Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1374: S.H.I.E.L.D. vs. Atlantis

S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau's posture of deploying troops and generals is naturally not acting.

They are indeed ready to attack Atlantis, and it makes no difference whether Namor chooses to resist or surrender.

If there are contradictions, they must fight. If there are no contradictions, they must fight. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been planning for this internally for more than a month.

This time Daisy shot directly on the earth and forcibly dragged Atlantis out of the water. She had a deep plan. As for why she came to Namor, it could only be said that he was rather unlucky.

Daisy has too much work now. Building a cloned multiverse involves most of her energy, and spending time with her family takes up the remaining free time.

In Kerry and Shandar, she arranged a clone to manage it. As for the earth, she didn't have much time to take care of SHIELD.

The bald brother's entry into the White House made the elites of all countries feel terrified. S.H.I.E.L.D. is too strong to the point of being unable to communicate.

At the same time, there are some micro-words within the organization, she knew it was time.

This is not the era of feudal society, and it is very terrible that an organization has no ascending channel.

She lives for ten thousand years, will she be the head of SHIELD for ten thousand years? There is no need, it is better to leave at the peak and leave a good impression on everyone.

The director retires and the deputy director takes over. The former position of the deputy director is vacant. The agents below can take over as the deputy director. The 8th-level agent is upgraded to the 9th level, the 7th-level agent is upgraded to the 8th level, and a carrot is a pit. What a good thing to go one step further?

This kind of progress can even extend to the aunt who cleans the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau. Maybe the new director takes office and the aunt's salary will be increased by one level.

Daisy was about to retreat from the position of director and officially hand over S.H.I.E.L.D. to Hill for management.

Bald brother and Hill are just colleagues, not subordinates, they are relatively equal.

Daisy, who has been clamoring about nuclear threats, retires and Hill takes the post. This will ease the fragile self-esteem of hawks in Western countries and restore the balance of power.

It is helpful for the peace of the earth. Western countries are too weak, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is too strong. Balance is very important.

This Battle of Atlantis was used for Hill to formally take over as the director to gain reputation.

"If you find it bothersome, you can leave this to S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D.." From time to time, a staff member around Hill handed her various documents. She divided her mind into three things, signing quickly while allocating supplies and soldiers. Finally, he said a few nonsense to Stark.

Stark has many worries. He is unable to convince Namor on the basis of satisfying the interests of various countries. At the moment, apart from the use of force, he is almost incomprehensible: "If governments no longer intervene, what are you going to do?"

Hillman said nonchalantly: "Of course it is done in accordance with SHIELD's usual practice."

Stark is quite critical of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s approach, and he is still doing his best to get the two sides back to normal negotiations.

Unfortunately, Namor completely ignored his kindness.

"Atlantis people are never afraid of fighting. They didn't do it before, and they won't do it in the future!" Namor's extraordinary momentum attracted the cheers of all the Atlantis soldiers.

Stark put on his upper armor, pointed his finger at Namor, and said in a heavy tone: "You will regret it!"

"Come on! Let me see your strength!" The muscles on Namor's arm bulged, and his fighting spirit went straight into the sky.


one day later.

The United Nations signed a resolution entrusting S.H.I.E.L.D. to send troops. The countries share the cost. Hill was not too concerned about the money. After a little discussion, he took the army and set sail from the dock base.

The floating aircraft carrier has replaced many core components, retaining the original navigation and floating functions, and can now conduct space navigation.

In the interior of the earth, the function of space navigation is not available, but the super-high speed still allowed S.H.I.E.L.D. to encircle Atlantis an hour after the departure.

"Commander, everything is ready." Ms. Soundbird reported to Hill. At this time, the dark blue Atlantis had been included in the range of many artillery pieces, and the observers sent by several major powers looked at the combat information nervously. The display screens in the room.

This is Atlantis. Just by hearing the name, you know that they have a lot of black technology. Can we win?

Hill ignored their careful thoughts, and said coldly, "Fire!"

It is still the method of multi-tower fire coverage in the era of insight planning.

The projectile cannon and the plasma cannon in the rotating turret roared together, and countless shells hit the city shield of the Atlantis.

Air-to-ground missiles crashed into the sky above the city like rain, causing a series of violent explosions.

The enemy's counterattack was much weaker than expected. There were only a few scattered ground-to-air lasers. Even these lasers were very weak and caused little damage to the energy shield of the floating carrier.

"The Atlanteans seem to be weaker than I thought. Is it because they haven't had a war for a long time? Or are we overestimating them?" a US Navy chief of staff asked Hill.

"Because we are united together, countries are the strong backing of SHIELD. Our attack speed far exceeds the other's expectations, and they are not ready for war." Hill said in Mandarin.

In fact, it's not like that at all. Namor is not a fool. He started preparing for half a year in advance. How could he not have a counterattack weapon?

It's just that most of the counterattack weapons have been destroyed by Daisy.

Passive defense is too negative, but Atlantis has no good way to defend and can only carry it hard.

Hill did not give up the fine traditions of SHIELD.

Two years ago, Daisy secretly signed the [Special Immunity Treaty against Nuclear Proliferation] and [Supplementary Provisions on Weapons of Mass Destruction under Special Circumstances] with the governments of several major countries...

Regardless of the premise under which these treaties were They were signed anyway!

Things that have deterrence power should be used as they are. It is not only to deter the enemy, but also to deter ‘owners’.

Following Hill's order, two nuclear bombs fell over the city of Atlantis, and then a miniature anti-matter bomb completely shattered Atlantis' city energy shield.

The whole city is completely exposed to the horizon.

Namor was unwilling to fail, and a large number of seahorse-like aircraft lifted into the sky. More than 3,000 Atlantis fighters took the aircraft and killed the floating carrier with laser weapons.

SHIELD also uses colors.

With Hill's command, the air force of SHIELD was officially launched.

The Battle of New York confiscated a large number of individual air vehicles of the Zetarians. After being localized by Dr. Octopus, they have now become flying motorcycles.

Two hundred Kun-style fighters, three hundred X helicopters developed in cooperation with the X-Men, and more than two thousand flying motorcycles joined the battle.