Transformers In Marvel

v2 Chapter 673: Staged

The Annihilation Zerg came out and carried out a frantic cleaning of the nearest Andromeda Galaxy.

This kind of worm with various appearances and abilities has the ability to swallow everything, and is full of the desire to kill all the lives it comes into contact with.

As the leader of the Andromeda galaxy, the Skrews took the lead. A large number of planets were suddenly attacked and destroyed by bugs. Even if the fleet that was chasing the Cree returned quickly, the Andromeda galaxy was falling at an astonishing speed.

The immense annihilation of the Zerg race is almost limitless, moving in a vacuum to converge into a sea of ​​worms, devouring all substances and destroying all life forms.

The Skrulls have a large number of high-tech weapons, and there are many domestic powerhouses, but they are still completely overwhelmed in front of absolute numbers.

Moreover, there are definitely a lot of powerhouses annihilating the Zerg, both in terms of quality and quantity, they have completely crushed the Skrulls.

The Skrulls ushered in a big defeat, a large number of troops were lost to the battlefield, many planets fell and were destroyed by the Annihilation Zerg.

The Cree chose to take action at this time and directly mobilized the army to attack the Annihilation Zerg. Under the command of the Supreme Wisdom, all the Cree suppressed the hatred in their hearts and launched an attack on the Annihilation Zerg.

Many small and medium civilizations and races also resisted desperately, trying to kill more insects.

But there is no way, there are too many bugs, in the huge negative space, I don't know how many billions of years of bugs have been recorded, swarms of bugs spring out.

At this bad time, an elite force is moving in the dark universe.

"I said, Captain, when are we going to be heads? Our Thunder Commando is the unit responsible for assaults, not scouts like the Hornets!"

The clapboard was a little impatient, his personality was the same as his vehicle, and he was as brave as a Hummer. If it weren't really annoying, he wouldn't say such a thing.

The captain hit the needle with a calm and calm tone: "We only have less than a thousand soldiers. Acting rashly is the worst behavior. This will ruin our entire team."

The thorny waves of the team made a hey laugh, but the voice was a little unhappy: "The assault force has become a latent force? Shouldn't we face a group of bugs and then rush in with slogans to kill?"

Langka punched and kicked in place, making a standard fighting action.

The partition took the conversation: "And we have reinforcements, Optimus Prime and Megatron will support all battlefields at any time, and the space bridge is used for this."

The firing pin fell silent, quietly watching the darkness outside the spacecraft.

Behind him, more than 900 team members exuding powerful aura and energy fluctuations are waiting for his orders.

The Thunder Commando is a powerful team affiliated to Cybertron. The team’s worst team members also have three levels of combat power. It is formed by a group of outstanding elites. Each team member is a superb team. warrior.

The task of the Thunder Commando is to enter and exit various dangerous places to perform extremely demanding tasks.

As the captain's firing pin, it was naturally very stressful. Not only could he not ruin the team, but he had to lead as many soldiers as possible to survive on the battlefield.

A group of Annihilation Zerg has just destroyed a planet of life and eyed the spaceship of the Thunder Commando.

"Ready to fight!"

The firing pin's eyes were cold, and he ordered.

The many muzzles on the entire spacecraft lit up, and a large number of giant war artillery launched an attack, launching a carpet bombing on the annihilation swarm.

Each beam of light can always take away the lives of thousands of insects, but the last thing an insect swarm lacks is the number. A group of dead or injured is nothing at all, and the insects will not care about their dead companions.

The corpse of his companions who died in battle also became food for other insects, and was eaten by a group of ferocious insects.

A large number of insect swarms approached, frantically flocking to the spaceship.

"There are too many of them! There are already more than ten million!"

"A worm with the ability to master space is hiding in the swarm!"

"Kill these reptiles!"

The clapboard jumped out of the spaceship and stepped on the sidewall of the spaceship. A large number of weapons stretched out from the thick and rugged body. The clapboard held an energy cannon in one hand and launched a crazy bombardment at the insect swarm.

"Come on, you disgusting things, I will eat grilled bugs tonight!"

Dozens of team members gathered around the partition and formed an intertwined firepower net to cooperate with the main artillery on the spacecraft to hunt down the bugs that were missed in.

The number of insects is really too much. In the dark vacuum, only dense silhouettes are seen surrounding them, launching a fierce and deadly attack on the spacecraft.

More and more insects broke through the firepower net and rushed to the spacecraft.

The clapboard pressed the helmet he was wearing in front of him, dropped the guns that were not suitable for melee combat in one hand, and took out his favorite melee weapon-the round hammer. The powerful force gave him the ability to wield the hammer easily. The hammer can smash several insects with every swing.

Through his electronic eyes, the clapboard clearly scanned the life signs of these insects. In the clapboard’s eyes, even if fighting in space, it is no different from fighting in the daytime. He can clearly see the movements of each insect, even Even the fluff on their bodies can be seen clearly.

The body structure of Transformers is born suitable for combat, and every individual is a born fighter.

More and more bugs broke through and started fighting with the Transformers on the surface of the spaceship. This was an extremely difficult and long battle.

There are a lot of bugs. If ordinary people fight with so many enemies, they will be exhausted. The battery life of the Transformers is also amazing. There are also a large number of super-energy crystals stored in the Transformers that have run out of energy can immediately enter the spacecraft to devour energy blocks, and continue to take up weapons and fight.

Strictly speaking, this collision between the Thunder Commando and the Annihilation Swarm is the first battle between Cybertron and the Annihilation Swarm. It seems to have opened a prelude, and everything is just for more grandeur. To prepare for the war.

The firing pin was standing in the spaceship's command room, watching the situation coldly, listening to Ultron's report of battle damage to him.

"Ten soldiers have been swept away by the swarm, and there is a high probability that they will die." Ochuanghui reported.

"Have you collected all relevant information about the swarm?" Yanzhen asked.

"It has been collected and loaded into the secret files of the Iron Castle Archives and the War Staff."

"That's good, let all the soldiers retreat in. After the game is over, there is no need to consume it." Fierce needle ordered.

The more exciting part will be staged on the other side of the earth. All they have to do is to test. Not far from the Thunder Commando, there has long been a huge army gathering, quietly waiting for the arrival of the insect swarm.