Turn the Universe

Chapter 1036: The Eight Prajna

If Hanyu Xiaotian is only a Huang Tier, then Hanyu Xiaotian handed the "Prajna of Reality" to the ancient family, and the ancient wind might think that he might be clinging to the ancient family.

But just now, he already knew that Hanyu Xiaotian's terrifying, even terrifying talent strength, and such a person would not care about the attitude of the ancient family at all.

This made him even more grateful to Han Yu Xiaotian.

Of course, Han Yu Xiaotian also understood this. He safely received the ritual of the ancient wind, and then said: "You are welcome to the ancient Patriarch, all this is a coincidence. Or, in Buddhist language, it is fate, cause and effect. Gathering and dispersing, gaining and losing, are all conditions."

"Unexpectedly, the little friend Han Yu also knows the ancient Chinese Buddhism method! Then I don't know if you have any understanding and opinions about the Prajna method?"

Gu Feng's eyes lit up when he heard Han Yu Xiaotian's words. He didn't expect that Han Yu Xiaotian would talk about Buddhism after showing the Taoist Tai Chi and the Tao of the Universe.

Han Yu Xiaotian groaned slightly, then nodded and said, "Although I haven't studied the Buddhism Prajna method in depth, I have also dabbled in it.

In the fourth hour, the Buddha said many sutras and different dharma, so it has the name of eight books.

According to the Thirty-one volumes of the Da Ming Tripitaka, there are eight prajna.

The first is the great prajna. The Buddha's speeches on the five aggregates, the eighteen realms, and the thirty-seven levels are all born from the six paramitas. The prajna paramita is the largest and the most successful and the first. It cannot be named Parami. It is called Dapin Prajna because of its many volumes.

The second is the sketch Prajna, which is basically the same as the Dapin's method. Because of the smaller volume of the book, it is called the sketch Prajna.

Shining prajna, the Blessed One enters the samādhi, from the full-thousand-spoke wheel to amplify the light, up to the meat bun and all the pores, all light up, illuminating the ten countries and territories, saying this sutra for the bodhisattvas, so it is called the shining prajna.

Prajna Prajna, light means light; praise means speaking. From the root of the tongue, the Buddha gives out countless lights, illuminating the three thousand realms. In the light, countless golden lotuses appear naturally. Each of the Buddhas speaks this sutra on his lotus, so he praises Prajna.

Dao-doing Prajna, Buddha's teachings, make all sentient beings happy when they hear it, show and tell, learn from it, and achieve Dao-doing, so it is called Dao-doing Prajna.

The Vajra Prajna, based on the nature of the Vajra, is strong and profitable, capable of breaking the unbreakable, and capable of breaking all things.

Victory Prajna, this is said by Victory's question, so it is called Victory Prajna.

Manjusri asks Prajna, this sutra was said because of the question by Master Manjusri, so it is called Manjusri asks Prajna..."


When Han Yu Xiaotian finished speaking, he saw that Gu Feng and Zhuang Yifan had a brilliant victory in their eyes, and a touch of amazement appeared in his eyes.

What Han Yu Xiaotian just said, again a little bit beyond the imagination of the two.

The ancient Chinese Buddhism method has long been lost for a long time, and few handed down.

Even the ancient Prajna family only inherited one or two, far from being complete.

They originally thought that the young man in front of them was just a peerless talent, who understood the profound meaning early. But in other respects, because of its age limit, it may not be able to achieve much.

However, what Han Yu Xiaotian just said, but even they have not heard of it, and it breaks their cognition.

Gufeng said with a little excitement: "Father Hanyu, I don't know what you just said...where did you see it?"

"Oh? Of course from the book."

Han Yu Xiaotian was a little surprised at first, but immediately wanted to understand something.