Turn the Universe

Chapter 1107: Ding Ding Qian Kun

"Feng Shui learns mathematics, qi, and image, the unity of nature and man;

"Zhou Yi·Xi Ci" said: "God has no direction but no body".

The ancient prose of "Fang" of God without direction is also called "Fangsuo", which means position. No direction means no position, no place and omnipresent.

Essence, Qi and God mentioned in the Book of Changes and Buddhist scriptures.

Confucius said: "Essence is a thing, while a wandering soul is a change." The wandering soul is the god, the conformation! "

Han Yu Xiaotian muttered to himself.

The Gufeng and others around it discovered Hanyu Xiaotian's anomaly almost simultaneously.

At the same time, they couldn't help but move in their hearts, thinking of the miraculous Hanyu Xiaotian along the way, and at this moment they couldn't help but think, can this young man be able to turn the tide again this time?

And beside them, Han Yu Xiaotian whispered again: "Feng Shui learns fine, called Xuan, Dao, Yuan, Yi, Shui, Xuan Xuan and Xuan Ju are unpredictable, too Xuan and indescribable;

Praise, because information determines the inevitable path for the biochemistry of everything in the universe;

It is called Yuan because information is at the beginning of the tangible universe;

One is called one because one is the beginning of natural numbers, ‘the way begets one, begets two, two begets three, and three begets everything’. Hold one, keep one, return to one, true one, too one;

It is called water because the living things on earth originated from water.

Earth fire and water wind! "

At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian's eyes were unexpectedly bright, and at the same time a flash of lightning flashed through his mind.

The so-called Feng Shui Tao is just one of the principles and principles contained in the earth, fire, water and wind.

Yin and Yang changes...

Hanyu Xiaotian slowly closed his eyes amidst the collapse of a mountain, and when he opened them again, his right eye turned golden, as if emitting endless light and heat; the left eye was based on the original foundation. It's darker and darker, and a ray of lunar air continues to flow.

The supernatural powers of the stars: the eyes of the lunar and the sun.

"Dao begets one, one life is two, two begets three, three begets all things. All things bear yin and hold yang, and urge to think of harmony."

Two yin and yang qi shoot out from Hanyu Xiaotian’s eyes, and continue to merge and revolve. Finally, a yin and yang Taiji figure appears in the air, and appears in the midair of a mountain range like a sky...

Too: Initial, Zongyuan, Supreme.

Extreme: the most extreme position, the element of structure.

The universe is infinite, so it is called Tai Chi.

But the universe is tangible, that is, it has substantial content. The tangible comes from the intangible, so Wuji and Taiji.

The entity of Tai Chi is healthy, that is, when the universe is in motion, yang is generated when moving, and when it moves to a certain degree, it becomes relatively static, while static generates yin qi. In this way, the yin and yang are the roots of each other. Operate in infinity.

"The Great Hole on the Top of Zhenyuan Miaojing" says: "The Tao of Tai Chi has no history and no present, no beginning and no end. Tai Chi is also the great foundation of heaven and earth."

Yin-Yang Tai Chi harmonizes Yin-Yang and sets the heaven and earth, and also sets the earth, water, fire and wind!

When Hanyu Xiaotian's Tai Chi picture appeared, the world seemed to be quiet!

An inexplicable law appeared and instantly covered the entire world.


The mountain range, which was originally like a giant dragon turning around, slowly tilted and collapsed, stopped at the moment when the Tai Chi diagram appeared.

Immediately, the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi picture began to circulate, and after a while, everything dissipated, and the heaven and the earth returned to clearness...


Although it was only a moment after running the mystery of Taiji Tu at its full strength, Hanyu Xiaotian seemed to fall to the ground like an exhausted ordinary person after a hard day's work...