Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1056: Holy light!

Chapter 1057 Holy Light!

Daisy thought for a while and still didn’t use the name of Osut to do this. I asked millions of believers to call Aussut if they were full every day. This lasted for decades and hundreds of years, maybe it could really make this happen. This ancient **** broke away from Emperor Weishan's system and became independent again.

But is this really good? Will Oshutu thank her? In what way to thank, Daisy has a 50% probability that the other party will use her to fill the vacancy of Emperor Weishan, three missing and one yo, immortal, young girls still hesitate, get in the car!

She has to be so fearless to what extent will she be full enough to support others?

Even if there is no topping the pot, hello everyone, I have a good greeting, and I have gained the friendship of Oshutu, but what will happen next? Will the boss who forced Oshutu to join the Emperor Weishan thank her? Daisy thinks that this tycoon is the court of life in all likelihood, and exchange the favor of Oshutu with the favor of the court of life?

It's not a good thing to think about it, just keep it as it is.

Maybe the second force of Adam will do this, but she is not Adam.

I didn't use Oshutu's name, and I didn't use my own name.

A group of white-bearded grandpas hid in the small black room and chanted loudly, ‘Lord Daisy Johnson, please give me strength! That picture is really embarrassing. She doesn't need faith, and she doesn't want to make a lot of people drool at her portrait and sculpture. If there are a few fanatics, she will feel sick when she thinks of nothing.

Made entirely out of thin air, she used the accumulation of energy in the void to create a spiritual entity, and then added her own mental power characteristics. As long as you connect this spiritual entity, you will see part of Daisy's understanding of Oshutu spells.

You can't use Oshutu's appearance, nor can you use her appearance.

Daisy shaped it for a long time, and finally used the emblem of the combination of the two as a transit.

A very three-dimensional golden octagonal star floats in the air. It keeps flashing. From any angle, you can see the eight corners. The center part bears the positive triangle mark of Oshutu.

"This is?" Wanda asked in a low voice.

"Holy Light! Isn't it a good name?" She directly used the doctrine and modified the corners and corners. It looked golden, especially holy and mysterious.

Daisy injected some energy into it, and transformed her star power into the power of holy light through this spiritual entity.

It would make her a little burdened at first, but when there are more people using it, everyone inputs energy into it, but she can extract energy for her own use.

That is, I am for everyone, for everyone!

Seeing that there was no problem, she wanted Wanda to try to learn from the idea that the fat water would not flow into the field of outsiders. Whoever loves to learn those chaotic magic with huge sequelae.

But in the first step, the level of prayer and calling is stuck.

She was stunned to watch Wanda act like a wish for a meteor.

"Stop, stop! What are you doing? If it is more difficult to call Aoshutu, you can try to call my manifestation." Daisy did not completely reject Aoshutu's rights in this, but She tried to call twice, and found that there was no response at all, as if she was dead, but there was a response when she called to her eight-pointed star holy light entity.

"Hehe, it feels... it feels a little weird..." Wanda tried it twice, and was almost close to her mental entity, but the spell he used was skewed and extremely loose. Let alone the enemy, even a firework is not flying high enough.

Daisy summed up with her for a long time and came to a conclusion.

Lack of awe, Wanda is too familiar with her, does not have the faith to pray for, let alone the so-called piety.

The goal of this prayer was still going to bed with her yesterday, there can be a ghostly piety.

"No, no, I can't do it..." Wanda lowered his head, wanting to laugh a little, but tried to endure it, and seemed to endure very hard.

Daisy thought for a while: "Well... then don't mention my name anymore, don't mention it at the beginning, let them discover the truth after they have reached a certain depth on the Path of Light, so credibility Relatively high...I will try someone else later."

If you don’t return to your hometown if you are rich and honorable, like walking at night in Jinyi, you are so awesome that others don’t know what is the use?

You must let everyone know, but you can't take the initiative to notify, it's too low. Daisy still has experience in this area. The US government still has a lot of thoughts about the nuclear bombs in her hand. In three days or so, agents from FBI and cia spy on SHIELD.

Only when people understand one thing can they be in awe. She has a lot of weapons that are more powerful than nuclear bombs, but people on earth are afraid of nuclear bombs...

Putting the matter of the Holy Light's spiritual entity aside, they started rummaging for the artifact here.

There is a piece of clothing in the attic that has exceeded the category of artifacts. Whether it is attribute or energy imprint, or the grand atmosphere on it, it proves that this piece of clothing is completely woven by the light of dawn and is from Oshutu.

Ms. Liming is the honorific name given to the ancient **** Oshutu in many ancient documents. The main reason why this dress was left here intact and not taken away by previous mages is because it is a piece of clothing. Ladies!

It seems to be the kind of clothes with a lot of shame, a very unique shape, and the total fabric of the whole clothes.

It's not too big to watch the excitement. Wanda's own dark attributes are too strong to wear this dress, so she will try to put it on.

"Okay, what if someone keeps the back hand?" Director Dai has no interest in this dress, which is similar to a one-piece swimsuit. The front opens to the belly button. After wearing it, it will definitely show the ditch and the ball, and the back will be full. Lu, most of the ribs are hollowed out. The skirt is similar to Qi Nahan's short skirt. Daisy shook her head and refused. No matter how good the attributes are, I will not wear it.

Those old wizards in ancient times were mostly frightened by this look, and the rest should also be worried about being Will the **** of white magic not be black? Who can guarantee? What if Oshutu's will is hidden in the clothes, and after wearing them, he will take the house?

Pulling Wang to the second floor, there seems to be at least 30 artifacts here, and there are more than a dozen pieces of unclear purpose and nature, while the number on the first floor is more, but relatively low-level.

The two officially started work.

First ask Eve about the purpose of some of the artifacts and the things that suppress the seal below, and then start to clear them one by one.

A lot of things are fair, the magical power of the entire world plummeted in the big environment, and some magical creatures with the same root and the same magical power were also hit hard.

Daisy checked the three seals in a row, and found that the sealed objects inside had already hung up on her own. The magic of the whole world faded, and even with the immortal attributes, many monsters did not withstand it.

The remaining alive are also badly injured, and they have reached the point of taking a breath for half a minute.

Did not say, pull it out and hang it.

(End of this chapter)