Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 385: Hide the universe cube

Skye Films and Skye Data are working together. The damage here is severe. The building collapsed in half. After accessing surveillance video, Daisy discovered that Stark was crashing with a large number of Zetaric aircrafts after playing curve shifting. Yes, for this she specifically and Stark theory.

"Don't you have missiles in your armor? Need to play flying games! Did you mean it!" She discussed the compensation issue with Stark very seriously.

"Why don't you say that you use my Stark Mansion as a headquarters? Hundreds of aliens surrounded and fought!... Also, when will you give me your super-calculated three-phase cost? I owe me two months." Stark had expected it, the expression on his face was true and correct, yes, I did it on purpose, what's the matter!

Daisy laughed dryly. She kept dragging on the fee and didn't pay it. It was indeed no money. The fee of more than 200 million yuan was taken out at once, which was too distressing.

And she has been thinking about doing something to waive this fee, but unfortunately this opportunity did not show up, and now she can only continue to delay!

I blamed each other for a few words, each of the buildings repaired their own, let alone who, super count? What it is?

After handing over command, Daisy quickly had a meeting with Marinated Hill. Washington invited all government agencies to the meeting. They S.H.I.E.L.D. had the name of the National Land Strategic Defense and Logistics Support Bureau. Naturally, Within the scope of the invitation.

As the king of secret agents, the salted egg rarely appears in front of people, and Hill’s position is low. Daisy can only do this. She basically knows everyone at the meeting, and everyone else knows her. Now she is the only one in this outreach job. Suitable.

The agent's combat uniform could not be worn, so she changed into a suit and stepped on high heels to the White House for a meeting.

The content of the meeting is nothing new. New York needs to be rebuilt. There is no doubt about it. But the New York government simply can’t afford so much money. The New York government asks the federal government for help. According to their words, Mr. Mayor is already crying in the toilet. A city councillor was held on his thigh by a displaced citizen, and now the councillors dare not go out.

The city government has no money, and the federal government can't actually spend so much money!

In the past, in wars, it was possible to find the defeated countries to pay for it. Now who is it to find? Can't you go to the Zetaru?

Heizi tentatively asked several government advisers, such as Norman Osborne, and he wondered if the big consortium would provide some assistance.

Norman Osborne didn't even think about it, but flatly refused. The remaining consortiums had the same attitude, and the landlord's family had no more food.

Lack of surplus food is just an excuse. Capitalists support the United States because the United States can make them profitable. What are the benefits of post-disaster reconstruction?

"Can the alien weapons captured on the battlefield be researched?" Ohezi threw another decoy.

Several arms giants including Daisy also chose to refuse.

The weapons of the Zetarians are everywhere, and the major weapons companies actually collect a lot. If your government does not let us study it, we will not study it? Just kidding!

Moreover, to be honest, the science and technology of the Qitarians is the same, not much better than the people on earth.

Fool-style energy weapons, bombs that will not explode for half a minute, the only thing worthy of praise is their individual aircraft. What's left?

Several arms giants did not say anything. Everyone had the same idea. They are not one or two. Now they are everywhere. Alien weapons don't need government and military approval at all. We research by ourselves. What can you do?

The ills of "freedom" are undoubtedly revealed here...

Ouheizi also assigned to several real estate agents. They involved their own interests. The post-war reconstruction was tasteless to Daisy and the others, but it was a big cake for these guys. Several real estate agents gave some blood to Ouheizi. His face looked good.

But that's the end. The reconstruction of New York City needs to be calculated in units of hundreds of billions. No matter how wealthy individuals are, they cannot withstand it. The government must take the lead and the state will mobilize this matter.

Ohezi's next move is nothing more than tax increases. The central bank prints more money and distributes more money to the middle class. The fiscal deficit can be predicted to reach a new high.

This has nothing to do with Daisy. She has a lot of tax avoidance methods, and ordinary people do not dare to ask her to collect taxes. Her tax avoidance methods are actually very awkward, but no one goes deep into it. Just cover it up a little, and everyone can live a good face. Up.

She is the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. first and the businessman second. As long as S.H.I.E.L.D. is there, no one will bother her with trivial matters.

When Daisy listened to a bunch of nonsense in the White House, all parties still focused on the Rubik’s Cube of the Universe. Many forces wanted to see the magic of this alien creation, not only Stark and Thor. Asked to dig, even the board of directors sternly asked SHIELD to dig out the Cosmos Rubik's Cube.

The ownership of the Rubik's Cube can be shelved first, but it must be dug out.

A bunch of people babbled for a long time, but found nothing in the end.

The entire site of the research institute was dug twice and nothing was seen.

Where's the Rubik's Cube? Many people have this idea in their minds, except for Daisy, Drew, and Katie, who are insiders, the rest automatically think that the Rubik's Cube was taken away by the Zetarians using some black technology.

Originally, Daisy was worried about what Odin or Heim had seen. If the other party asked for her, she would take it out, but she found out that she had taken the Rubik’s Cube. Odin said nothing, thinking of the process of the old man giving her gloves. It's intriguing.

Since the old man doesn't care, take it yourself!

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is "missing". The representatives of many forces on the scene are all in their eyes. Apart from sighing, there is no other way. You can't drive an aeroplane to chase the Qitarians.

As for Thor, he would be content if he could catch Loki, not to mention six infinite gems, even sixty infinite gems are not as important as Loki in his heart!

In the evening Thor and Fulian had an awkward meal, and then returned to Asgard with Loki.

The pot of the Universe Rubik's Cube was carried away by the Zetarians, and neither Katie nor Drew knew their role in this matter.

Katie went back to school happily holding the game console Daisy gave her. Miss Drew also felt that she had completed Daisy's task and she felt a sense of accomplishment! I am not a child, I am finally an adult.

Daisy took a circle outside and handed Wanda the lead box containing the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, and wanted her to perform a hidden magic.

Knowing that this is a very important item, Wanda wanted to put the box under the bed without taking a closer look. After Daisy stopped her, he wanted to put it in the closet.

"Magic, magic!" Daisy couldn't smile at the slightly confused Wanda.

Knowing that he had done something embarrassing again, Wanda took out the Dark Divine Book to search for the so-called hidden magic.
