Transformed Into a Two-dimensional Beautiful Girl

v1 Chapter 76: I am a sword bone

Shiro Weimiya is very confused now. Since listening to the words of Red A, Saber has always been in his mind. It will always appear that Saber was bathed in moonlight that night, but the relationship between Saber and Sakura is very strong. Okay, I'm still wondering if these are not so good, but because they are both women, I seem to have some chance? ......

In the entanglement, Shiro Weimiya felt completely drowsy, turned over and sat up, walked to the warehouse, and muttered to himself: "What we have to do now is to find a way to keep Saber, and then consider other things. The Holy Grail is out. The problem is definitely not usable, so what else can be done?"

Shiro Weimiya was very distressed, because he couldn't find any other method besides the universal wishing machine of the Holy Grail, and the broken glass had been contaminated by Saber, and the method of fulfilling the wish was very distorted, except for destruction. Destroy, if we make a wish for all mankind to have no sorrow, it is estimated that everyone will be killed.

   This kind of thing is never allowed for Shiro Weimiya. His own wishes and Saber's wishes are that everyone can obtain happiness, not destroy everyone.

   pushed open the door of the warehouse with a sigh, but Shiro Weimiya unexpectedly found a familiar figure, "archer, why are you here?"

   "I just want to see how you are, this little boy, and have you figured out something."

   "Rin over there?" Wei Gong Shiro thought of Rin. Her servants ran around the sky, what if they were attacked.

   "Don't worry, I've knocked her out and brought her over." Red A turned sideways, revealing Lin lying on the floor behind him.

  Eimiya Shiro: I didn't expect that this guy had such a bad personality, he stunned the master, but he still had a bit of conscience, knowing that he would put a quilt on the floor.

   Seeing Shiro Weimiya looking at herself with a scumbag expression, Red A was also a bit embarrassed, but quickly recovered her face: "This is for her safety, leaving her uneasy at home by herself."

"And, if it weren't for the master, she wouldn't come to your house all the time, and I wouldn't do it. What did you do to her before? Make her hate this place so much." Red A threw the question to Wei again in a blink of an eye. Miyashiro, it looks like you are responsible for this matter.

   "I haven't done anything strange to Rin, don't talk nonsense, and it should be Sakura's reason." Shiro Weigu said that Sakura's mood was very depressed.

Red A also recalled the way Sakura called himself a long, long time ago with a word of'senior'. It was not a feeling in his heart, but after so many experiences, he will not be affected by these things anymore, and still maintains an indifferent face: " I heard you talking about what you want to keep Saber, right?"

   "Do you even know this?" Shiro Weimiya showed a surprised expression.

"Really an idiot." Red A said in a mocking tone. With Saber's current situation, how could she disappear because of the ridiculous reason why the Holy Grail War ended, if not in the end, she would become a guardian (understand it as doing The heroic spirits who work hard will do.) For the price, I asked the restraining force about some information, I am afraid I will be kept in the dark, "I know a lot. I not only know about you, but also know how to make Saber intact. stay."

   Eimiya Shirou was delighted when he heard Red A's words, "Do you really know? Can you tell me."

   "It's actually very simple, as long as you become stronger."

   "Really? It's that simple?"

   "I never tell lies." Red A said confidently: As long as you cooperate with me, is it not a simple matter to keep Saber? There are so many things I can use in this war.

   "Okay, I'm going to work harder." Shiro Wimiya was full of enthusiasm.

   "Look at your spirit, let's go to the actual combat training."

   "Practical training?"

   Red A didn't open his mouth to explain, and chanted directly: "This body is the bone of a sword..."

Shiro Weimiya listened to the ongoing spell in surprise, and the throbbing in his heart became stronger. He used to occasionally feel this when facing Red A, but this time it was too strong." what is this?"

   "This life shall be made by the sword of infinity!"

  The surrounding scenery changed drastically, and Shiro Weimiya and Red A came to the world of infinite swords.

   "Next, it will be the cruel actual combat training, Shiro Wigiya, be careful." Red A ignored Shiro Wigiya who was in a daze and looked like I was familiar with this place. He put on a pair of swords and slashed over.

   "Baga, are you trying to kill me?" Shiro Weiguo rolled around with a donkey and hid in an embarrassing manner.

   "If you are not careful, you might actually be killed by me."



   In the morning, Lin Qingyin got up early to set everything up, and looked around, but he didn't find Shirou Wei Gong. I don't know where he went.

   "What about breakfast?" Lin Qingyin thought of a very serious question.

   Passing by the kitchen, Lin Qingyin saw Ying making breakfast, wearing an apron full of wifey taste.

Sakura also saw Lin Qingyin and said with a smile on her face: "Saber, get up, breakfast will be ready Is Sakura making breakfast today? Sakura’s craftsmanship is not inferior to Shiro Eiya, I am very Looking forward to the food made by Sakura."

   Sakura was a little embarrassed when she heard the words of compliment, her face flushed and she lowered her head to make breakfast seriously.

   Then, the two heard a scream from the warehouse: "Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

   Lin Qingyin hurriedly ran over and rushed into the warehouse that was not closed. He saw Lin shivering in the corner while pulling the quilt, looking at herself imperceptibly.

Rin went to bed this morning awkwardly, and stretched out her hand to turn off the alarm clock as usual, so as not to wake herself up for a while. As a result, she felt a cold wind blowing by the bed before she reached out and touched the head of the bed. There was a cold touch, and the whole person was shocked. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was sleeping in a strange place. The nature of being a girl made her cover her chest and scream.

   Lin Qingyin: "Why are you here?"

"Saber?" Rin blinked, and then said with an aggrieved expression: "Although I don't mind this as a magician, can you tell me in advance, it's too sudden, I accept it a bit No more."

   Lin Qingyin: What the **** are you thinking about?

   walked towards Rin and pulled her quilt away, "Didn’t you dress well?"

   "Huh?" Lin realized that he was sleeping in clothes, "So Saber, you didn't do anything to me."

   No, what kind of image I am in your eyes, Lin Qingyin thought silently.

"Hug, sorry, Saber, I seem to have misunderstood you." Rin said with a flushed face: Who told you to be with Sakura every day? In addition, in history, you also married a queen, so I almost thought you were right. what did I do.