True Marvel World

Chapter 328: Offensive Dark Star

Two hours later, Ron went to see Odin at the agreed time, and set out with Thor to go to the Dark Star to slay Malakis.

Prior to this, he had returned Jane, Daisy, and Daisy's internship assistants to the earth, and returned to Asgard alone, preparing to gather all the ether particles and truly turn the ether particles into a gem of reality.

Although there are a lot of ether particles he absorbed, they are not enough to be able to be combined into a realistic gem, which is worse than that of the dark elf Malikis.

Also, he may have to deal with Odin's next series of moves.

Although Odin did not show much malice, he could still feel the emotion of rejection and hatred of the other party. It is possible that the king of the gods would really hit him ...

This is also normal. The wife who accompanied him for thousands of years died without any resentment, which is simply impossible.

It was because of this that he sent Jane back to them.

The agreed meeting place was the square outside the Rainbow Bridge. When Ron came here, he found that a large number of Asgard soldiers had gathered here. Everyone's face was very aggressive and seemed to be able to block everything. People to kill!

Leading these Asgard soldiers were Thor's eldest son Thor, in addition to Vandal and Vastag, the three warriors of the imperial palace, and Valkyrie Shiv.

As for Hogan, the last warrior of the Three Warriors of the Palace, he did not stay in Asgard, but returned to his hometown of Warnerheim.

Because Hogan was not an Asgard, he was originally a tribe of Warnerheim, but was later rescued by the Asgards. He stayed in Asgard and became a member of the three warriors of the fairy palace. .

Some time ago, Hogan returned because of something happened in Warnerheim. He hasn't come back yet, and he doesn't know that Asgard was attacked, he has never returned.

As soon as he arrived at the gathering square, Ron immediately felt countless eyes falling on himself.

There are curious, disdainful, and jealous and hateful eyes ...


Ron felt a little strange. Although he was indeed an outsider, he didn't need to hate himself, did he?

And those who hate him, he still knew.

It was Vandall and Vostag in the Three Warriors of the Palace, and, Thor?

Although they covered up well and didn't even want to look at themselves, he continued to be familiar with the mental state of others, but he still felt the hidden hatred.

Can't wait to kill myself!

But why do these people hate themselves?

Ron didn't understand.

Forget it, do n’t understand if you do n’t understand, anyway, with his strength, even if these people cross the knife around his neck, he does n’t have to worry about it.

Thor is a bit troublesome. This guy seems to have made a lot of breakthroughs because of Friega's death, but it seems that it is not much stronger ...

At the end of the square, Odin, neatly dressed in armor, saw Ron coming, and Gungnier trembled on the ground with a look of majesty:

"Dark people attacked Asgard when the universe converged, killing our loved ones, friends, and family, even Frigga was brutally killed by Malekis!"

"So I gathered you here for the purpose of letting you raid the dark sphere of the dark elves and take revenge on Asgard!"

Although Odin's words were not too much and not very encouraging, they quickly stirred up the soldiers' excitement and shouted heart-to-heart:

"Revenge on Asgard!"

"Revenge on Asgard!"

"Long live Asgard!"


"Okay." Odin suppressed the shout, pointing at Ron behind him:

"This is the helper I invited from Earth, and it will help us to fight the dark people together."

Having said that, without waiting for the soldiers and Ron to react, Odin immediately said to Thor:

"Thor, what's the matter, remember to ask him, he will help you, you know?"

"I see, Father!"

Thor's heart was certainly rejected, but for his previous plans with Rocky, he still came to Ron and said kindly:

"Thank you for helping us with Asgard this time, thank you!"

"Thanks, this is also for the friendship between Asgard and the Earth, isn't it?"

Ron smiled, but felt a little appreciation of Thor's performance.

This arrogant thunder **** has actually changed a lot ...

"Please." Thor made an inviting gesture, inviting Ron to come in front of the soldiers, and then growled at them:

"For Asgard, go!"

"set off!"


Dark Star Field, Wat Algem.

This is a planet with a yellowish appearance, and the surface of the earth is as demonstrable as its color. It is endlessly desolate, overcast, and rocky, with no sign of life.

Suddenly, a ship-like aircraft appeared here, and after a few stumbles, it floated up again in the air, and then began to fly randomly over Wat Alheim, seemingly purposeless.

But only Rocky who piloted the aircraft knew that his actions were certainly not purposeless.

He was here to get the attention of the dark elves hidden in Wat Alheim.

After reaching an agreement with Thor, he was secretly released by Thor, and then drove an Asgard aircraft from a concealed passage to Walter Alheim. He was familiar with the terrain and also caused darkness. The attention of the elf leader Malakis, talk to each other, how should they 'destroy' Asgard!

To this end, he prepared a lot of language to convince Malkis. For example, he was not an Asgard, but a family of Frost Giants. For example, he led the Frost Giants to attack Asgard and was locked in a dungeon. And many other reasons.

Although these words Malekis should still not believe him, it is not important. What's important is that after the other party listens to his words, he can force some more means of that Ron.


Deep in the heart of Watt Alheim, Malakis was lying on the treatment equipment made by the Darkness at this time, and he was treated by a lightning strike.

Before fleeing, Thor's thunder strike did not hurt Malakis seriously, but it also caused him a lot of damage.

The most serious of these was Malekis's blush-free face. The Thunder's offensive blasted half of his face into coke. After passing through the information of the treatment device, this was much better.

But that's just it. That half of the face has become a pothole like Watt Alheim's surface.

Suddenly, Malekis opened his eyes, made from the treatment device, and said to his subordinates who were waiting beside him:

"Get ready to go to the ground with me, someone came in ..."

The heartfelt nodded and nodded, and passed the order without any doubt.

After that, a group of dark soldiers came to the ground of Wat Arrim from a special channel, obeyed Malakis' order, and made a defense, ready to welcome the intruders who came.

As the leader of the Dark Elves, owned by Wat Alchem, although Malekis is now weak and does not know how much, he still senses some conditions on this deserted planet by special perception.

Soon after, the dark soldiers saw a ship-like aircraft appearing in front of them, coming straight at them.

The dark soldiers immediately aimed the energy gun in their hands at the aircraft, and wanted to shoot down the battleship.

But before they fired, the aircraft yelled:

"Don't shoot, I'm Rocky, Asgard's enemy. If you have inquired, you know me, don't shoot ..."

On one side, the deputy turned into a cursed warrior saw Loki on the aircraft and said to Malekis: "He's right, I saw him in the dungeon of Asgard with my own eyes!"

"Wait a second, listen to what he is going to say." Upon hearing the cursed warrior, Malekis saw that the other party was only one person, and he stopped the soldiers under his command.

Seeing that the other side had not fired, Rocky on the Asgard aircraft was relieved, heard the aircraft far away from the dark soldiers, and then walked forward to the front, and said to Malekis:

"I'm Rocky in Jotunheim. You may have heard me, maybe you haven't heard it, but it doesn't matter! What's important is that I have brought you a piece of good news for you, but I have a request That is, let me witness the demise of Asgard, do you want to hear? "

"Oh? Really?" Malakis showed a mocking look, but he still believed Rocky's words, for nothing else, the blood of the Frost Giant on the other side could prove everything he said.

And sincerely cursed soldiers will not lie to him!

But even so, he let his men take control of Rocky, and after seeing that there was no resistance from Rocky, he finally said:

"If your news is false, then you should know your consequences!"

"Rest assured, right!" Despite being pointed at by many weapons, Rocky laughed and said everything.

"Odin has assembled an army to attack your Wat Alimheim. The leader is Thor Thor who wounded you before. If nothing is wrong, they will come to you through the Rainbow Bridge after a while. You have to Take precautions! "

"That's it?" Malakis frowned, silent for a moment, reaching out to the guy who controlled Loki, and motioned to kill Loki directly!

But who is Rocky? As the **** of fraud and mischief, he watched others look very well. After seeing Malachis look wrong, he immediately said:

"Of course more than that, in addition to Thor, Odin also invited a globeman to help Thor deal with you!"

Although he didn't know what the Earth man was, Rocky raised his hand to stop his men, and then asked:

"Earthman, what is that?"

"It's the Midgard people in the Nine Stars, and now they call themselves Earth people!" Rocky replied.

"Midgard? The most backward and weakest kingdom in the Nine Stars?" Malakis frowned, finally remembering the planet in the Nine Kingdoms that was not even fully dressed, and said dismissively :

"What great person can that backward starfield be?"

"Ten thousand years have passed, times have changed, Lord Malakis!" Rocky said, "The present earth ... is Midgard has grown to a horrible level, and some of them are even better than Odin Even more powerful, even their own technology has reached the point where they can explore space! "

"You're telling the truth?" Although he didn't believe the words of Loki, he had to admit that they still shocked Malikis greatly.

You know, UU reading Ten thousand years ago, Midgard was definitely the most backward planet. Except for that planet itself, it was pretty good. The people living above it were definitely the most garbage in the nine kingdoms. .

Malekis felt that he only needed to send a dark battleship to Midgard, and he could occupy that planet.

Only ten thousand years have passed. Has that place really changed drastically?

"You can prove everything I said, because these are true!" Rocky laughed again, and he knew that Malekis would not kill himself when he heard these words.

"What's that man's name, and why did Odin invite him?" Malekis asked again, earnestly.

Rocky replied truthfully: "His name is Ron, the most powerful person on the planet. The reason why Odin invited him is to establish a cooperative relationship with him, so as to deal with those dangerous people outside the nine star domains! "

Although these things Odin did not say, the clever Rocky guessed these ideas of Odin.
