True Marvel World

Chapter 325: conflict

In Thor's eyes, time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Malakis was holding the roaring expression of the energy gun that had just fired the bullet. Heimdall looked regretfully behind him. Vandal and Vostag were too late to move towards the energy bullet's anxious footsteps, behind which Frigga stopped. After the energy bullet that had been hitting Thor, the determined expression on his face had stopped for a moment, and all of it was reflected in his eyes.

"Do not!!!!!!"

Thor shouted in despair, trying to help his mother, but found himself unable to move at all.

Even his shouting was just an illusion that appeared in his heart. He really had no energy to shout at all to help his mother.

Later, time returned to reality, Thor's eyes lost the static scene just now, but instead turned into the splendid roof in the treasure house, and kept going up until he knew Thor had fallen completely to the ground before stopping abruptly.

Screams and yells appeared.

The painful cry of Friega after being fired by energy, Vandal and Vostagna want to stop loudly, but the time is too late to enter Thor's auricle, and return the world to the noisy reality .

A little bit of force began to snip in Thor's heart, letting his vitality that was originally sucked by the cursed soldier gradually recover, and a flash of lightning began to appear on his body, even the eyes were covered with white flashes, like white night.

Fandal and Vastak then rushed to Thor and Friega. Watching Frigga's dying life and Thor's gradual restoration, and their right hand just holding together, they understood This is why.

At the last moment of her life, Friega chose to transfer her life to Thor who had been suffocated by the cursed warrior, so that the weak Thor gradually recovered his vitality.

And, that power that controls thunder and lightning!

Nourish ...

Feeling the return of power, Thor wrapped in thunder and lightning, stood up instantly, looked at Malekis not far away, and punched him in the air.

The white lightning emerged from Thor's right hand, and almost instantly struck Malkis' right face. While blasting his white face into coke, he also flew him out, fell to the ground, and stood. Can't stand up.

At this time, the expressionless cursed warrior finally had a little caution in his eyes. Seeing that the situation had gone, he immediately caught Malkiz, who fell on the ground, in his arms, and rushed out toward the road when he came.

Thor wants to chase, but after a few steps, he finds that without Miao Neil, he can't catch the cursed soldier at all. He can only watch the enemy go away, and lose all the power of thunder and lightning, and return to ordinary. appearance.

Afterwards, he looked at the ground behind him.

There, the person who gave birth to him has lost his life forever, closed his eyes, can no longer see him, can no longer scold him, and even ...

Take the initiative to hug him!

Grief filled with sorrow, but Thor did not have the courage to vent his grief, but slowly walked towards Friega, slowly kneeling on the ground, hugging his mother tightly, and never let go.

On the other side, Vandal, Vostag, and Heimdal have been chasing the fleeing cursed warriors and Malkis, trying to catch up with the two who killed Frigga.

It only chased to the side of a window, and the cursed warrior jumped out, and then boarded a dagger-type battleship that had been waiting outside for a few hundred meters long great sword giant ship.

Da Jian's red spar, which was launching a large energy wave, also stopped attacking. After waiting for the battleship of Malikis to enter, the whole body began to become transparent again, and disappeared after a while.

On the ground, Odin, who used Gungenier to resist the energy wave of the great sword giant ship, loosened and lost all his strength. He could only help Gungenier stay in place, and there was no intention to pursue.

It is not that he does not want to chase, but that his current strength cannot catch up at all.

But this was not the most important thing, the most important thing was that he felt the life of the person he loved the most was gone.

she left……

Odin's left eye gradually began to wet, and in his mind flashed the days when he and Frigga met, knew each other, and got along.

Then, step by step, holding Gungenier, he hurried in that direction.

The direction that he will never forget.


War is always brutal.

After the war, countless houses and buildings in Asgard were in ruins. Even the Golden Palace was damaged a lot, and it will no longer have its former power.

At night, the river.

During the day, those Asgards lost during the war were all collected and placed on a prepared bamboo raft with petals. They slowly advanced along the river.

Odin, Thor, Heimdal, Vandal, Vostag, Schiff, and most of the entire city came to the riverside. They did not cry, but just silently looked at the riverside's own Loved ones, loved ones, friends, silent.

They knew it was a disaster.

Disasters always have casualties and partings!

As Asgardians, they are not afraid of casualties. They are afraid of revenge for those who have died and loved ones, so that they can return to the world tree without regret.

After the silence, a general ignited the rocket in his hand, put it on a bow, and shot out at the bamboo raft farthest from the river.

The rocket rushed into the sky, and as the force disappeared, it landed on a bamboo raft with a standard parabola.

Then there was a fire on the dark river.

After that, countless rockets rose to the sky and landed behind the bamboo raft, lighting up one after another the cradle of farewell, making the entire riverside a sporadic sea of ​​fire.

Then it turned into a little bit of stars, and disappeared into the world with the Asgarde's farewell fluorescent lamp!


At the corner of the river, a soft sigh appeared, and then the man turned his back and began to walk back with the other four.

"Are you sorry? You should have been able to save them ..."

When the others returned to the room, and only Ron and saber were left, the little girl with blond hair found Ron sitting alone in a daze outside, and accompanied him to watch the starry sky for a while, Rarely took the initiative.

Ron took a surprised look at the saber who had changed his temperament, then laughed at himself and said:

"I'm not here to save people! I'm not so kind!"

Saber's big blue eyes narrowed slightly. "But you just regretted it, didn't you?"

Although her tone was not intense, she could hear that she was not satisfied with her behavior.

"I'm just sorry." Ron touched the blond girl's head. "The world is a wonderful thing. Maybe you disappeared today, maybe I'm gone tomorrow. Who knows? "

"Time is also wonderful, because if time really exists, then everything becomes a stereotype and a slave to time, so I have always believed that time does not exist!"

Ron thought of the pictures that I had seen in the previous life, among them the picture of Frigard being stabbed to death by a short sword, but now, the short sword has become an energy laser!

"But what does time have to do with what happened?" Saber still didn't understand Ron.

"Well, it's my bull head that's wrong, and I didn't answer correctly." Ron shrugged, and continued in plain words:

"Good answer to your question. The reason why I didn't take a shot was that I just thought ..."

"I do not want!"

"Not wanting?" Saber trembled, taking a step back unconsciously, and remained silent for a long time.

Afterwards, she asked Ron tremblingly, "Then you made me, but it was just because ... you want?"

"Yes, I think!" Ron frowned, looking at the trembling saber.

Ron is not surprised that Saber knows that he may be the life he created, because although he shielded the perception and memory of the other person, no matter what, this girl named saber is still because of his last life. Created by those memories, a person with life.

In the course of more than a year, she may have been confused, but after time has passed, she should have confirmed this fact. It was only when he said he did not want it that the life created by him finally determined this.

The reason why she would tremble and ask questions to herself was just because she understood that she was just because someone was interested, so she just made a 'doll'.

However, her entire 'doll' is alive!

Saber looked at Ron tremblingly. She didn't yell or point at Ron's wrong, but just shivered and said calmly:

"But ... I'm real ..."

Ron heard that, and frowned even deeper.

He actually thought about the reason why the life he made was real. .

Because it is real, every life he creates has an individual consciousness, has independent behavior, is a person, a lonely person!

But what about it?

Isn't every life forced to happen?

He, or she, or it, any one, it is!

So Ron let go of the weird feeling and regarded himself as a true God, creating a lot of things.

Whether they want it or not.

Because he has the confidence to control them, to control the lives created by him!

But today, the most obedient saber asked this question, leaving him wondering how to answer.

So he didn't answer.

Ron didn't bother with saber, he just sat there without saying a word.

The blonde girl was silent.

However, the tremor of her body slowly disappeared, and those emotions of fear, doubt, unwillingness, etc. also disappeared in her heart and became completely dry.

I don't know how long it took before the figure of the blonde girl finally moved.

At this point, an idea was finally raised in her original heart.

go away!


Early the next morning, Vandal came to the place where Ron's party was resting and saw Jane, Daisy, and Daisy's assistant who were using food.

Fandal stepped up, looking at Jane, the most powerful of the three, and asked anxiously, "What about the other two?"

Jane frowned ~ ~ answered Vandal: "I don't know."

"You must know that they were here last night!" Vandal's hands were already nestled on the sword around his waist, and his tone became more manic.

He didn't come to the five earth people who broke into Asgard yesterday for no reason, but when he went to see Odin early in the morning, he accidentally heard that the evil aether that the dark people wanted, in fact, Hidden in the five earth people who came to Asgard.

Knowing this, Vandal immediately fell into a fretful mood.

Because if it were n’t for the five Earthlings who came to Asgard, the dark people would not come to attack them, the countless Asgards would not die, the city would not be damaged, the mother of the great gods Friega would not return to the embrace of the World Tree so early.

So he immediately turned away and found the place where the five Earthlings were. He wanted to ask these people to make it clear. If these people did not have a good answer, then he would kill these people directly and take revenge on those who died. !!

"I ask you, is it because of you that the dark people attack Asgard, don't they ?!"