Traveler In the World

Chapter 288

Looking at the flashes of aura that appeared from time to time not far away, and the deafening sound of explosions, the head of the knights and the knights he led were not very good-looking, but they did not go to stop it.

"Charles, Joe, go and consolidate the idlers around, don't let people disturb them."

On one side, a knight in what seemed to be medieval armor heard the order of the leader of the knights, and said solemnly: "Leader, are we really not going to stop them? It's half past two now. If it goes on like this, even if it is dispersed with idlers, There is no guarantee that ordinary people will not show up!"

The leader of the knights was silent, and after watching the brighter and brighter aura not far away for a moment, he said lightly, "Execute the order."

The two knights in the crowd looked at each other and walked in different directions. They should be Charles and Joe in the mouth of the knight commander.

After Charles and Joe went to carry out the order, he looked up at the gradually sinking moon: "Her Majesty said: If they want to leave, don't stop them. If they want to fight, don't let anyone notice."

"Why do you indulge them like this? Such rude people should be hanged!"

"Her Majesty has her considerations, we just need to follow her orders, don't think too much." He glanced at the members of the knights, the head of the knights and other members knew and accepted what he said. He walked forward: "I'll go inside and have a look. You stay here. If there is an abnormal situation, deal with it immediately."

"Yes, head!" The neat response was like a single person.

Walking slowly along the street, the head of the knights slightly tidied up his gentleman's attire as if he was attending a cocktail party. He lowered his hands, and his right hand slowly drilled out a cross sword about eighty centimeters long and three centimeters wide. Its surface is covered with a layer of uneven red-black objects, like a blood scab formed by the blood that has not been scrubbed off and condensed on it, which looks quite disgusting.

However, this rather disgusting sword is not simple at all, or in other words, the saber spirit outfit that can be used as a knight commander is not simple at all!

Spiritual outfit Frenting, a spirit outfit with the same name as the magic sword used by Beowulf, an ancient English mythological figure.

According to legend, the magic sword Frenting is tempered by the blood of beheaded enemies. Every time a strong enemy is killed, its blood will be absorbed to improve the hardness and sharpness of the sword. Although the leader of the Knights Frenting is not the original. That one, but under the adjustment of his magic formula, he also has a similar ability!

"William, I hope you and Yi's game don't think of letting me free it!"

Fluentin seemed to feel his master's thoughts, as if the red-black object with blood scab suddenly melted a little, turned into a viscous liquid, made a gurgling sound, occasionally dripped a drop on the ground, and instantly dissolved deep on the ground. Small pit!

On the street in the dead of night, under the moon, elegant gentlemen and strange and terrifying swords, this world seems to be shrouded in mystery again!

The steel stick was waving like a windmill, and it was aggressive, and the strong wind it brought almost blew away all the debris around it.

But even so, the steel stick didn't concentrate Yi Dao Ren even a bit... In other words, once Yi Dao Ren touched the steel rod with his hand, William would adjust his attack so that he could hit Yi Dao Ren's. The steel stick fell out of Yi Dao's reach.

"Your ability is really cunning. You can not only create, but also destroy. The name of the creator is really not a false rumor." As if thinking that such an attack was meaningless, William suddenly stepped aside, frowned slightly and looked indifferent. , but the Yi Daoist, who was not embarrassed, felt quite tricky: "Will other capable people be so powerful in the future?"

"Who knows? Ability can be activated, but it is people who use it." William stopped attacking, and Yi Daoren didn't pursue him, but just stood there and looked at William quietly: "Do you want to continue? Pure physical skills, You can't stop me."

"Then why don't you go?"

"You don't only know physical skills."

"It seems that you still want to learn about magic from me..." William sighed and knocked the steel stick to the ground.

Immediately, the ground was rippling like water waves, and a clear spring gushed out with William's steel club as the center. But the clear spring did not overflow, but ignored the laws of physics and flowed back to the sky, forming a tail of water that was twisting like a whip. There was a sudden "snap" during the twisting, and it was drawn towards Yi Daoren.

Looking at the incoming water tail, Yi Daoren frowned slightly. After leaning over to dodge, he dug out a block of asphalt cement from the ground, changed its properties and shape in his hands, and turned it into powder and threw it into the sky.


The water tail was drawn towards Yi Daoren again, but Yi Daoren was now wrapped in powder, and the water tail was inevitably contaminated with powder.

"It just changed the shape, but is it still the structure of water?"

"Huh?" William frowned, wanting to control the water tail, but found that the powder-stained part of his water tail has condensed together, and is being held by Yi Daoren in his hand and looking at it!

"It's not interesting to do this, do you have more interesting magic?" Holding the tail of the water, which was twisting and struggling like a living creature, Yi Daoren looked at William with a faint expectation in his eyes.

Staring at Daoist Yi for a moment, William snorted The tail of the water trembled, and the part that was condensed in Daoist Yi's hand suddenly exploded, turning into needle-shaped ice bursts!

"Without changing the nature of the water, this kind of attack will have no effect on me." I was surrounded by a dazzling bright blue forging reaction. All the ice needles turned into The water vapor dissipates!

"That's what you want!" The end of the water turned into an ice spear with a faint blue light, and shot at Yi Daoren from top, bottom, left, and right at the same time, blocking all positions that Yi Daoist could avoid!

"That's what makes it interesting!" Feeling the faintly dangerous aura of the approaching ice spear, Yi Daoren's mouth curled up unconsciously, leaned over and pressed it on the ground, borrowing the material from the ground to form a thick iron plate, The ice spear stopped them one by one.

It's just that the power of the ice spears is obviously extraordinary, one root is embedded in the iron plate, and some even pierce the iron plate, stopping the sharp spear in front of Yi Daoren's eyes!

However, Yi Daoren did not have a panicked expression. It could even be said that his expression is very happy now, and his eyes are so happy that there is a real light in his eyes!

"Whether it's chakra, elements, or even dragon veins, I can see some signs, but the magic of this world doesn't seem to have much to do with these, but a kind of distortion that involves similar philosophy! It's really interesting! This kind of How does power do it?"

It seems that there are countless data formulas beating in Yi Daoren's eyes, so that his eyes do not have a trace of human, or even biological eyes... No! It's not that he doesn't have that kind of feeling, perhaps it should be said that his eyes are not the eyes that creatures grow up to see the world, but a pair of artificial eyes made by machinery!

"35.41 north latitude, 139.44 east longitude, connect the Eye of Truth!"

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