Turn the Universe

Chapter 1033: butterfly

"Huh? Where is this? Who are the three people below?"

The butterfly flying to the sky above Hanyu Xiaotian unexpectedly developed a certain consciousness involuntarily at this time~

"No! Isn't that person me? That's Gufeng Patriarch and Dean Zhuang Yifan? Then where am I now? Could it be...I became a butterfly?!"

If an outsider saw this scene at this time, he would be shocked and inexplicable.

Except for Zhuang Yifan, the three people at the table, Gu Feng and Han Yu Xiaotian had already closed their eyes, as if they were asleep, unconscious...

The translucent butterflies on the heads of the three of them are becoming more and more agile and colorful...

"Butterfly? But why is my consciousness so clear? As if I should have been like this? Could it be that I am actually a butterfly? And that Hanyu Xiaotian is actually just my dream?"

At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian's consciousness actually felt that he was a real butterfly, and that flesh body was actually just a dream!

What about divine mind?

When Han Yu Xiaotian's consciousness remembered something, he tried in vain to invoke his own **** of stars, but found that he could not find it at all.

And only the body of the butterfly is constantly flying and hovering.

Han Yu smiles!


Which one is real?

Which one is dream?

Time passed unconsciously, just as Hanyu Xiaotian’s consciousness was about to sink, suddenly a voice appeared directly in his heart~

"If you are both, there is no inside and no outside.

The heaven and the earth are like me, and I am like the heaven and the earth. They are all in the same principle. Don't rush forward, don't force to be warm and nurturing nature, ask for a baby, and be successful in September.

Who is me at the moment?

who am I?

There is no difference between each other, the skin primordial spirit is originally one, so there is each other, both are me and neither are me.

Here, the world is a passerby, Huang Ting lives alone with me..."


Prosperity, pawn, fight, zhe, all, formation, rank, forward, line!

Taoist nine-character mantra!

Although Hanyu Xiaotian knew it early, but he never completely defied it.

And when he experienced Zhuang Yifan's real and dreamlike way of Zhuang Zhou's Dream Butterfly, he realized the word "Jie"!

As the so-called "phase is born from the heart," the Zhouyi is based on the appearance of the mind. When the mind changes, the phases will also change.

Reality and dream are the way of the heart!

At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian's body slowly opened his eyes, revealing a ray of light that seemed to have awakened from a big dream.

At the same time, he stretched out a finger.

Suddenly, the butterfly on its head that had not dissipated, actually slowly flew around the outstretched finger of Hanyu Xiaotian, and continued to dance around it, and finally fell on his finger~

The perfect fusion of the two into one!


When he saw this scene, Zhuang Yifan was really surprised.

For the first time, someone broke his own way of truth and fantasy in this way!

Ignoring the antiquity still struggling in his dreams, Zhuang Yifan stood up with a solemn expression and bowed to Han Yu Xiaotian: "Please teach me, fellow Taoist Han Yu."

Upon seeing this, Han Yu Xiaotian also hurriedly got up and passed Zhuang Yifan’s gift, and then said: "Dean Zhuang Yifan doesn’t need to be like this. Although I understand the true dream of my heart, I cannot control the reality like you. The way of dreams.

At the same time, you just fulfilled my profound heart and then changed my mind and stepped into the first level again. I should give you a gift. "

It turned out that just when Hanyu Xiaotian understood the word "all" in the nine-character mantra of Taoism, Yu Xin's true dreams came to a clear understanding, and the profound heart turned again...