Transformers In Marvel

v2 Chapter 987: New union

Laughing Bat's careful thinking succeeded, and he succeeded in arousing the anger of the primitive transcendence.

"We should teach them severely, anyway, this world is no longer crime, shouldn't it? They should go to hell!" The laughter bat incited.

The transcendant nodded arrogantly, and said solemnly: "Yes, you are right, I want to give them a bit of color to see!"

As he said, he raised his hand and pointed. The lightning bolt that was holding the woman flying in the air immediately lost his superpowers and almost fell to death.

The woman in his arms fell into a coma on the spot.

"Awesome President! This should be done, this is just the beginning! Every superhero should learn a lesson! I have a great idea, we can..."

"Shut up, I don't need a criminal to teach me how to do it, I will punish them in my own way!" The Transcender stopped the nonsense of laughing bats, full of confidence, "Compared to your thoughts, my The plan is the best. I will teach them fiercely and make them realize their fragility firsthand!"

The Laughing Bat still remained respectful and humble, and nodded in agreement.

In front of the Transcendant, the Laughing Bat strives to maintain his calmness, especially his own thinking. The Laughter directly controls his own thinking and enters a peculiar state, unless the Transcendant completely breaks the countless spiritual barriers he set up to read him All of it, otherwise you won’t notice something wrong.

Obviously, the Transcendant had no interest in thoroughly reading people's hearts, and the Laughing Bat won the bet again.

"So, what's our next plan? Your faithful servant is willing to serve you." The laughing bat bowed respectfully.


Gotham, the bat cave.

In this era of extinction of criminals and retirement of superheroes, the bat cave is still tenaciously preserved.

Under the dim light, Bruce has been monitoring Gotham City year after year, using a powerful computer to observe every corner of Gotham City.

Although this seems useless, there are no criminals in Gotham City, all squatting in prison. This sin city has become an unprecedented zero crime city.

The Gothams themselves couldn't believe this.

"Alfred, go get me..." Bruce fell silent in the middle of the conversation.

He just remembered that his old butler, Alfred, was dead.

At the end of his life, accompanied by the bat family, he left peacefully.

Bruce has never adapted to life without Alfred, even if he is Batman, even if he has undergone the most rigorous training and can endure all the harsh environments in the world.

But without Alfred, he was still confused for a while.

Since the last time, Alfred risked his death to save him from the laughing bat driving the Hell armor, his physical condition has gone from bad to worse, and he finally couldn't hold it up not long ago.

The elderly Alfred really couldn't hold on to leave.

Bruce was silent for a while and took a deep breath. He is already in his fifties, and sooner or later he will face the choice to leave, even though he has countless ways to live a long life, not to mention immortality, it is easy to live for hundreds of years. Yes, it only takes a little thought to do it.

Not only that, but also a younger body, more powerful superpowers... these, as long as he wants to, can get it.

But Bruce still stubbornly guarantees his "purity" as a human being.

At this time, a figure walked out of the darkness and handed him a document containing detailed information about the Knights of Nightmare.

"Thank you, Robin."

Bruce rubbed his forehead wearily, reached out and took the portfolio.

But as soon as he touched the portfolio, his other hand had pulled out a gun from under the table like lightning, and shot at the guy who handed in the portfolio.


The figure bowed its head almost at the same time, avoiding the bullet.

"Hehehe, don't you feel happy that you haven't seen my old friend for so long? You really wanted to kill me?" The man muttered in an exaggerated and crazy voice.

Bruce said coldly: "This is a narcotic bomb, hitting you, it will make you unconscious for eight hours. I have been waiting for you, for so many years, I have been waiting for you to come to me... the clown!"

The clown stretched out his hand and rubbed the haircut he had just combed with antics. He smiled and said: "How did you find that it wasn't me? Breath? I specially learned the style of the nightwing guy, and even the hairspray I used He is the same."

"Your heartbeat is not right. You who have lost the abilities of the five-dimensional humans are still just an ordinary human. I will never remember your heartbeat."

Bruce said coldly.

"Oh, this is troublesome. Is the power of the Doomsday virus not cleared from your body? Super Batman, this is not very easy to deal with~ But I am not here to trouble you. On the earth now, I can't help any A form of criminal behavior~"

The clown hugged his head with an annoyed look, and looked very painful, but the face full of terrifying and terrifying smiles still carried the same madness as before.

The two faced each other in the bat cave, like a reincarnation of fate. After all, the two old enemies stood opposite each other and stared at each other.

"How did you escape from the fifth dimension?" Batman said solemnly, "The Golden Superman promised you would die of old age in prison."

"But promises are used to break, you know, five-dimensional life is generally not easy to use, especially for troublemakers. I just lied to him casually and escaped. It's a pity that I got it from the troublemakers. The power could not be recovered." The clown said.

Bruce snorted: "That's not your power at all!"

The scene of the clown emperor raging across the multiverse, Bruce was etched in his heart. At that time, he also suffered the craziest and most cruel abuse of the clown emperor. He had tasted all the tortures in the world that were not available.

Strong willpower is like Bruce, and I still feel chill every time I think about it afterwards.

The clown has been dormant for so many years, and he doesn't know what conspiracy this guy is preparing.

"Tell me your purpose!" Bruce raised his gun and pointed it straight at the clown. He had strong confidence that he could catch the clown.

Although he stripped away the Destruction Day virus in his body, he can only say that he wiped out most of it, and there are some very subtle ones, which are closely integrated with his own genes. If he stripped it off, he would die, and everything was preserved.

Although Bruce now has no extraordinary powers, his sense of hearing and smell is stronger than before.

It's not difficult to catch the clown at the pinnacle of mortals.

But the danger of the clown is never manifested in strength, but in conspiracy.

"Let's join hands." The clown looked at him and said seriously.

"Bad idea." Bruce looked at him.

The clown gave a weird smile: "But at least it's the best idea, isn't it? That annoying guy has already escaped from prison. I don't want to wait one day when I wake up and see that idiot smiling at me, bat, ours The trouble is coming."

Bruce fell into a long silence.

The alliance of rivals is sometimes stronger than any form of alliance.

Because the one who knows a person best is undoubtedly his enemy.

The premise is that two people will not stab each other at a critical time.

At this time, the screen suddenly changed. Transcendence appeared on the screen, and he was giving a sudden speech to the world.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in Bruce's heart.

The Joker smiled and pointed to the screen: "Look, he is coming!"

The transcendant in the camera looks extremely serious. He solemnly said: "My citizens, since I took office, there are no more criminals in the world, no more alien invasion, our crime rate is zero, and there are more. More time and energy to improve our living standards."

"But unfortunately, there are still a group of people in this world. This should be their responsibility, but their incompetence has caused the situation to not get better. Not only that, but they are also enjoying everything they don't deserve!"

"Yes, I'm talking about you! The only people who saw this video of me are superheroes or people who have been superheroes. I want to ensure that my people are not affected by this incident."

"You have to pay for this, and I, the awakened transcendence, will make you pay the price fairly and reasonably."

"I have planned everything and give you 24 hours of preparation time. Once the time is up, you will welcome the judgment-this is the anger from my original transcendence!"

At this moment, every superhero has seen the sky above the earth in the dark. The immense transcendence is reaching out to grasp the virtual image of the earth.

Everyone's complexion changed, except for ordinary people who were completely unaware of this.

In the bat cave, Bruce's face was as cold as an iceberg. It was an unsurprising indifference. He stared at the screen until the screen turned off automatically without speaking.

"It's a sad story, I bet it must have been the idiot who laughed at the bat. The Transcendent doesn't have this brain." said the clown.

Bruce suddenly turned his head to look at him: "You can see it too?"

"Of course, don't you think that Laughing Bat is a philanthropist and will only target superheroes? Undoubtedly, all super criminals are also his hunting targets, as long as they are superhumans on earth, they are his hunting targets!"

The clown made a distorted and painful expression, "What can I do? Do you regret stripping off the Doomsday virus? You are now very fragile, and a bullet can kill you~ No matter what the transcendence fool thinks What are you going to do, it must be very bad for a fragile guy like you."

Bruce looked at him coldly.

"Let's join hands." The clown again maliciously suggested, "We can join hands to really kill the idiot with a big mouth giggling, but it's really interesting. I never thought I would join a bat against another bat~ To be honest, seeing the wild laughter, I even want to inject the clown virus into your body~"

The reason why the laughing bat is like this ghost is that a dark batman is infected with the clown virus.

It is no exaggeration to say that the way the bat laughs wildly is what the Joker wanted to make Batman look like for decades.

It's a pity that it wasn't the work he had done with his own hands, and it was still in front of him. He has every reason to join Batman against the Laughing Bat.

After Batman was silent for a long time, he slowly nodded, and his whole body was plunged into the shadows: "Okay."

The clown's grinning smile became more terrifying.


"The transcendence finally moves?"

Somewhere in the super universe, a clone of Downey was carefully observing the main universe.

Since the main body returned from the underworld, a clone has been specially created and dropped into the super universe to monitor the dynamics of the main universe.

No way, the previous avatars all died clean in the two multiverse mass extinctions, and lost a little bit of godhood.

The current main universe is the most dangerous place in the world inside the wall. Downey had to pay attention to it. Although he was promoted to the quasi-ninth level, he was simply an ant who trampled to death in comparison with the transcendence, but at least he had to understand that he was not ?

Donny didn't want to be confused, waiting for the transcendant to do things before he realized that it was too late at that time.

"The transcendence... even if I move the pivot out, these two forces will be ridiculous enough to take care of them."

Downey pondered for a long time, took a long breath, quietly opened the teleportation device in his hand, and ran to the Cybertron star in the farther universe.

This clone has only seven levels, and it even takes effort to travel through the blood domain. It can only use the technology transmission device cosmic bridge to complete the shuttle across the universe.

The main universe is too dangerous, it is better to stay away.

"But Batman and the Joker are teaming This is more interesting. A pair of mortal enemies who want to kill each other, in order to fight against a powerful enemy that combines all the characteristics of the two of them, they unite to everything..."

From the perspective of mortal combat power, this is the best choice. A sane madman can only fight against a sane madman.

The direction of this point is the same as in the comics.

In the comics, Barbatos is defeated, and the Knights of Nightmare is almost destroyed. Only the laughing bat escapes. Together with Luther, he is constantly hunting Batman in the parallel universe for the main universe Batman to see and mess up. Take off.

He has indeed succeeded, killing Batman in the main universe. From wisdom, layout, vision, and even unarmed combat, he crushes Batman in all directions and abuses him over and over again.

Even all members of the Justice League were dispatched, and they were all played around with laughing bats like walking dogs.

He defeated Darkside and defeated Barbatos’ master cosmic bat personally. In front of the laughing bat, he simply didn’t even have a chance to fight back. He deliberately arranged plans to fight back again and again, but failed again and again.

Batman in the main universe was almost driven mad. He tried every means to fight back. In the end, he had to risk his death and inject himself with the clown virus. He wanted to become the second laughing bat, so that he could barely manage his thinking habits and logical system. Keep up with the pace of the laughing bat.

Batman who was injected with the clown virus, although he managed to maintain the last bit of sanity, successfully simulated the thinking mode of the laughing bat and deduced the other party's follow-up plan, he was also out of control.

Then there is a scene destined to spread for a hundred years in the entire American comics.

The old butler Alfred calmly said in a gentleman's tone: "My young master, you need to calm down."

Batman was beaten to the ground by the housekeeper.