True Marvel World

Chapter 439: Post-disaster reconstruction

Five days later, with the destruction of the last network base that may hide Ultron's consciousness, this global disaster guided by intelligent life finally came to an end.

No one knows how many people died this time, nor does anyone know how many touching stories happened when the disaster happened. People only know that they don't want to experience such things anymore.

This is not a disaster, it is already equivalent to the end!

Compared to the original timeline, Ultron's large machine made of Zhenjin lifted the entire Socovia into the sky, smashed it into the earth as a large meteorite, and destroyed all human beings. The situation is already pretty good.

If the original Ultron plan was successful, hitting the earth with Socovia that rose to the sky would be almost the same as the meteorite when the dinosaurs went extinct, which could directly destroy most of the species on earth, including humans!

At present, Ultron's plan to clear humanity is actually only killing a quarter of the population. Although it is also terrifying, this is already the best result relative to the safety of humans on the entire planet!

Although the entire earth is in grief, and despite the countless people's loved ones, friends, and lovers leaving them, people are always strong.

They will continue to live until they are about to leave, they will not be relieved, and there is nothing wrong with leaving.

So soon, the earth entered a stage of overall post-disaster reconstruction.

The cities that were originally covered by nuclear bombs are no longer able to live, and have moved away from their homes and other places without radiation to temporarily settle down, waiting for the next government's guidance.

People do not forget their country, nor do they forget that an organization is managing and helping them. This is the government department of each country.

No matter how terrible the disaster, this organization will never disappear.

Soon, governments in various places have begun to channel the surviving people.

It was at this time that the brand-new organization of the World Commission became known to many people.

Everyone is wondering, what kind of organization is this, and why can it replace the United Nations and really screw up the vast majority of countries?

Even more confusing is the leader of the organization, Ron Bronstad ...

Isn't this the young genius who developed the "regeneration potion", but then his talent faded and he became the boss of the newspaper? Why can you become the chairman of the World Commission?

The chairman of the World Commission is just an honorary seat, but some smart people still know that sitting in this position is equivalent to becoming the leader of the entire planet!

Why is there no country to resist and resist Ron?

No, in fact, it is not because there is no national resistance. It is said that South Korea has announced that it will not join the World Commission, and it also established a World United Organization to try to bring down the World Commission.

As for how the back?

Behind ... There is no longer a country like South Korea.

Just two days ago, the Prime Minister of Korea, including all members of the Korean government, announced that they would directly dissolve the South Korean government and give up all sovereignty to neighboring China and become a border town in China!

No one knows why, even the Chinese government is aggressive. It is said that China has not yet accepted it. After sending a member of parliament to the World Commission headquarters in New York, he returned with a smile and accepted the sovereignty handed over by South Korea. , Announced that South Korea was renamed Hancheng, merged into Shandong Province of China, and became a city in Shandong!

At this time, most countries were aggressive and did not react until later. South Korea is not right. Although Hanseong is small, it is a very economically developed place. If you can get some sites, even Seoul is not. Isn't it a loss, isn't it?

Soon, North Korea, Japan, Russia, and even Singapore, India, and other countries in Southeast Asia called South Korea's parliamentarians to go to New York quickly and wanted a piece of the cake.

Of course, without exception, these people could not even enter the door, they could only start their return journey with ashamed faces, silently concealed the matter, and dare not say more.

But the power of the people is powerful, and this incident spread quickly around the world. I do n’t know how to do it when the network has not recovered much.

But there is no doubt that this matter soon became one of the important talks in people's mouths, and became a good joke in a sad environment.

And on the eighth day, after most of the post-disaster resettlement work was done in most places, the second plenary meeting of the World Commission was officially held in the New York Commission building.

At this time, the world ’s network has begun to gradually recover. Although it has not yet reached the point where the Internet was used to watch videos at will, the basic communication has been very stable.

Therefore, the reporters who came to the committee meeting this time finally have a team of photographers and journalists who can pass on what happened next to their country and newspapers and report the incident as soon as possible.

But soon, all the reporters were called to one place and were collectively trained to say something.

Then, most of the recordings and broadcasts that the reporters originally wanted were all changed to live broadcasts, so that they could not be modified a little.

This is of course indicated by Ron. As for why, most of the reporters who come to the committee meetings are 'teams', belonging to various international, and by recording and broadcasting, those recorded things are definitely not all original.

This is a politician's method. All government leaders will not think that the people of their country know that there is an organization in their own country.

The original committee member system was almost at the limit of their tolerance!

Would Ron, who wants to unite the earth, enter the new century, let this happen?

will not!

He will let everyone know that the planet has a new leader.

This leader will lead them to a new future!


The meeting time is set at 9:30 am in the New York time. Unlike the previous meeting, Ron asked Quickin to personally drive the Great Sword to 'pick up' these parliamentarians.

At this meeting, lawmakers from all countries came by their own flying tools, and all of them arrived in New York a long time ago. They ordered hotels near the committee building, and no country was late.

Although many countries still have objections to Ron and this committee, the events of Ultron and Korea before have made them see how deep this water is. For the time being, it is better to remain silent and obedient.

As for why members of various countries have set up hotels around the committee building?

This is because the housing in the committee building was changed from free to charge by Ron, and the price was so ridiculous that if you want to move in, you must let out a little blood.

Some people may wonder, if it is only money, every country is actually not bad, and it is impossible to afford even a room.

But this 'price' does not refer to money, but some real rights.

In order to move in, these rights must be surrendered to the Commission.

This is a rule set by Ron. In fact, he originally wanted to directly hand over all the countries, but later he thought that it was still not implemented directly.

Not to mention the magnitude of the consequences and the number of objections that will arise, that is, after these rights are coming, it is also a question of who Ron will look for to manage.

Politics is not a game, unless he uses mental abilities to turn everyone into a puppet, otherwise everything is better.

Of course, it is not that they have not moved into the committee building, such as China and the United States. These two world powers have surrendered these rights at hand.

China understands very well that Ron just used the exchange between South Korea and China, which allowed China to agree to surrender part of the rights at a glance.

The US side is much more complicated, but mainly because of Ron's own influence.

The United States is the country that knows most about Ron's capabilities and knows how terrible Ron is. So after a bitter battle, he reluctantly surrendered these rights and paid the price to live in the building they originally built. .

Of course, this is actually because Ron's rights do not seem to be excessive.

The areas related to these rights are actually related to future development.

Ron requested that in the future, large-scale defense equipment and cities of the future will be built in the world. The main purpose is to make all parts of the earth have a good combat capability and be able to cope with the coming disasters in the future!

Because it is a national defense and weapons right, most countries choose to refuse.

But also because this is a future thing, it has not started yet, and it seems to be a good thing, so China and the United States accepted this request.

Ron also didn't care about this awkward situation at this stage, because when the disaster comes again, these countries will understand how wrong their previous decisions were!


It's 9:15. At this time, basically everyone has entered the General Assembly Hall of the Committee. The members have a good position and discuss in a whisper. The reporters set up their cameras, prepare the questions to be asked next, and prepare. .

Although they also heard that during the last committee meeting, it was stipulated that no questions could be asked, not even the lawmakers, but they did not hear that this time the meeting was not working!

After all, this is a global live broadcast. They have made their country agree not to record live broadcasts. They ca n’t even ask questions?

Soon, the time came to 9.28, and the General Assembly Hall had all quieted down, and there was no longer a quiet discussion.

Because everyone knows that it will soon affect the world and let everyone know that the earth ’s imminent change is about to begin!

Ron didn't take his time this time. He came to the General Assembly Hall in advance, and of course he did it on the front desk of the General Assembly Hall. As soon as the time was up, the meeting started directly.

At the last minute, there was a weird silence in the General Assembly Hall, all staring at the young man who had been sitting in front of his seat and doing nothing, a little lost.

The reporters also asked the photographer to turn on the camera, set the lens in advance, and prepare to directly access the screen for a while.

But the atmosphere was still silent.

It wasn't until the clock in the Great Hall pointed at the scale of 9.30 that the strange atmosphere of silence finally broke a little and there was a sound.

"Why didn't you start ..."

"It's a bit weird, why don't you talk and no one preside?"


A whispered murmur reappeared in the General Assembly Hall, finally restored some lively atmosphere in the General Assembly Hall, and also made those lawmakers wake up, knowing that the meeting can begin.

Finally, some members stood up and said aloud, "President Ron, it's time, can the meeting begin?"

"let's start……"

Ron smiled, and did not go silent any longer. He stood up, looked over everyone, and officially said the first sentence of the meeting.

"I'm Ron, president of the World Commission, and the only leader on Earth!"


Everyone finally knew why the scene was so weird before.

Because something big is about to happen!

If people just thought that Ron, the chairman of the World Commission, might become the new leader of the earth, now Ron's own words have already confirmed this!

Ron ~ ~ is to want to be the only owner of the earth!

And this sentence was also broadcast live to the world through cameras.

Almost everyone saw Ron and remembered this man who threatened to be the leader of the earth!

Some people are surprised, some people are confused, some people find it difficult to accept, some people don't think it matters, and some people think that this is actually quite good.


Washington, a hidden base, US team Steve Rogers watched the scene on TV, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Not because of surprise or anything else, the US team just felt that their conjecture had been completely declared correct.

Everything was self-directed and performed by Ron. He used the hand of Tony Stark to create Ultron, and then he came out to save the world as a savior. The world committee was established to control the earth!

Because in this way not only has a good reputation, but also achieved its purpose!

After solving Ultron, Ron finally couldn't help himself and told the world that he would become the leader of the earth and lead the earth to a bright future.

Although some people were surprised and confused, after Ultron, which caused world-class disasters, was resolved, no one would come out to stop it!

Even if there is, it will be drowned by other people's saliva.

Because Ron had created himself a savior, no one would question him at this time.

Perfect plan!

It is a pity that with his Steve Rogers, this evil plan will not succeed!

Although everything seems to be settled and Ron has achieved his goal, it is not too late!

The US team started to act silently. He wanted to let the whole world know Ron's ugly face and let people know that all this is a conspiracy!