saber and Wallachia’s night plus the White Knight’s battle, from the perspective of the situation, the victory must belong to her, and there is no danger in other aspects. It is perfect that no one who has the bond will die if he cares about it. Can't get the perfect result anymore.


"It’s not like you at all, Mr. Liangyi! You and I are both result-oriented people and not process-oriented. Why do you have to worry about this trivial process? You should know that no matter how perfect your interpretation of this script is , How in line with your idea, if the final result is that I defeat you, then those processes are useless things, right?"

Six Kings regretted it, and looked at Liang Yi Luo a little bit inconceivably. I wonder if this person who is such a self in his opinion can't see through this?

"Six kings, your luck is really good. The world I met is this world, the only world I don't want to abandon for the time being. If it is in other worlds, I can indeed abandon the process and sacrifice everything for the result, but only here. , I want to make the process and the result the perfection I need."

"I can't understand why people who are both transcendent masters of'Dharma' must be restrained by emotion."

The doubts of the six kingships are so solemn.

"Oh? You really can’t understand? I don’t know the thoughts of people who have mastered the multiverse, the'truth of perfection', but under the principle of perfection, all beings will have their own feelings, the devil in the abyss The king is like this, and you are no exception."

Liang Yiluo looked at Six Kings with a smile, as if seeing through the deepest part of his heart, the buried thing.

For the first time, the Six Kings, who would never have mood swings, had a feeling of anger and anger.

"Only the advantage of tongue!!"


The high-level dimension is cut open, driving the powerful destruction of the low-level dimension!

Without any signs, the throne of the two was cut into two parts, and the blood of the dimensional concept flowed down!

Chapter 0309 The Reversal Of Heaven And Earth, Qian And Kun

"Hahahaha! Is this annoyed into anger, Six Kings? Returning the original words, this is not like you at all!"

Liang Yiluo stood in the air and laughed, but although he seemed to be teasing Six Kings, his eyes were full of solemnity.