True Marvel World

Chapter 141: Get Phoenix Power

Of course, Ron didn't sit still. Black Phoenix's powerful Phoenix ability is not weaker than him. He doesn't have time to pretend.

Ron claims to be a long-range ability, but he never forgets what his main ability is.

Therefore, the first thing to begin is the confrontation in the spiritual world.

At this moment, Ron's spiritual power emerged in full, and the huge spiritual energy was divided into several forms by him, attacking the black phoenix.

As a kilometer of mountains, they pressed down on the black phoenix from the top, trying to suppress the black phoenix.

Like a raging gale, howling blew towards the black phoenix, trying to tear the black phoenix directly.

Just like a sharp blade, he stabs straight at the black phoenix, wants to directly break the black phoenix's mental defense, and then uses this as a cause to disintegrate all black phoenix defenses ...

However ... The defense of the Black Phoenix completely ignored these intangible and insane spiritual attacks and did not play any role at all.

This is not because Ron's mental strength is weak. Even if Professor X with the brainwave enhancer saw it, it would be shocking to add.

The point is that Black Phoenix is ​​one of the heirs to the power of the Phoenix. It has the bonus of the power of the Phoenix, one of the strongest forces in the Marvel universe.

But even so, Ron has not stopped the attack of spiritual power, and has been attacking the Black Phoenix.

"Ron, even your most powerful mental ability is of no use to me, so please let me devour it, don't struggle ..."

Under the attack of Ron's spiritual power, Black Phoenix's eyes became darker, and she felt as if she was one step closer to the infinitely hot power and became stronger ...

"No, you're thinking wrong. My true ability is not mental ability ..."

Hearing the eager words of the Black Phoenix, Ron smiled and shook his head, not worried at all.

At the same time, Ron is also preparing to use his other ability, real ability, to deal with the black phoenix.

Everything in the world is made of matter. Without matter, there is no life, no energy, no space, no time.

As the incarnation of the universe, Ron can directly create material out of thin air. This kind of ability like God in mythology is Ron's most powerful ability!

Somehow, a red flame suddenly appeared in the void, then disappeared directly, crossed the endless space, and came into another world.


"Black Phoenix, I don't know if you have heard such a story? A woman fell in love with a man, but in the end, the woman found that the man was his brother's story ..."

Ron waved his hands gently, and annihilated the dust blocking him around casually, walking towards the black phoenix in a leisurely manner.

"how can that be?"

The black phoenix did not care about Ron's nonsense at all. She only knew that the subatomic dust shield she had gathered with the power of the Phoenix did not know why, but she was easily killed by Ron and disappeared without a trace.

The most important thing is that the means to annihilate her ability actually made her feel very familiar, and seemed to be almost the same as her ability.

The black phoenix did not believe in evil, and once again used the ability to read, trying to control everything around Ron and trap Ron.

"Dark Phoenix, do you know? What you have is just a small part of the power of the real Phoenix. As an incarnation of cosmic life and emotional power, it is more powerful than you are now. ... "

Ron waved his hand again, continuing to annihilate the Black Phoenix toward the power he used, and continued to walk in the direction of the Black Phoenix.

"This is impossible, this is impossible ..."

Feeling Ron's ability again, Black Phoenix's original cold face finally expressed doubts.

Now she finally understood what the very familiar atmosphere Ron had just used.

That familiar atmosphere is the power that has been hidden deep in her heart, the power of the Phoenix!

The Black Phoenix used her ability again. This time she didn't keep her hand. The black energy came out, tearing directly towards Ron, intending to tear Ron directly into subatomic dust.

"I think you guessed it, in fact, I also have the power of Phoenix. It is not very powerful. Compared with the full version of the power of Phoenix on you, it may not be worth mentioning ..."

In the void behind Ron, a young phoenix broke through the eggshell, stretched out a pair of fiery wings, flew up, and flew into the sky.

"However, it can still be used against you after blessing me with the same mental strength ..."

At this point, Ron had already walked in front of the Black Phoenix, only a dozen centimeters away from the Black Phoenix.

If Ron wanted it, he could even show a hand to wipe off the neck of the black phoenix, so that the power of the phoenix in her body would disappear because of the loss of the host relationship.

But that's not Ron's purpose, what he wants is to get the part of the power of the Phoenix from the black Phoenix ~ ~, not kill her.

Looking at the dark eyes of the black phoenix, Ron put his hand together and put a finger out against the black phoenix's forehead.

In an instant, Ron's mental power poured into the mind of Black Phoenix, and every message was in her mind.

"Black Phoenix, you have been overwhelmed by the mental barrier for more than 20 years, imprisoned in the darkness, and have no idea what to do, so you long for freedom, you long for one day to break through and get free ...

"Now you seem to be free, but in fact? You are still imprisoned in the body with another consciousness, so you are still not free ..."

"And now, I can give you real freedom, a body that really belongs only to you ..."

"Black Phoenix, as long as you hand over the power of your Phoenix, everything I say will come true, and then you will be truly free ..."


The black phoenix was confused, and Ron's seductive voice kept ringing, tempting her constantly, making her bit by bit fall into that wonderful fantasy town, unable to extricate herself.

She started to hate everything that she has now, yeah, Ron was right, even though she had escaped from that mental barrier, but now she still has to share her body with another person and be subject to it at any time. Is another harassment of thoughts free?

After a long time, a flame began to form in the body of Black Phoenix, and then quickly flowed from her forehead into Ron's finger, and entered Ron's body.

Then, the flame that originally intended to inhabit Ron's body suddenly disappeared into Ron, passed through countless spaces, came to another magical place, and then quickly separated, decomposed, and merged into that. Among the endless stars.