True Marvel World

Chapter 144: Laser Eye Attack

[Title: Man fantasy of a US attack has now (three shifts) of Chapter 144 of laser eye: Stick squirrel]

Welcome to the latest chapter of a beautiful fantasy fantasy 2k novel network! The domain name of this site: \ "2k 小说 \" complete pinyin, it is easy to remember! Good-looking novel

Highly recommended: God-level hero Shengxue Snow Eagle Lord once read the eternal dragon king legend Taigu **** king Wu Lian peak Five Elements Heaven Xuanjie gate choose the heavens eternal night king reverse scale "You call the nightwalker right? Your instant movement is very good, both It ’s better than mine, ah no, it ’s worse than my instantaneous movement. It ’s almost as good as Niubi. Is there ... ”

After coming out of the space-distorted passage in red tights, he patted his blue skin and looked at his night walker with a little dread, a very satisfied look.

After speaking, the abnormal state of the red tights disappeared directly from the place. The next second, he went directly to the pickup truck that was about to drive away.

"Oh oh ... let me see who's in the car, wow, actually a handsome little madam, um ... even though he is a little older, he is still a madam. What about him, is there any interest? Come and play with me. The technique I help you manage is very good ... "

"Well, why don't you talk, isn't my word too cheap? Okay, so, you can help me control it, I haven't been served by Xiaozheng for a long time ..."

"Why don't you talk? Are you a dumb? Alas, unfortunately, although you are dumb, your mouth should still be able to move. Come and show me ..."

"To shut up!!!"

Seeing the metamorphosis of the red tights kept talking, Ron finally couldn't help it, and immediately showed a circle of strong tape to seal the deadpool's mouth and yelled.

Of course, Ron knows who this pervert wearing a red tights is, and who can say such yellow-blooded sloppy words, besides the legendary dead servant who can break the fourth wall and never die?

He didn't expect that Deadpool would actually appear at this time, and still appeared directly in front of him, and still as a group of Professor X.

"Woohoo ..."

The deadpool felt a circle of strong tape on his mouth, and whined a few times, and found that he could not break away, he made a stick in one hand, and a circle in one hand, and made the appearance of a stern tube. Enlai.

"Qin has nothing to do! Deadpool, catch that person, he is the culprit of war between mutants and humans. After catching him, I will let you join the X-Men."

On one side, the laser eye saw Ron's stopping Ron, and immediately checked the situation of the Phoenix Girl lying on the ground. After discovering that the Phoenix Girl was just in a coma, she pushed away the Wolverine who rushed over, and then shouted at the Dead Woman Road.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

When I heard the words of laser eyes, Deadpool first whispered to express his surprise, and then whispered a few times, which probably means

"You blind man, you haven't seen my mouth sealed? Did your eyes buckle from your dad's back and press into your eye sockets?"

Well, that's probably so much ...

However, because of his mouth being sealed, Deadpool didn't understand a word of laser eyes.

The laser eye thought that what Deadpool said should be to help him, so he directly pressed the switch of the red glasses on his eyes with both hands, emitting a red shock wave, and shot at Ron's pickup truck.

When the laser eye just came out with Deadrunner of the Night Walker, he just saw Wolverine flying out, and the Phoenix Woman was unconscious on the ground, so he naturally regarded Ron as the culprit and hated Ron.

In addition, his mission this time is also to deal with Ron. Under the new hatred and the old grudges, the laser eye did not stay at all, the purpose is to directly destroy Ron's pickup truck, and even ...

It's Ron in the pickup!

Laser eye glasses are made of red quartz. There are several switches on the eyes that can control the size of the shock wave emitted by the laser eye.

The level of the shock wave he just launched is not low, let alone destroy a pickup car. Even a house made of steel may have a big hole in the red shock wave.

But then the laser eye stunned, because after his energy shock wave was launched on the pickup truck, let alone destroy the pickup truck, even a trace of it was not left on it.

"what happened?"

Laser eyes don't believe in evil. One finger press directly increases the energy level of the third gear, and once again emits a red shock wave.

This time, the red shock wave emitted by the laser eye may no longer be called a shock wave. It has become an extremely high-temperature energy ray with huge destructive power. It shot straight towards the pickup, as if this pickup was A tank can also be easily cut by it.

The deadpool next to the pickup truck saw this energy ray, and immediately felt bad. A teleportation left the pickup truck and went to the other side. Then he pulled out one of the two knives on his back and began to cut himself. Comes with strong tape on the mouth.

However, this time, after the energy rays of the laser eye were emitted to the **** of the pickup truck, there was still no trace left on it, and even the pickup truck was shaken, as if it never appeared.

"what happened?"

The laser eye frowned tightly ~ ~ The shock wave emitted by him was blocked by the pickup truck, but it is reasonable, but now he has upgraded the shock wave to energy rays.

It stands to reason that even if the back of the pickup truck is transformed into an alloy, it cannot resist his energy rays.

So what is going on here?

At this point, Ron in the car finally opened the door and got out of the car. He didn't care about the fact that he was cutting his mouth, but instead looked directly at the laser eye, with a bad tone.

"Laser eye, you should know my ability. If you want to shoot at the back of my pickup truck, then don't blame me for hitting you with the back of the pickup truck!"

"..." Laser's eyebrows frowned even deeper, and Ron actually said that he was going to be beaten with the car's ass, did he not put him in his eyes at all?

The laser eye didn't say anything, he didn't want to say anything to the person who hurt the piano, but just silently adjusted the energy level of the special quartz glasses to the highest level, and shot again in the direction of the pickup truck.

The energy rays emitted by the laser eye at the highest level did not even know how strong he was, he only knew that he could never let Ron humiliate anymore.

As a mutant and the successor of the future X Academy being cultivated by the professor, Laser Eye has extremely strong self-esteem, and he must find his own face!

The next moment, a reddish energy ray was emitted from the eyes of the laser eye, and then slowly increased and expanded, directly from the thickness of the arm to a half-meter energy ray.

As soon as this half-meter-large energy beam came out, it directly vaporized everything around it, and the shaking caused by it even began to shake in the space it was in, as if even the space was torn by it. !! 2k novel reading network