Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 460: Start offense

Several of their Hydra leaders gathered again to discuss their respective targets.

"Aim has a main base and three sub-bases in the valley. The tasks they undertake are different from each other. The two outermost sub-bases are dedicated to defense, while the rear sub-base is used to provide equipment and arrange two lines of defense."

"The main base has the strongest armed forces, and it is located at the rear. My people only detect a road into the mountain. If we are blocked at the mountain pass, we will not be able to attack even if there are ten times more soldiers."

"The three sub-bases each have 2,500 soldiers, and the main rear base has 7,000 soldiers. This is probably the deployment of aim."

Viper was doing all the preliminary work, and she solemnly told a few people what she had discovered.

She is disgusted with the use of human lives to push the enemy’s base. In her opinion, throwing a nuclear bomb is good, but Baron Straker wants aim’s research materials and scientists. This method will not be adopted, just a few people. Power down with your hands.

"Everyone, what's your opinion?" Baron Straker relied on his most hands, always putting himself in the perspective of the leader.

Several people were silent for a while, Daisy and Viper discussed in a low voice: "Ophelia and I attacked the sub-base of Code One."

Baron Strake looked at the other two. Baron Zemo and Whitehall were a little uncomfortable. Their combined strength was only nine thousand, two thousand fewer than Daisy and Viper. Now they are going to perform the same attack. Mission, there is no doubt that the loss will be a lot.

But the two made quick eye contact or nodded in agreement.

Throwing the two back into World War II, they couldn't even touch the sides of the famous generals, but they are absolutely battle-tested in this era.

Two veterans in the army don’t think they are inferior to two women, isn’t it just two thousand less! Aryans always win with less! This time is no exception.

The four left the most difficult No. 3 sub-base to Baron Strak. Once attacked this pivot point, reinforcements from the main rear base would continue to arrive, and the loss of attacking the No. 3 sub-base would be heavy.

Recognizing the intentions of several people, Baron Straker didn't care. For today's battle he brought the Fenrir twins. At the same time, he also has some fighting power. There are more than ten times the difference in military strength. Before the enemy’s reinforcements arrived, he took the No. 3 sub-base and cut off the entire defensive chain. He believed he could do it.

Several people determined the attack time, and each returned to their camp, preparing to attack.

Although it was agreed that all the technical materials and scientists would belong to Baron Strak, he had nothing to say when he took the sheep and took some materials and took a few scientists abducted. He couldn't always search and count the soldiers, right?

With relatively precious information and scientists, the soldiers under his staff can be divided into the ranks of consumables. Several people are afraid of accidental injury. This time there is an unusual understanding, and no one mentioned the use of heavy firepower.

Baron Strak, who has the most soldiers, also made up his mind to fight hard with his life.

The time to fire came soon, but after one second, two seconds, ten seconds, the gunshots that should have sounded did not sound at all, and the valley was quiet, without any waves.

"Miss Johnson, why don't your troops attack!" Whitehall asked angrily on the communication channel.

Daisy said in a suddenly enlightened tone: "My subordinates are waiting for the loud SS military song. Please charge the first division of the New SS first, and we will follow it. This honor should belong to you."

In order to show that she is a loyal Hydra element, she replied in very powerful German in front of a bunch of her subordinates, with a little Austrian accent in the speech.

The core meaning is one, you play the military song first, then charge, and I will come later.

She babbled and made Whitehall's nose crooked. You Americans listen to a ghostly SS song!

"Do you still have a sense of honor as a soldier!"

"We are agents...This is the first time this kind of large group charge..."

Baron Straker sat firmly in the back, without saying a word. How many people would have conflicts, so he could afford to mediate when he was full?

Daisy Viper fought for 20 minutes with Whitehall and Baron Zemo. In the end, the old soldier Baron Zemo couldn't stand their cheeks and ordered his new SS First Division to attack.

Although there are only four thousand people, which is far from enough for a division, we have to say that they are well-trained and are built for the current situation. Some people attack, some defend on the spot, some people transport ammunition, and they work together. The soldiers are like a part of a huge machine.

"It's really elite, let's wait five minutes!" Daisy doesn't need any telescopes. Her military literacy is sparse and ordinary. Just looking at Baron Zemo's army can feel the heavy pressure, which is the result of the tacit understanding of thousands of people. Strong combat effectiveness.

Like arms, the entire army rushed toward the enemy like a tide.

Infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, anti-tank missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and armed helicopters, Baron Zemo carried a lot of mechanical equipment, like a textbook, to show them how to fight.

Daisy had never seen what the German army dominated Europe back then, but she knew that Baron Zemo’s soldiers were really soldiers, unlike her and Viper, who had a bunch of agents, assassins, gang members, mercenaries, and Viper for this time. The operation also recruited more than 300 ninjas. It's hard to say that the combat capability of individual soldiers, but the collective charge is definitely not as efficient as Baron Zemo.

Comparing with Baron Zemo, they are the regular army with sharp equipment, and they look like people from the world. Like the martial arts conference, monks, nuns, and nuns have any profession.

Fortunately, this is not a formal battle, and there are no news media and international observers

The ninja recruited by the Viper was the first to show off, and a large number of smoke bombs were thrown out. People who didn't know thought it was on fire.

After that, the general of the Viper’s commander, the African Tree Snake, stood up. This man wearing a turban had the appearance of Central Asia and had no superpowers himself, but he possessed strong fighting skills and cruel methods. He regarded life as nothing. He held a handful. The snake-shaped sickle slid into the smoke.

The crossbones sister, the diamond-shaped snake with high-value, made two slender diamond-shaped spikes sneak in from the side to steal the base information.

Recently recruited by the Viper, the black mamba, who has good spiritual abilities, is closing his eyes and carefully checking the situation in the base.

"How?" Viper pointed at the black mamba and asked Daisy pointedly.

"At the level of ordinary people, it's pretty good."

Black Mamba's telepathic ability can't be said to be low, but it's not too strong. She can't control it for ordinary people, and at best, it makes people have nightmares.
