Turn the Universe

Chapter 1159: Thousand Hands Guanyin Mudra

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is the master of saving hungry ghosts when he cooperates with the six ways of saving.

The Lotus Sutra says: "If there are countless, tens of thousands, billions of beings suffering from all kinds of afflictions, and they hear that they are Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, they will be named with one heart, and the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will immediately observe the sound of his voice, and they will all be liberated."

It can be seen that his method is vast and his tragic wish is deep.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva takes great compassion and salvation as its main virtue, but what lies behind it is boundless wisdom.

Therefore, the "Prajna Heart Sutra" widely popular in ancient Chinese Buddhism was proclaimed by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, the so-called: "The Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, walks deep in Prajna Paramita, sees the five aggregates are empty, and saves all suffering."

This can also give a glimpse of its deep prajna.

In the two realms of Tizo and Vajra, the Holy Guanyin belongs to different places:

In the mandala of the Tibetan realm, they are located in the four courtyards of the Central Taiwan Eight-Leaf Academy, the Lianhua Academy, the Sakyamuni Academy, and the Wenshu Monastery. They are all named Guan Zizai Bodhisattva.

In the vajra world, it is called the vajra bodhisattva.

They have their own image, print and samaya shape.

The handprint magical power that Hanyu smiles under the eyes of the sky, this handprint magical power that has never appeared in the world, is exactly what he once again realized during his time in the Cancer Ancient Family through the ancient "Prajna Sutra" and various prajna ways. The fourth Buddhist mudra!

The samaya seal of the void hidden mudra!

However, what he displayed at this time was not the general Guanyin one pulse mudra, but his unique comprehension-the secret of the Avalokitesvara!

There are four great Guanyins in Buddhist legends.

Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara refers to the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, and each palm has one eye. It is also called the Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, the Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara with a thousand hands, and the Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara. Thousands of tongues and arms are at ease.

Among the six great Avalokitesvara, Avalokitesvara is the master who saves all sentient beings in the **** way.

In the "Thousand Lights and Eyes View in the Bodhisattva's Secret Dharma Sutra," it says: "Great pessimism and freedom, with hundreds of thousands of hands, and his eyes will return. Being the parents of the world, you can give the wishes of all beings.

The "thousand" here means immeasurable and perfect meaning.

That is, the "thousand hands", which symbolizes the infinite convenience of this Guanyin, great compassion and benefit, and the "thousand eyes" symbolizes the wisdom of observing the machine roots when he should be materialized and guided.

This statue is the **** of the lotus department, so it is called the lotus king.

Also known as the Guanyin Department, it is one of the five sects of the Vajrayana Realm of Tantric Buddhism, or one of the 3 sects of the Tizo Realm.

The lotus tribe swears that great compassion is the foundation, but this respect is the king of lotus, so the great compassion king is the secret name.

It is listed in the Mandala Void Tibetan House in the womb Tibetan realm, which represents the virtue of the lotus flower.


As the mantra floated, Hanyu Xiaotian's handprints were also completed instantly, and then a sense of wisdom, immeasurable, and completeness that resembled Guanyin appeared in his eyes~

"The samaya seal of the void hidden mudra!"

Suddenly, densely packed, hundreds of palm shadows filled the void in front of Hanyu Xiaotian...

These palm shadows do not carry any illusion, and are as real as things. When you look closely, none of their gestures are the same! Instead, each pinches a different handprint.


Thousands of palms with different handprints, with a divine aura like a tidal ocean, slammed toward the giant snake native, instantly submerging the body of the monster that was even hundreds of meters high... ..

"Boom boom boom boom~~~~"

The storm hits the shore, the frenzy rises!

For a time, a huge, rain-like roar resounded throughout the audience...