Transmigration Dimensions: The Master Cultivator Young Miss

Chapter 252: Buy a house

After the simple running training, Fu Yuangang and others disbanded and returned to the dormitory to study the human meridian diagram, while Gong Tao and Hua Shu left the community together.

This community environment is not suitable for them to train. They have to find a wide and secluded place and arrange a training ground.

In the car, Hua Shu looked at Gong Tao, who was still panting with sweat on his face, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"By the way, you have such a great friend, why don't you let him teach you kung fu, but come to learn from me now?" She was really curious about his approach of seeking distance.

Gong Tao took a few deep breaths, and gradually stabilized his breathing. Then he said: "Although I am friends with him, the chances of meeting are really rare. He has always been called a detective, and he is often entrusted by the state to investigate some difficult cases. I’m also busy looking for my missing sister. I usually run outside all year round. I finally go home. I’m also busy in retreat and practice. I’m so busy."

"Not only is he busy, even I was busy learning this and that, and I was still in the army for a few years. I had very little free time. Sometimes I didn't meet him for a year, just kept it unbroken. Contact." At this point, he couldn't help but smile, "Hehe, speaking of it, the friendship between me and him is incredible. I have seen so little, and I can still maintain the friendship."

Wu smiled to himself, paused for a moment, and then continued: "Actually, he didn't teach me. He taught me my current boxing skills, but he is so busy that he has no time to point me. As for my own practice, I didn’t make any progress, plus I was busy and didn’t insist on cultivating, and it turned out to be like this."

Speaking of him, he is quite helpless. He is not a member of the ancient martial arts family, and he cannot get adequate guidance. It is very difficult to learn martial arts, and he is negligent in practice. How can he learn kungfu well?

But even so, his skills are far beyond ordinary special forces, at least people like Fu Yuangang and others are not his opponents.

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to work hard, I will guide you well and make you a real master." After understanding the reason, Hua Shu didn't say much, but made a promise to him.

With the pill in hand and good exercises, it is very simple to train him to become a master.

However, she has already seen his qualifications. It is a pity that he does not have spiritual roots. No matter how hard he cultivates, he can only reach the innate realm at most, which is equivalent to the Qi refining period. After the innate consummation, he will not be able to make an inch. Great opportunity.

Not that all ancient martial artists can not break through the innate and enter the foundation building period. In fact, if they find a physical training method, have enough physical training resources, and can endure hardship, they can also become physical training and move to a higher level. It's just that physical exercises are rare, resources are even harder to find, and the process is extremely painful. All in all, this path is much more difficult than Dhamma.

Of course, she didn't intend to tell Gong Tao about these, since he wanted to learn ancient martial arts, she just taught him with all her heart.

It was getting late on this day, and Gong Tao took Hua Shu directly back to his home in the provincial capital, a three-story villa not far from the commercial district.

In the final analysis, Gong Tao is also a dignified son from a young age, and he pays more attention to enjoyment of life. Just like the villa he bought, because he plans to develop in S Province for a long time, he also chose a large area when buying a house. , Luxuriously decorated large villas.

After all, it is a provincial capital, and it is also a three-story large villa. Compared with the large villas that Hua Shu bought in L city, the grade is clear at a glance.

Gong Tao really treated Hua Shu as a younger sister, and did not go out to eat at night, so she cooked and ate at home, and let her live directly at home.

After dinner, Hua Shu passed on to him a set of ancient martial arts, and urged him to practice for several hours, until he gradually became familiar with the exercises and there was no problem with the practice before letting go.

After a good night's rest at Gong Tao's house, early the next morning, Gong Tao put aside the company's affairs, took her around the provincial capital for a day, and finally selected a community in the outskirts of the city.

This community does not occupy a large area, but there is a mountain not far from it, and there are not many people around it. The traffic is quite convenient. However, this place is already on the edge of the suburbs, next to the countryside, and most people move into the city, and no one buys a house here at all.

When the real estate company bought land and built houses here, it was completely because I heard that this mountain was going to be developed into a tourist attraction, and the area around this area would be remodeled and developed, so it hurriedly bought land and built houses, but the house was not completed yet. I heard that the development plan was cancelled, and the real estate company fell into the pit, and finally declared bankruptcy.

When real estate companies buy land and build houses, they generally obtain loans from banks. After the company goes bankrupt, the bank will take away the unfinished communities and repay the loans.

After some twists and turns, this community was finally completed, but due to its geographical location, it became an empty building that no one cares about and has not been sold.

Hua Shu was very satisfied when he saw this community at first sight. Although the community is not large, it is sparsely populated. There is a mountain not far from it, which is very suitable for training, and the land and house prices are very cheap. A more suitable place than here.

Almost without hesitation, Hua Shu immediately decided on this place, and then bought the entire community before dark, and by the way also bought the surrounding large tracts of land.

Others don’t know, but she knows that after experiencing the later generations, the urban area of ​​the provincial capital will continue to expand to the surrounding area in the future. Ten years later, here is no longer a rural area on the edge of the city, but will become one of the areas in the city. First, the mountain next to it will also be developed into a tourist attraction, and even a nearby area will become very prosperous, and the housing price and land price can be described as an inch of gold.

She is now buying the entire community and surrounding large tracts of land at this cabbage price. After more than ten years, whether she keeps it in her hands for development or sells it directly, she can undoubtedly make a fortune. .

Seeing Hua Shu buying a house and land, Gong Tao was thoughtful. He still remembered hearing her say that the real estate industry had a good prospect. Now, seeing her buying so many houses and land at once, he was a little bit eager to move. Should I buy more real estate and land?

Now the society is constantly improving. No matter whether the real estate industry will get better in the future, at least it is impossible to get worse. Buying at a low price now can basically be said to be a business that makes a profit without losing money.

With this idea in mind, Gong Tao referred to the house he had seen on this day, and he also came up with the idea of ​​buying a house.