Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1799: Holy Land Tour

Although there was chaos in Jerusalem, with beacon smoke and gunfire, it did not stop Ye Tian and the others from visiting this historic city.

After checking into the hotel smoothly, eating lunch and taking a break, Ye Tian and the others left the hotel and went out for a tour enthusiastically.

In view of the current situation in Jerusalem and the strong recommendations of the Israeli police, their visit is limited to the Christian area of ​​the Old City of Jerusalem.

Compared to several other districts, it is relatively calm here. Even if there are demonstrations, there are not many people, the scale is small, and there is not much threat.

Even so, when they left the hotel, each of Ye Tian was fully armed, armed with live ammunition, and made careful preparations to prevent accidents.

In addition to the numerous armed security personnel who are scattered around Ye Tian and they are always on high alert, Kerr also arranged for a few men to pretend to be tourists, set off in advance and mixed in the crowd for secret protection!

In addition, Leonardo led several heavily armed members of the Swiss Guard and left the hotel with Ye Tian and them.

The Israeli police also sent a lot of military police, some in plain clothes and some in uniforms, closely following Ye Tian and the others to prevent accidents.

Jerusalem is messy enough, and the Israelis never want to see Ye Tian and the others clashed with someone, fought in the old city of Jerusalem, and brought further damage to this historical city.

Because of the special mission of Ye Tian and their trip, as well as the status of Leonardo and the members of the Swiss Guard, they and the group enjoyed a special courtesy different from all other tourists in the Christian Quarter.

During the tour, the group of them traveled unimpeded. No matter where they walked to any scenic spot, they didn't need to line up or take off their guns, and they could enter directly from the special passage.

As a result, they will undoubtedly have a much faster visiting speed, and they can visit more scenic spots in a short time.

In just one afternoon, they visited many famous sights in the Christian Quarter.

The first is the famous Christian shrine, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

According to legend, this is the place where **** Christ suffered, buried and resurrected. It has a very special meaning.

As a professional treasure hunter, Ye Tian certainly will not miss this place, and David and Cole, who are Christian believers, will not miss this place even more.

When visiting this sacred place, Ye Tian was purely from the perspective of a tourist and an antique art appraisal expert, admiring this famous religious sacred place and this famous historical building.

David and Cole were different. They both acted very pious and solemn. During the visit, everyone prayed.

In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, there is another famous Christian holy site, the remains of Golgotha ​​Hill.

According to legend, Golgotha ​​Mountain was the place where **** was nailed to the cross. Ye Tian and the others also visited it.

In fact, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built on the site of Mount Golgotha, and the two merged into one as early as the fourth century AD when the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was established.

Throughout the ages, the Golgotha ​​Hill site located in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre has always been a preferred pilgrimage site for Christian believers, and its status is very important.

Next, Ye Tian and the others left the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, strolled through the cobweb-like ancient streets in the Old City of Jerusalem, and visited the Jaffa Gate not far away.

It is one of the eight gates of the Old City of Jerusalem, which connects the Old City of Jerusalem with the Port of Jaffa on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, hence the name Jaffa Gate.

In the past, believers who came to Jerusalem for pilgrimage had to disembark from the port of Jaffa in the Mediterranean Sea, then change to land and enter the Christian area of ​​Jerusalem through Jaffa Gate.

Today, the gate of Jaffa is in ruins.

As a part of the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, Jaffa Gate has long been listed as a world cultural heritage and is under very strict protection!

Without the permission of the United Nations, whether it is Israelis, Palestinians, or other people, even a stone or a brick here cannot be moved.

After visiting the Jaffa Gate, Ye Tian and the others went to visit the dining room where **** had the last supper, which is Leonardo’s masterpiece, The Last Supper, the dining room depicted in that famous painting.

Ye Tian would naturally not miss such a place in art history.

Leaving this famous dining room, Ye Tian and his party went to visit the adjacent tomb of David, as well as several other famous attractions, also located in the Christian District.

In the evening, Ye Tian and the others, bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, walked along the ancient streets of Jerusalem, repeating the painful road that **** had traveled before putting the cross on his back, which is also known as the ‘road of suffering’.

When they reached the thirteenth station of the cross, David and Cole knelt down and kissed one by one a piece of rectangular marble symbolizing the thirteenth station of the cross.

On that ancient marble, there seemed to be blood stains from a distance.

According to legend, after **** died that year, people unloaded him from the cross and placed him on the marble to wash his body and apply anointing oil.

The blood stains on that marble were left by Jesus.

After kissing the marble, each of David took out a prepared token, wiped it lightly on the marble a few times, and then placed it very solemnly, ready to take it home for enshrinement.

That guy David even shed a few crocodile tears. Whether it was caused by excitement or an outstanding performance is not known, only he knows!

And the fourteenth stop of the sad road is the Holy Sepulchre.

In other words, Ye Tian and the others returned to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which is equivalent to a circle in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem and back to the starting point.

After entering the Church of the Holy Sepulchre again, David and the others walked forward in batches and stroked a marble hole on the altar in front of Golgotha ​​Mountain. Everyone was extremely religious.

It is said that that was the place where **** was nailed to the cross. Today, a model of **** being nailed to the cross is still erected on that altar.

The altar was surrounded by devout believers from all over the world, waiting in line one by one to touch the marble hole and feel the sacredness.

After David and each of them got what they wanted and touched the sacred marble hole, Ye Tian and the others, under the guidance of several senior priests in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, came to the last stop of the painful road, the tomb of Jesus!

This is a tomb embedded in the mountain. It is not so much a tomb as it is a cave carved in the mountain. It seems more appropriate.

According to legend, **** was buried here after his death, resurrected three days later, and ascended to heaven 40 days later. It is one of the most important holy places in Christianity.

As before, after coming here, David and the others immediately stepped forward in batches, with an expression of incomparable respect and solemnity, to admire the tomb of Jesus, and personally touch the marble in the tomb with their hands.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not go up and join in the excitement, he is a firm atheist, everyone knows this!

At this moment, if he came forward to touch the marble in Jesus' tomb, it would be tantamount to asking for trouble, and he might arouse anger.

Idiots do such stupid things!

Standing a few meters away from the tomb, he looked at this Christian holy place and admired this ancient building with the eyes of a tourist and an expert in antique art appraisal.

At the same time, he also secretly turned on the perspective, and completely saw through this place, without letting go of a corner, including the tomb of Jesus!

When he visited other famous scenic spots and Christian holy sites before, he did not give up the opportunity of secret perspective, and looked through every scenic spot and holy place that he passed through.

In the process, he discovered many things and many secrets.

Among them are ancient historical sites, top antique artworks and treasures buried deep underground, and some very secret, even untold secrets.

But it's a pity ~ ~ all these discoveries, he can only bury them deep in his heart, and he can't publish any of them, let alone take those treasures and top antique artworks as his own.

Unless the Israeli government comes to the door that day to jointly explore the Old City of Jerusalem with him, these secrets can be made public, and the treasures and top antique artworks can be seen again.

However, this kind of thing is almost impossible to happen.

After completing the perspective of the Holy Tomb, Ye Tian retracted his sight and ended the perspective.

At this moment, a priest in a long robe walked up to Ye Tian and said in a low voice with a serious expression:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven. I am Victor, a priest of the Armenian sect. I am glad to see you here. Welcome to the Holy City of Jerusalem.

As far as I know, your goal in Jerusalem is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. I would like to ask, is the treasure of the Knights Templar buried in the Al-Aqsa Mosque? "

Upon hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked at the priest next to him.