Turn the Universe

Chapter 1134: Terror hidden in the depths

Han Yu Xiaotian wrinkled his brows slightly when he walked to the stone slab. Obviously, he couldn't fully understand this rune, which was still rare for him.

At this moment, the weird stone crack reminded him of the Heluo stone slab he had obtained.

The intricate crack-like runes on the Heluo stone slab are somewhat similar to the patterns on this weird stone...

Hanyu Xiaotian walked slowly around the slate, and began to mutter to himself~

"Vertical, horizontal, oblique, to make changes and walk ghosts and gods.

This stone, the cracks are ‘scattered’, to form the number of six Jiazi: the number of heaven and earth 55 plus the number of five elements 5, combined into 60 Jiazi five elements of the number.

The five elements of yin and yang of the ten days dry intersect with all things, seeking the same spirit, and each of them emits 12 sounds at the same time, silent and unaccounted for, according to the five elements of the north, east, south, west, and central imaging, a total of 60 naynes.

Spread countless spectrum bands, which should be the reason why we were able to capture its signal.

And these stone cracks always inadvertently intersect and overlap each other. This is another ‘gather’.

It gathers the reflected signals it receives, like the ‘eye’ of something, and then collects it and sends it to the unknown. "


Hearing Han Yu Xiaotian's murmur, many people, including Cheng En and Han Yuzhan, were a little shocked.

They didn't expect that this stone, which they thought was just a bit weird, would have so much exquisiteness and weirdness in Han Yu Xiaotian's analysis.

Master Xiao Rune was even more shocked, because Han Yu Xiaotian analyzed...

He didn't even notice it!

However, at this time, all people did not dare to disturb Han Yu Xiaotian’s thinking, because they faintly felt that this stone might be completely different from what they had originally imagined, and might even hide a huge secret that they didn’t even know. .

"The pattern is like roots and whiskers of a tree, criss-crossed, like a maze, incomplete, but seemingly complete; it can absorb the spirit of people, arouse resonance, produce negative inquiry and desire for greed, then its purpose and function are also It's clear~

Attract foreign creatures to come and enter the King Mori!

At the same time, as ‘eyes’, capturing the dynamics of entering creatures! "

After a period of analysis, Han Yu Xiaotian finally concluded!


Hanyu Xiaotian's inference, there was already an uproar in the field at this time~

Send all kinds of signals to attract creatures?

Then, like the eyes, the future biological income?

Arouse the spiritual greed of creatures?

Is this some kind of thinking creature?

Is it an alien from the universe?

Highly intelligent species?

Then the Federation of Mankind attacked this King Mori. Isn't it a situation deliberately set by a creature or race that everyone doesn't understand or know?

What is its purpose?

Enter Mori King!

The terrible conjecture suddenly changed the colors of the strong in the field, and stormy waves surged in their hearts!

If what Hanyu Xiaotian said is true, then in this battle of humanity, it is not that human beings take the initiative to obtain a high-level resource planet, but a kind of highly intelligent creatures that attract humans into the game!

The truth of this fact is so terrifying!

Within ten minutes, Hanyu Xiaotian cracked the function of the runes on this weird stone slab~

But at the same time, he himself was horrified. He didn't know what intelligent creatures in the universe had never appeared in the eyes of human beings, what were they, and what their purpose was...