Triplets: Lucky Mommy is a Beautiful Badass

Chapter 544: Nao Songhe Tower 2

  Chapter 544 Naosing Songhe Tower 2

I turned around in the street and went to a nearby garment shop and saw a top-quality brocade robe. The dress was made of maple yellow and embroidered with white honeysuckle pattern. The cuffs and neckline were all white with white hooks and the collar. Part of it is embroidered with a flying white maple leaf.

  Qi Qingyao was very satisfied with the clothes.

  The material is also very good to the touch. Presumably dressing to go to Songhe Tower for dinner should be in line with the identity and grade.

  "Boss, how do you sell these clothes?" Qi Qingyao asked casually.

  The boss came over and just wanted to say that you are not qualified to buy it as a maid.

  But in a blink of an eye, I saw that the arm of the maid’s clothes was embroidered with the delicate and meticulous word mark.

  In the entire capital, there is only one family with a surname and a face...that is the National Teacher's Office.

  The maid of the National Teacher's Office wants to buy this dress?

  It's hard to come by... It was for the girl Qi who lives in the National Teacher's House.

  After all, the National Teacher's House does not have any female relatives except for the maid, the wife, and the cook.

  Isn’t Qi girl or who...

  As a gossip vortex street in the capital, the shopkeeper of "Ziyunshang" is just a store manager. Ziyunshang is under the banner of the Senluo Chamber of Commerce. Since he is the little head of the Lu family. Of course, I know the identity of Girl Qi. Although the girl with a big background has a reputation as a widow, she was previously related to the young master, and now she has been married by the emperor, and will soon become the wife of the young master of their family!

  If it is for the future young grandmother, how dare the boss say no!

He smiled and said politely: "This dress is ready-to-wear, only three pieces! One has been sold, and there are two more. If you want, you have to provide the size first, and we can help you change it for free. size."

   "No need, just this one."


   "Huh what? Say the price, I want this one."

  Qi Qingyao urged.

  The boss looked at the domineering appearance of this little maid, and thought, she was born in the National Teacher's House, and she is arrogant! It's different from the other maidservants in the mansion! Maybe this little maid will still be the personal maid of the future young grandmother!

  The boss specially gave a 50% discount! He has his own little abacus in his heart.

Because once Qi Qingyao married into the Lu family, even if he was the youngest grandmother of his head, he might come to his store to see the clothes in the future. At that time, he could still say that your maid bought the clothes the first time he sold you. I gave 50% off...

  It is not important to make money.

  The important thing is to please the future young grandmother.

As a result, there were only three limited editions in the entire capital. One was sold yesterday, and there were two priceless clothes left. The original price was 80 taels, but Qi Qingyao bought them for 40 taels. One piece.

  The boss also specially wrapped the limited-edition clothes with a very exquisite silver bag, and kindly sent people out.

  Waiting back and entering the door, the boss looked at the last remaining orange soft robe on the wall, thinking to himself, this one is hanging there as a treasure of the town shop, but it can’t be sold anymore.

  Because he can't let the future young grandmother and others collide!

—Qi Qingyao, who didn't know that he was taking advantage of it, left happily holding the baggage, and walked to a nearby unmanned laneway. Without evasiveness, he took off his maid dress and changed it. Orange soft robe!

  She didn't care at all, because she was still wearing a white shirt, so she didn't think there was anything wrong with changing clothes like this.

  But this kind of early in the morning, hiding in the lane, thinking that no one would notice, only the close-fitting white shirt was left...this scene happened to be seen by someone.

  That person is Sandalwood Butterfly.

  (End of this chapter)