Transmigration Dimensions: The Master Cultivator Young Miss

Chapter 15: Jade slip

There are a few calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall of the study, and a long table is placed in the back, with pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Next to the book, there are two large vases, one high and one low, with several scrolls inserted in them. On the left hand side of the book case are all kinds of treasures filled with treasures, even laymen can see that these items are extremely precious. However, it was not these treasures that surprised Hua Shu, but the large bookshelf that occupies the entire wall on the other side.

In that full of ancient books, she unexpectedly saw rows of cultivation techniques such as "Fire Spirit Jue" and "Imperial Water Jue". However, the more I looked down, the expression on Hua Shu's face gradually stiffened, and it felt like a mess in the wind.

Because the bottom row turned out to be some martial arts secrets such as "Yi Jin Jing", "Sunflower Treasures", and "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", she took a casual glance and saw a stain that looked like animal paw prints. Hua Shu boldly guessed that these unreliable books were definitely not in the collection of the couple.

Opened her left eye and looked at it, as she expected, the bottom row was full of Xiao Jiu's collection.

But what surprised her was that in this pile of books, she actually saw an ancient book called "The Book of Blue Bag", Hua Tuo's "Book of Blue Bag", if it is true, then it is a real treasure. !

In the process of visiting the house, a picture reappeared. There are many pictures. Almost every time you look at the same item, you will see a different picture before you, but they are all based on the pair of men and women. There are only a few pictures except this. In addition to men and women, there is also a little boy who looks like one or two years old.

The children in the picture are sometimes little boys and sometimes little foxes all over in darkness. Xiao Jiu once said before that the original owner of the space was its parents. It seems that these items should record their family of three.

This time, Hua Shu noticed a difference. When she stared at the same object with her right eye, she actually saw the inside through the surface.

In order to test this ability, she deliberately looked at the cabinets, boxes and other objects, and the results were very pleasant. Without exception, she could clearly see the contents inside. It turns out that in addition to seeing aura, her right eye also has a perspective function.

However, her joy only lasted for a moment, because she suddenly felt dizzy, it was obvious that she had overused her aura. So she understood that although the abilities are good, they need spiritual support.

Putting aside the problem of the heavenly eyes, Hua Shu sat on the ground and moved the exercises to absorb the aura and replenish the consumed aura.

The spiritual energy of the space is really rich, coupled with Hua Shu's defying physique, a crazy absorption, and the spiritual power will be supplemented in a short while.

After finishing his work, Hua Shu didn't forget the main purpose of coming to the second floor. He went directly to the chess table by the window. On that table, three jade slips of different materials were placed.

With the previous experience, she did not hesitate to pick up one of them, and the sense of spirit penetrated into it. This time, there was no tingling or dizziness in her mind, and she successfully accepted the contents of the jade slip.

The first record is the alchemy formulas and pill prescriptions, not only the pill prescriptions below the Mahayana period, but also the pill prescriptions of elixir and **** pill, and the types are very complete. However, with her current cultivation base, she can only check the prescriptions of Fandan and low-level spirit pills. There are restrictions on middle-rank spirit pills and above, so they can't be checked for the time being.

In addition to pill recipes and tactics, the jade slips also recorded a very comprehensive knowledge of medicinal materials, including all medicines, elixir, and immortal medicines. Unfortunately, she couldn't see the contents of immortal medicines.

Hua Shu was helpless, because her cultivation base was too low was a flaw. Even for these magical prescriptions, she would still work hard to cultivate!