Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 879: confusion

Rao died, and the time loophole was finally fixed. In this timeline of Cia's solidification, the inexplicable enemy will never be jumped out again. After soliciting the opinions of Superman and Supergirl, Big Cousin was sealed on the unknown planet.

But the trouble caused by them can be said to have just begun.

The impact of the same world and the same dream on the original order of the earth, when Rao died, the aliens retreated and were placed in front of everyone.

The national government was disbanded by Lao more than 70 times. What will happen to these countries? Then welcome those officials to lead ordinary people? No one wants to have a bunch of institutions on their heads to manage themselves, even if they have been there, ordinary people have been "free" for several days, and they want to continue to be "free"!

The economic loss is even more uncountable. Rao believes that everyone is his child, so naturally he should have the same rights. The doctrine of the Pleiades is that the distribution of the resources should belong to everyone. That's what he said and how he did it, and the economies of various countries' consortiums have suffered near-destructive damage.

High-tech laboratories, arsenals, and airline and pharmaceutical companies under Thea ’s name have all been hit hard. No one in the world has run away, and a bunch of rich heroes such as Batman Atomic have the same experience.

All kinds of high-tech equipment flowed to the people. Thea side was fine. A girl with a death knell jumped out at a critical moment and killed the Lao believers who were preparing to rob the "equal distribution" while the high-tech equipment was not lost.

The Wayne Group and Palmer Group were lost to their uncle's home, and many devices flowed into the ordinary people's class, which also provided them with the confidence to fight the government.

It is impossible to reorganize the company, because many people in key positions do not know where to go.

The report given to her by the secretary shows that the actual loss of the property under her name exceeds 15 billion. If you include those enterprises that have incorporated remote control after the withdrawal of the hermit family, there is more than 100 billion. This is all industry, not Stock market valuations.

Counting that because the global economy has taken a big step backwards and the loss of wealth and divine power, she hated Rao for itching, and that's why he died.

"The global economy has been hit hard."

"The opening time of the stock market continues to be delayed, and the Fed calls on everyone to judge rationally ..."

Various experts and professors have spoken in the media, and ordinary people continue to live as usual.

But how is this possible! The money of the government and the consortium was divided into the hands of the citizens. One or two was fine. Rao had no selfishness. He was evenly divided! Citizens do not want to give up the benefits they have. The resources in the hands of the government are extremely scarce. The contradictions between the two parties cannot be reconciled at all.

No matter how big She is, she can no longer find a lot of technology equipment. Ordinary people can get it, unload eight pieces, change their face and paint a layer of paint. Is there any proof that it is yours?

In short, it was a mess.


Metropolis, Hall of Justice.

Batman called everyone to the meeting.

The meeting time has not yet arrived. This time was the chat time, but everyone is very busy today.

Everyone has a formal identity, and no one jumps out of the crack in the stone. Rao's influence lies in all aspects.

Ordinary people such as Kyle Rainer are calling at this time, and his father's car has been "averaged" off and is now coordinating with insurance companies.

Eventually, she joined the Nightwing of Zhenglian, and her identity was Brudehaven's police. Now she is lying on the table and studying the dossiers of these days. It is like a spring, pressed by Rao to the extreme. The violent outbreak of criminal activity made him scream.

Of course, the busiest is Xia. This is where she was originally. All kinds of lines are available. Three video conferences are held at the same time to clean up the mess around. On the one hand, Diana is also answering the phone for her. She has been working for three consecutive days, except when she first took over the group, she has never been so busy!

The Flash on the other side is also writing a crime scene investigation report, using super speed, and after a while, the report piled up half a meter high.

Brother Superman is also holding his laptop and writing his own press release.

When Batman entered the door, he saw everyone in this big room was so busy that he couldn't say anything, because he was just finished.

He coughed twice, and as the convener of this meeting, he spoke first.

"Rao is not a bad person." In the Justice League lobby, Batman recounted a series of experiences of ancient stars and talked about this issue.

The crowd groaned, Rao was dead, but he left many things on the earth. These things will not disappear because of his death.

The Sahara Desert and several major deserts around the world have become fertile soil, the ice sheets of Greenland and Siberia have thawed, African warlords have fallen, and the forbidden area of ​​human life has become a paradise ~ ~ There are a lot of social and natural problems such as sea level rise, abrupt changes in the water cycle and ocean currents, abrupt climate change, population migration, and overcrowding at the borders of various countries.

Politicians hold their noses to solve social problems, and natural problems are thrown to the Justice League.

"Can the status quo in those places be maintained? It is a good thing that human living space is expanded." Batman asked Thea.

"What do you want me to do? I'm also helpless, Siberian Greenland ignores it, and it will slowly become cold. This is a problem of cold air, not a problem of magic!" She retorted immediately, and now joins Zheng United's Zatanna also expressed support.

"The same is true of the Sahara desert, since 3,000 years ago! Planting more trees to solve the desertification of the land is the right way. Rao turned sand into land, but as time passed, that part of the divine power disappeared. What was it originally? So, what will be the future. It's all scientific, not magic! "Thea continued.

She did not shove directly, and quickly ordered her men to send drones to take off from Cairo to investigate the Sahara.

The image was quickly returned to Zhenglian headquarters, and the heroes looked up.

I have to say that Rao has done a good job. Under his call, the Sahara has become fertile soil, and many Africans have left their hometowns to go to this fertile land and start a new life.

Many people in the countries around the desert escaped the war and tried to migrate in this direction. The roads were crowded with pedestrians. They carried all their belongings and went to the "land of joy" in their hearts with hope.

"How long can Rao's magic last?" Superman asked, his feelings for Rao were extremely complicated, and his reverence was still there. Rao's ideal was to some extent his ideal, but it deprived ordinary people. Will, this practice he was very disgusted.