Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 54: rumor

Facing Hill's enthusiastic request, Daisy was really hard to refuse.

But the embarrassing problem is that the two are facing each other this time, and they are very close. Although the light in the room is a bit dim, she can see Hill's facial expression very clearly.

The other party doesn't care, she is afraid of a ghost, come on!

After the fragrant treatment, Hill was sweating profusely. This time he felt more comfortable than before. This is the reason for the so-called first suppression and then growth.

Just when Daisy was about to wash her hands, Hill held her.

"We are good friends, right?"

Daisy nodded. Although this friendship was a little inexplicable, there was no doubt that Hill was indeed her friend.

"Since I am a friend, I am so embarrassed, do you have to..." Hill drank a lot of wine, and now the wine is driven by blood circulation, his face is bright red, as if dripping water.

"You must be under a lot of pressure, come, I will help you!" Just as Daisy was wondering whether she should accept or reject, Hill had already jumped over and the two rolled directly to the ground.

Forget it, it's Christmas anyway, relax yourself... She comforted herself and gave up those meaningless persistence.

I have to say that Hill's technique is good, it looks cold, and I must have practiced it myself. Daisy quickly put in it with enthusiasm.


Early the next morning.

Daisy was asleep, and Hill pushed her.


"I'm leaving, remember not to talk to outsiders about this. It's still the way it is, you just treat it as a one-night stand!" The female adjutant dressed up and walked freely.

Not long after, Daisy also woke up leisurely. Seeing that there was no one beside her pillow, she still sighed.

What's the future for the two? In fact, there is no future. Hill is a very career-oriented woman. Between career and love, she will choose a career 100%. What's more, they are not love.

One night stand is also good! She comforted herself and poured herself a glass of milk.

It was only then that Hill had given her a Christmas gift before leaving. It was a holster, a very professional holster, which was usually hung on the left shoulder, so that it could reduce the time to procure a gun when encountering an enemy.

Daisy has no habit of giving Christmas gifts at all, and can only make up later.

Hill left, and this Christmas was going smoothly.

The two have a good plan, and deal with each other coldly, and then leave it to time to decide.

It's a pity that the day didn't meet the wishes. Just after Christmas, Ladan called her and Hill, and the three of them rushed to England to visit the elder Ms. Peggy Carter.

If Daisy usually complains, this visit is the same as the previous corporate visits to old leaders. S.H.I.E.L.D. is also very formalistic.

But now she wasn't interested, and Hill didn't know how to face her, so she could only sit in the plane with a cold face.

Daisy also kept a watchful movement.

This made the bitter egg very puzzled. She didn't know why the relationship between the two women suddenly deteriorated to this level, but he did not have the will to help resolve it. It is a good thing that his men are not united!

Sharon Carter, who was picked up at the airport, was surprised by their attitude that could freeze the air.

She had a better relationship with Daisy, and couldn't help but ask softly: "What's the matter with you? It's fine before Christmas."

Daisy couldn't laugh or cry, what can she say, saying that this is all fake, our relationship was so good before! Did they measure the depth once? You can only shake your head without saying a word, and let outsiders make up for it.

Soon after, she met Peggy Carter, the legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. strong woman. The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, but she was sane and sharp in her mind. She also made a few jokes with them.

After the routine visit, life returned to normal.

But a bad news began to spread in a small area. ..

Daisy Johnson and Maria Hill did not agree, and the two even fought, and now they are incompatible with water and fire.

This left the two parties at a loss, because Daisy had a prophetic advantage, and she did not know that these news were reported by Grant Ward after seeing Hill go to her house.

Agent Shuai didn't stay in front of the door for fear of being discovered by Hill. He just reported everything he had observed.

With the former director Alexander Spears as the ghost, the Hydra executives knew a lot. They even saw Nick Fury’s comments on the three. Now contacting Ward’s report and Hill’s strong motivation, they are natural. Get a picture of Hill arguing with Daisy and then falling apart.

The spies quickly received orders to fan the flames, spread rumors, and alienate their relationship. It would be better if one of them could be brought to Hydra.

A lot of gossip circulated within S.H.I.E.L.D., and Hao Dan did not want them to be too united, and acquiesced in this result.

The rumors made the two parties look dumbfounded, and Hill seemed to be afraid of her misunderstanding, and then one night, sneakily "candid" with her.

The agents instinctively told them that if someone wanted to do something, the two decided to keep the current relationship, but to see who was spreading the rumors.

If you tell a lie a thousand times, that is the truth. People who spread the rumors see that they have not refuted it, and they are even more eager to promote it. In the end, the discord between the two women has become a well-known secret.

Hill has been silent about this, but observant people think she is getting colder.

Daisy's acting skills are good, but as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents return to work, she also followed the crew to Costa Rica and temporarily left the Maelstrom.

The island that was fought on that day did not change much. The agents adapted to local conditions and kept the huge to give outsiders the illusion of prehistoric civilization with high oxygen content and flourishing plants.

Daisy and the Costa Rican government signed an agreement to develop the island, which will be opened to tourists as a tourist attraction after the movie is released.

Facing the request of American dad, Costa Rica dare not say no, not to mention that this is still the task of S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D.. Several politicians heard that it was a secret service organization that was going to do this, but they were scared at the time.

Daisy didn't make things difficult for them too much, and the sharing agreement was much more favorable than before.

The scenic spot will turn over half of the income to the local government in the future, but the financial staff are all Skye Film and Television people. In other words, how much money she can give to them depends on her mood in the process...

Considering that Peter Parker and Gwen are not like their idle agents, two and a half older children still have to go to class, the actors' union calls from time to time to ask if they have been abused by the crew and can they finish their studies on time. Is the daily rest time enough, and even vaguely asked the crew if they made some "strange" requests.

Daisy was exhausted physically and mentally to cope with the phone calls from these people who were overwhelmed with love. She could only shoot the scene of her two children first.