Turn the Universe

Chapter 1200: The true face of King Mori (3)

"According to the test information fed back by the instrument, this Mori King star extends from the surface to a depth of tens of thousands of kilometers, and continues until the soil microbial biomass close to the center of the earth is almost zero!

There is no energy, no minerals, no nutrients, no water, no living things.

In other words, this King Mori is simply a zombie planet! "


The zombie planet is the planet that has died.

Unlike other planets that move in an orderly manner, its behavior is very dangerous. Its trajectory has lost its gravitational force, and will gradually enter the dust belt, and finally disintegrate into dust.

Hearing the results of Wu Cheng's brain analysis, Cheng En felt a huge wave in his heart.

"What? Zombie planet? Impossible! Didn't you say that this is an advanced resource planet with rich resources and comparable to third-class stars? Now you tell me this is a dead star?"

Cheng En didn't care about covering up at this time, and shouted at Wu Cheng in front of Colonel Gao Feng* and others.

"Report to General Cheng En, when we just detected this planet buried deep in the dust of interstellar meteorites, we did detect that it was a very high-quality planet with high energy!"

On the other side of Guangnao, Wu Cheng also had a pale face and a cold sweat.

At this moment, he was also dumbfounded when facing the Mori Wang star data that had just appeared in his hands.

"General Cheng En, if this is a dead planet, how can you explain the green vegetation covering the surface of the planet and the indigenous people with extremely powerful vitality?"

Colonel Gao Feng *school** on the side suddenly remembered something and asked.

Only planets with rich resources will be rich in energy, and will give birth to vegetation with life and the planet's natives. This is the common sense that mankind has formed during thousands of years of exploring the universe.

The King Mori itself is huge, and on this planet, its verdant and ancient green vegetation cover almost 90% of the entire planet.

Coupled with those planetary natives with extremely powerful life physiques, judging from human experience, this King Mori should definitely be a rare higher planet.

But now, the final result has been revealed, and their initial judgment was wrong.


Where is the problem?

"General... Colonel *, video screen..."

Just as the two were thinking hard, a trembling voice behind them woke them up.

"Video screen? What happened to the video screen?"

However, when the two looked up, they couldn't help being truly shocked.

I saw that in the nearly 100 image screens in front of them, almost all of them were showing the same screen at this time~

All the battlefield areas have been occupied by the grayish-white translucent tentacles, and the tall vegetation that was originally green*green has disappeared...

What makes the people in the fort even more frightened is that not only the green vegetation disappears, but the huge Mori Kings natives that they are so familiar with are also shriveled, scattered, and turned into dust like those vegetation~

At the same time, in the bodies of these natives, one or several gray-white translucent tentacles are slowly emerging...

Finally, even the top five-star monster indigenous people began to understand...

As far as his eyes can see, the entire King Mori star seems to have become a pale, strange planet covered by endless tentacles.
