Traveler In the World

Chapter 308

The loud noise accompanied by the earthquake-like ground fluctuations made everyone in Academy City tremble.

However, after they looked in the direction of the sound, they saw huge fireworks explode in the sky. Even the sun hanging in the cloudless sky could not cover the splendor of the fireworks!

It's just that fireworks are fireworks after all, even if the rottenness of a moment exceeds the sun, it can only be fleeting.

Just when it was about to disappear, a line of gorgeous text appeared... "Weletomyworld!"

"What, it turned out to be just a welcome ceremony. Really, I was shocked by this sudden appearance."

"Yeah, I thought it exploded there."

"I thought so too at first, but this is Academy City, how could such an explosion occur?"

"That's true... But then again, is this welcome ceremony too late? And what does it mean to welcome to my world? Shouldn't it be welcome to Academy City?"

"Probably the upper-level leaders of Academy City think Academy City is their world."

"That's why I said those capitalists..."

Hearing the crowded people around him chatting and discussing the fireworks in the distant sky enthusiastically, Kamijou Majong didn't have that kind of interest at all.

"Isn't this the principal's superpower field? How could he suddenly activate this power? Ouch! What are you doing?" Kamijou Touma asked in a low voice, leaning into Kamijou Majin's ear, but was caught by Kamijou Makoto. Jing stepped on his foot fiercely, his face twisted and painful, holding the soles of his feet and jumping.

Very insincerely, he used his little finger to dig his ears to relieve the itching caused by Kamijou Touma talking in his ear, Kamijou Zhenjing squinted at Kamijou Touma and said, "Don't come near me, pervert."

After labeling Kamijou Touma as a pervert, Kamijou looked at the almost gorgeous text that disappeared into the sky and said: "From the perspective of the AIM diffusion field, it is indeed the field of the principal's superpower, as for him How can I know the reason for opening the superpower field?"

After she finished speaking, she walked to the place where the fireworks bloomed: "Let's go over and take a look, there is nothing to see here."

It stands to reason that Kamijou Zhenjing has only been out of the cultivation room of Yi Daoren for two days, and he should be very interested in the colorful outside world, especially the Daba Star Festival that is currently being carried out.

But in fact, she has no interest in this lively environment. On the contrary, this noisy environment makes her feel very uncomfortable... especially with the side effects of her super power.

Kamijou Shinjing's superpower is completely different from Kamijou Touma. Although she is a clone created by Yidao people with Kamijou Touma's genes, she and Kamijou Touma have no superpowers except for their genetic connection. There is a little similarity, and it can even be said that the superpower effects of the two are completely opposite!

Kamijou Touma's superpower is an illusion killer, which can cancel all supernatural powers. It can be said to be the nemesis of all superpowers, while Kamijou's superpower is a fantasy turmoil. You can use the AIM diffusion field to create a superpower turmoil. , at that time, whether it is energy-type superpowers such as wind, fire, thunder, lightning, and light waves, or entity-type superpowers such as metal, mud, sand, and water, she will be stimulated by her fantasy turmoil and manifest.

It's just a pity that, even her, no one can control what her superpower will manifest when she uses it. According to Yi Daoren, her fantasy turmoil spreads her AIM in an instant. The force field connects with the AIM diffusion force field of other people in Academy City, and then randomly borrows someone's AIM diffusion force field to use super powers.

Moreover, the use of this superpower does not require calculation formulas for other superpowers to calculate how to interfere with the microscopic world, which directly causes the greatest impact she can induce!

But also for this reason, she is very sensitive to the surrounding AIM diffusion force field. When she is called to be in a crowd, she has the feeling that goose bumps will pop up at any time and the illusion that her superpowers will run wild at any time!

"Wait!" Kamijou Touma couldn't care less about being stepped on by Kamijou Jinjing after seeing his sister who had been instructed by his mother to be careful, but had only been with him for less than a day. The back of the foot hurt as if the sole of the foot was about to be paralyzed. He limped up and chased after him to dissuade him, "It's dangerous over there!"

It's a pity that Kamijou Majing obviously won't listen to Kamijou Touma's words: "With the principal here, what danger will there be?"

Since the twelfth school district is at the easternmost part of Academy City, and Kamijou Majino and the others are located in the seventh school district, which is located in the middle and west of Academy City, it takes a certain amount of time to go to the twelfth school district.

However, it was the time for the Daha Star Festival, and Academy City had added many trains that would not normally run, so although it took a certain amount of time to reach the twelfth school district, it was not too slow.

It was only half an hour before Kamijou Majo and Kamijou Touma came to the outskirts of the twelfth school district.

It was only after they reached the twelfth school district that they were stopped... In other words, everyone who came to the twelfth school district was stopped.

"Sorry, this place is temporarily closed to the Please visit other places first!" At the entrance of the twelfth district, a well-dressed, gentle and elegant man in a suit shouted with a loudspeaker, There was a firmness in his tone of embarrassment, letting people know that there was no room for change in his words.

"Look, everyone says that, let's go back! Ah! You stepped on me again!" Kamijou Touma, who whispered in Kamijou Majin's ear again, was stepped on by Kamijou Majin again. And it's still the same foot, and the urge to chop off that foot instantly hurts!

"Humph!" After giving Kamijou Touma a disdainful glance, Kamijou walked straight towards the man in the suit, and then handed over a business card: "Workshop, No. 2, apply for entry."


The man in the suit froze with a strange expression, then looked at Kamijou Majin for a moment in disbelief, and took the business card.

"Please come in!"

"Eh? Why can she go in?"

"It's not fair!"

"Could it be that the little girl is the child of the senior leaders of Academy City?"

"There's a boy exactly like that little girl here!"


In an instant, Kamijou Touma, who was hugging his feet and screaming, became the focus of the crowd.

"Come here quickly! Why are you still standing there?" Kamijou Majin said coldly when Kamijou Touma became the focus: "We don't have time to linger here!"

Amid everyone's attention, he trotted to Kamijou Majin's side, and Kamijou Touma whispered, "Why did he let us in?"

But this time, he learned to be obedient and didn't get close to Kamijou Majin's ear.

"Because I'm a member of Workshop."

"Workshop? Workshop? What workshop?"

"The name of the principal's laboratory is called Workshop."