Transmigration Dimensions: The Master Cultivator Young Miss

Chapter 413: Aunt

In order to celebrate the return of Hua Shu, Hua Likun proposed a big banquet. However, Hua Shu felt that he had just returned and had not yet recognized his ancestors. It would not be good to celebrate it now, so he suggested that it be only in the main house of the Hua family. The Hua family’s family gathers to have a meal together.

Hua Shu's attitude is calm and calm, without the slightest frivolousness after the change of identity. Whether facing the huge Hua family or facing the elders, he has always been neither humble nor overbearing. The appearance of such a calm mind, such a calm mind, depends on this. In the eyes of the well-informed elders, they couldn't help looking at her a little higher, and they liked and looked forward to her even more.

This son is not easy. The future is bound to be immeasurable. God has eyes and finally saw the dedication and sacrifice of the Hua family. It is a great blessing to give them an amazing junior!

As night fell, there were lights and colorful lights in the main house of the Hua family, people coming and going, and conversations were endless.

The main house is beautiful and spacious, but only the Hua Likun family lives. It is too big for such a big main house, so it is difficult to have such a lively scene in general.

People who don't know the inside story can't help but look far away, but those who know the inside story guessed that the eldest lady of the Hua family must have returned, and the Hua family is holding a dust-washing feast for her.

Those who have a quick mind think that after the return of the eldest daughter of the Chinese family, the first thing to do is to recognize the ancestor and return to the clan, and then to announce to the entire Linghua City, and even the whole world of immortality. Existence, as a result, I am afraid that Linghua City will become lively these days.

This is indeed the case. Hua Likun returned early with his two sons. The most important thing was to send out invitations so that everyone in the cultivating world knew that his daughter had been retrieved, and he invited the powers of the cultivating world to come to Linghua City. , Participate in Hua Shu's return banquet.

The Hua family has a very high status in the world of immortality, and there are many families and influences that have good relations with each other. Even if they don’t make good friends, they still keep the water in the water. The only enemies who are indifferent like the Han family are only the Han family and the dependents. Yu Han family's power.

Therefore, for this banquet, everyone who received the invitation will reply to attend. Even if there is something to do, they will send their decent people as representatives. It can be seen that the recent Linghua City will definitely be a lively and prosperous group. scene.

In the main house of the Hua family, in the wide banquet hall, a few large round tables were filled with people. From the gray-haired old people to the toddlers, they were all close family members of the Chinese family, or close collaterals. man of.

Hua Shaoren, the elder of the Hua family, had three sons and two daughters. However, in order to protect China, the Hua family paid a heavy price, including the lives of Hua Shaoren’s two sons and a daughter. Hua Shaoren and his wife were born because of the death of their children. After being struck down, it took several years for him to come out. After that, Hua Likun and his youngest daughter, Hua Ming, were born.

Hua Shu's return to the Hua family is a major event for the Hua family. Hua Ming naturally came as soon as he received the news, along with her husband and son.

At the banquet, Hua Shu met Hua Ming, a beautiful and generous woman with a hearty personality.

"Xiaoshu, oops, my little baby, my aunt finally saw you." When Hua Ming saw Hua Shu, he opened his arms very familiarly and hugged her in his arms.

With Hua Shu's skill, it is not difficult to avoid it, but she can see that Hua Ming is not malicious. On the contrary, as she said, it is really like treating her own child, with love in her eyes. Pity, there is still a little guilt and regret that she can't understand.

Hua Shu didn't understand, what was wrong with this aunt who met for the first time, so that she could hide feelings of guilt and regret in her eyes? However, she did not ask, no matter what the hidden secrets, she has now returned to the Hua family, and it will take a long time to figure it out.

"You child, I have suffered you over the years. As long as I think about how my little niece has fallen into, how much he has suffered, my aunt is really uncomfortable." Hua Ming hugged Hua Shu. As I said, my eyes couldn't help flushing.

"Blame my brother. I have to worry about the balance of the big family. I saved the **** vicious woman from the Han family. I said that woman was not a good thing. But what happened when my brother said that I should be concerned about the face of the Han family. What is the result? Something has happened. It’s okay for us adults, but it’s hurting your child. When I think about it, I'm really... mad at me!"

"If you want me to say, my brother is an old pedantic, indecisive bastard, what's the use of scruples about this and that? Just start doing it and tear your face apart. What's the scruples. The road to immortality is going against the sky. What kind of immortality can you cultivate if you live so stubbornly?"

Hua Ming's temperament is straightforward, and finally saw her little niece who had been lost for many years. She was so excited that she didn't have a door on her mouth. She crackled and said a lot of complaints, and her words were full of complaints to her elder brother. Of dislike.

In fact, it’s no wonder that Hua Ming, Hua Likun and Su Yixuan grew up together. The relationship between siblings is very good, and Su Yixuan has taken good care of her since childhood. The relationship between the two is even better than ordinary sisters, even if they are married. People never change afterwards.

Hua Ming likes little girls who are fragrant and soft, and always wanted a little niece. Unfortunately, Hua Likun and Su Yixuan had three sons after they got married. She wanted to have a daughter by herself, but it was a pity that she also had a son. Not to mention much disappointment.

Therefore, when Hua Shu was born, she was full of joy, and she regarded this little niece as a beloved baby, and she liked it so much.


When she found out that her little niece was missing, she almost went mad, especially since the bane of this kind of consequence was still with her elder brother Hua Likun. She almost failed to control the righteousness and extermination at the time. However, because of this incident in recent years, she hasn't waited to see her elder brother. Every time she sees him, she doesn't have a good face.

It's just that as time passed, she gradually let go.

But now, seeing the little niece so beautiful and cute, with a high level of cultivation and good temperament, and then thinking about the sufferings of the little niece living outside, the many dissatisfaction with the things in my heart is suddenly hooked.

Her little niece is such a stunning and amazing character. Because of her elder brother's stupid decision, she has left her little niece out for many years. She has suffered so much at a young age. How can she bear it?

Probably she was really too angry, her voice couldn't help raising a little, and her unconcealed dislike of her elder brother, and her eyes full of hatred and disgust for the woman Han Qianya, all naturally revealed.