Transmigration & Reverse Transmigration

~: 4 Crossing No Door


Therefore, it is also a realm to open a small class to this share ...

************************************************** ***************************

Lens H:

Dance room ...

Lens I:

Tea ceremony hall ...

Lens J:

Beijing opera team ...

Lens K:

Traditional Chinese Medicine Physiotherapy Center ...

Lens L:

A big hotel kitchen ... (???)

Lens M:

Flood Control Command Center ... (how did you get in ?!)

Camera ...

In this way, while Minmin's devil-style **** training is in full swing, a problem that cannot be ignored has gradually surfaced ...

Late at night, girl's bedroom, under the lamp:

Minmin crouched painfully on the writing desk, spread across the plan notebook, and the "method of traversing" listed a dense list of terms behind it-and, a glare red cross!

"The easiest scenario to get through such things is a car accident ... but ..."

Time goes back a month ago:

Someone patrolled from the East Fourth Ring Road to the South Third Ring Road, and couldn't make up his mind to cross the middle of the road ... Later, he was stopped by the uncle of the traffic police, and he was bitterly persuaded, "Girl, is there anything you can't think of at a young age? Who can solve it in this world? What ca n’t be done? It ’s not easy for anyone to live these days, right? So do n’t die if you want to die, it ’s very troublesome after all ... ”

Someone squatted for three days and finally hit a black car driving without a license. I wanted to have a mad ride ... Then it took three hours to drive from Chongwenmen to the Chongwenmen. The driver scolded: "Fuck! Fuck again Traffic jam! "

Car accident wear-fork off!

"Second? What about falling from a high altitude? What jumped off the cliff, fell on his head, fell off the balcony ... but ..."

Time back two months ago:

Someone n fell to the ground fiercely from the bed, on a stool, on a table, on a ladder ... After running downstairs, he kicked the door open and yelled: "Fuck, you dare not dare to sleep every night The noise-making mother, I slap you in the palm of your hand !!! "

Someone fell overwhelmed: "... death? ... Can I wear it?"

An old lady is stiff ...

Someone stood on the stairs and inflated several times, and didn't dare to roll down ... Suddenly the people coming from behind bumped! Someone flew towards the eighty-nine steps without any mental preparation-falling into the arms of a boy! Someone was thankful and ready to leave, a guy with red ears and equator said: "Zhao Minmin ... Actually I ... Actually I ... I like you for a long time ..."

Someone is stiff ...

Someone walked around Beijing and didn't find the cliffs that they wanted. Later, he planned to go look for them after the summer vacation, and then he heard that jumping off the cliff is likely to die incompletely.

Someone thinks that jumping from the building may hit innocent people or public facilities, and the death will scare the pure children and dispel the thought.

Fall through-fork off!

Other similar electric shock wear, water wear, sleep wear, media wear, sneeze wear ...

Tried and failed!

Looking at a long series of red forks on the notebook, Minmin sang sadly: "I want to say that crossing is really not easy ~~~~"

Three days later, Minmin's laptop was found by the dormitory monitor. The various suicide methods above made the school re-emphasize the mental health counseling of college students ...

Tobecontinued ...

I like crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume is for everyone to collect: ( Crossing and anti-crossing. The first volume of literature updates the fastest.