Transformers In Marvel

v2 Chapter 742: The end of the flashback (2)

The night in Midtown is destined to not be calm.

Harrison pushed his wheelchair to the rooftop, with a weird smile on his mouth, looking down at the feasting and feasting of the night.

For him from the 25th century, this **** era is simply a technological desert, a terrible environment, coupled with the outdated values ​​of mankind in this era, it is simply a nightmare for him who is arrogant.

Dr. Harrison, oh no, now he abandoned this disguise and picked up his real name-Swann again.

Reverse Flash Swan slowly got up from his wheelchair, and his glasses that he took care of during the day were gently taken off by him, and he threw it aside.

The glasses belong to Dr. Harrison's logo, not Swan's.

Only the yellow suit that resembles the Flash suit is the logo of Swann.

Subconsciously, Swan touched his face. This face, including the modified DNA in his body, is not his own, but the real Dr. Harrison.

Back then, he traveled through the 25th century and tried to kill the 5-year-old Barry, but was blocked by the Flash who came from the future. The two fought in the room. In the end, the flashback only killed Barry's mother. .

To make matters worse, this fierce battle, which is not within the calculations, has consumed the limited speed of the flashback. The flashback has no ability to return to the 25th century. He is not a speed player and cannot produce the speed of his own. Can steal.

Then, Flashback caused a car accident, using the device to extract Dr. Harrison into a corpse, and all the life factors of his body were covered by Flashback, and Flashback successfully changed from Swan to Harrison.

Then there was the big explosion in the Advanced Particle Laboratory. The young man Barry was struck by lightning and was in a coma for nine months. He woke up and possessed superb power.

"I originally planned to return to my time after stealing enough superpowers. I am fed up with the days of mixing with you zombies-for me, you are all dead for centuries. Guy, even you, Barry, for me in the 25th century, it is an ancient person hundreds of years ago. When I was studying the super power, you had already died in the 22nd century."

"If it weren't for me, a great scientist, who accidentally picked up the broken suit that you left in the time tunnel, I would never have had the chance to come into contact with the super power in my life, and it would be impossible to actually meet you, and there would be no two of you and me. The fighting and entanglement in countless times."

With one hand in his pocket, Swann stood tall and straight on the edge of the roof, and the cool night breeze blew on his face, making him take a deep breath-this **** air index.

There was no such bad air in the 25th century.

"Everything seems to have been arranged. I found your suit in the 25th century and turned into a superhero to fight criminals and rescue the weak."

Swann habitually puts a very friendly smile on the corner of his mouth. This is Harrison's habit, and now he also has it. After all, after all these years of disguised, one has to learn Harrison’s habits.

However, his voice is getting lower and lower, more and more gloomy, and a deep chill rises, his expression is distorted, and he growls: "But! Everyone, they are screaming the name of the Flash crazy! My Swann! No matter how amazing the rescue I did, no matter how many families I saved, they only know your name!"

"Who cares about me?!"

"Who knows me?!"

"Those idiots who are idiots all yelled frantically: The Flash is resurrected! He has come to the present from the past! He is our hero!"

Swan grabbed the coffee in the wheelchair and brought it to his mouth, as if he wanted to take a sip as usual, but he didn't think of it until he smelled it. It was Dr. Harrison's habit, not his habit.


The cup was broken and the hot coffee spilled all over the floor.

"I don't ask for the rewards of those untouchables, money? I don't lack, technology? I am the top scientist of the 25th century, super power? I already have super power!"

"I just want the shouts of those untouchables! I just want to hear them call my name, not the **** Flash!"

Swan's expression was distorted. What he was talking about was the beginning of the hatred he and the Flash had developed over the centuries. Of course, he couldn't have had a war with the Flash that spanned centuries just because of this mess. He was not so nonsense and boring.


When Swann was a great scientist, he adored the Flash crazily, but when he did not know whether it was fate or something, he picked up a piece of battle suit fragment floating out of the time tunnel, his mentality changed slightly.

What was going on with that piece of broken battle suit fragments, it was impossible to verify at that time, maybe the Flash was seriously injured by fighting a formidable enemy in the time tunnel? Why did it drift to Swann by such a coincidence? Why would you drift to the proud, ambitious, flash-worshiping and surprisingly intelligent Swann? This is not important He aspires to be a superhero like the Flash, using his superpower to help the poor and the weak, everyone admires him.

But when he gained superb power from the battle suit and became a pseudo-speeder, he felt that he should not be a stand-in for an idol, but should be himself.

As a result, he found that he would never be able to surpass the Flash, and would never be able to get rid of the Flash's shadow.

The mentality has changed again.

"I know that you are all listening. I have been waiting for this day, but it's too much earlier than I thought. It's so fast that I don't have the superb power to allow me to travel through the universe calmly!"

Swan raised his hands, but quickly put them down, as if to express his helplessness.

"Sisco, Catherine, and... Barry, you are all the best assistants. Thank you very much for your contributions over the years, but we are still enemies. You ghosts, to me, are just some foreshadowing. The mud of the road."

"You don't understand at all, Barry. Even if you are now, you don't understand at all. You are too young to compare to you in the 22nd century. You are even less likely to understand me..."

"When I left the 25th century for the first time and headed for countless pasts and futures, I was already desperate. You couldn't imagine what I saw!"

"That's desperation that can't be chosen!"

"Destiny is doomed. Time has chosen me as the beginning of everything. Similarly, my life has been nailed to death by unknown things... Oh, this was not done by Downey, when I traveled through countless times. At that time, he never appeared at all. Perhaps the birth of Downey was also one of the costs that I paid for changing history through the journey.

"I have seen countless pictures on the timeline with my own eyes, and have also seen with my own eyes... countless me, fighting countless flashes!"

"Without exception!"