Triplets: Lucky Mommy is a Beautiful Badass

Chapter 121: Architect 1

  Chapter 121 Master Builder 1

  Continue to drink rice porridge as if I understand but understand.

  Jiang Yegan used an incomprehensible expression, and asked hardly, "Msang Gong...annoying?"

Qi Qingyao shrugged and said calmly, "Why is it not annoying, if a man points to me every day, I will definitely not be able to bear it. Maybe I have to wash each other's feet and serve each other every day. The whole role of a babysitter with a yellow face."

"Marriage, is this the case?" Although he was not married and didn't know much about marriage, Jiang Yegan felt that this woman's thoughts were very strange... Ordinary girls, when they reach their age, they want to marry early and have an early one. Destiny, only her...

"Why not?" Qi Qingyao ate a small pickle, while analyzing himself: "With my condition, it is impossible to marry a good partner who has never been married. No one wants to marry someone with three oil bottles. Woman's."

   frowned like brocade.

  Jiang Yegan didn't dare to agree: "What if there is?"

   "Impossible. Others are not fools." Qi Qing said convincingly.

  When did Jiang Yegan plan to say something.

  Qi Qingyao began to analyze it seriously.

"There are several situations. The first is that there is a single dog that has not been married. He is very poor, but loves me very much and is willing to accept me. It is a pity that I have three children. If the other parent is still alive, I definitely disagree with both of us. , Especially disagrees with me, and then I am always despised and despised by the other parents. Who let me have children out of wedlock, this must be a black spot. This condition, just too poor, I look down on, let alone I love money .Because I’m too poor to support three babies. As for me, I’m not interested in poverty alleviation...I am a middle class anyway, so I can’t find someone who has the same conditions as me? If the conditions are equal, they are **** married! Wouldn't it be the widow of three babies?"

"Second, there are single dogs that have not been married, rich, crazy for love, but I do not marry. The family is the same size as the mansion where Pei Shizi lives, and the parents will not live together, nor will they usually live together. It's common. I don't need to be scorned. This is good, but are the conditions realistic? People think that I could have three children out of wedlock before, and I'm afraid that I will cheat on other wild men after marriage?"

"The third one is that the other party has a regular wife and several concubines, who are rich, like me, and don't care about the existence of my three children, and are willing to marry me, but I will only be a concubine. Under this condition, I will not marry me either. No interest in being a concubine!"

   "So, in this case, who do you think will marry me?"

  She threw a basket of theoretical analysis directly.

  Can put Jiang Yegan to the analysis.

   stared at her in astonishment.

  How much does this woman think?

  Someone just asked a question.

  Has her brain turned thousands of times?

  Qi Qingyao looked at the sluggish Sijin and Jiang Yegan, smiled and patted the two on the shoulders.

   "Old iron, happy singles, rich single old girls will be happier!"


  Dabao and Er Niu patronized and ate, while Xiaobao ate and listened to her mother's words, her little head fell into extremely tangled thoughts.

  The three of them...are they a burden to the mother?

  Mothers cannot remarry because of their existence.

  Even if you marry, you can only marry someone else and be a concubine.

  Xiaobao has never felt that he is superfluous. At this second, he feels that he and Dabao are both superfluous. Their birth hindered the mother, because of them, the mother was disgusted by the old Qi family, because of them, the mother could not remarry. Because of them, my mother will be an old girl for a lifetime...

  Xiaobao looked at Qi Qingyao with a worried face and a smile on his face.

  (End of this chapter)