Turn the Universe

Chapter 1046: bet

What's more, everyone heard that there is another Hanyu Xiaotian who robbed the Storm Pirates group, but it was also from Earth!

This can't help but greatly increase their interest...

"Hey, what do you think of the strength of the two? How do you compare to our ancient geniuses?"

"It's hard to say, I have discussed with Yi Shuihan from the earth, and his strength is above us!"

"Oh? Gu Sheng, you are also a genius of our ancient family, why did you lose to someone younger than you?"

"You can't say that, I also lost to that blue king. They are indeed very powerful."

"It seems that the martial arts on the earth still cannot be underestimated! But I still tend to Abu Diga will win. I have seen their Tianjiao characters, they are incredible!"


Not to mention the comments of the people of the ancient family, Gu Shan looked towards the direction of Gu Tianshu and Gu Yi with a smile.

"Nephew Gu Yi, you implemented the family's plan to wipe out the storm pirate group, but you only completed half of it. You did not get the materials of the storm pirate group.

Now, don't you want to say anything? "

"What? Uncle, if you still want to say something now, then I'll just admit that I didn't complete the task."

Gu Yi replied slightly contemptuously.

Knowing that everything about the Storm Interstellar Pirate Group may be a trap designed by his uncle for himself, what mood does Gu Yi still have to complete the family mission?

He even said that if he completes the family mission, he might die sooner!


Hearing the old sarcasm, Gu Shan's expression also sank.

At the same time, he also knew that the Gu family was now about to finally tear his skin, and both sides probably cooperated with each other in acting now.

But so what?

Everything depends on strength after all, right?

So he stopped talking nonsense, and directly pointed out: "Just put it straight, the materials of the storm interstellar pirate group are very important to my ancient family, especially the energy essence stones excavated by the pirates! It can greatly promote the development of my ancient family! Therefore, our ancient family must get this batch of materials!"

These words of Gu Shan were meant for Gu Yi and the members of the Yigan family, as well as for Han Yu Xiaotian.

However, he didn't notice, sitting at the first place on the stage of the ringmaster*, the mocking smile from the corner of the ancient patron Gu Feng's mouth.

At this time, before the ancient meaning could speak, Hanyu smiled and spoke slightly~

"Is Gushan? It's okay if you want this batch of materials. Why don't we just make a bet with the competition you arranged. Our bet is this batch of materials. But, don't you know if you have a bet of equal value?"

Hearing Han Yu Xiaotian’s words, both Gu Shan and Gu Lang felt a sudden shock, but when they thought about the origins of the people from Abu Diga this time, they couldn’t help but let go~

"Okay! Your proposal for gambling is pretty good. But I don't know, what do you think is of equal value?"

"Well, let me do the math. The batch of materials I got probably contained more than 10,000 yuan of energy gems, some ancient weapons of inestimable value, and the various kinds of looting accumulated by the Storm Interstellar Pirates over the years. Gold and silver jewelry, rare substances..."

Every time Hanyu Xiaotian said something, everyone in the ancient family jumped around the corner of their eyes. Until the end, almost everyone's eyes glowed brightly...