Turn the Universe

Chapter 1202: Cell biology

This body seems to have no life, only the insignificant ups and downs of the heartbeat in those few minutes show that he has not completely died.

Forcibly using the **** of stars to display supernatural powers, Hanyu Xiaotian's body was broken to the extreme due to overwhelming burden, and there was even a hint of death.

Or in other words, Hanyu Xiaotian was already'dead'.

The muscle fibers were all broken, the internal organs were broken into powder, the blood vessels and meridians burst into honeycombs, the blood was already drained, and there was not a piece of bone complete beyond the size of the nail, and even the bone marrow inside almost disappeared.

Only the insignificant, occasionally beating heart, hangs the last trace of vitality for Hanyu Xiaotian.

However, between the beating of the heart, there is no more blood transmission...

With his current injury, whether it is the most advanced medical treatment of the Human Federation, or the death of a strong heavenly rank, it can no longer be restored.

Seeing this picture of himself, Hanyu Xiaotian's consciousness suddenly smiled~

"Does it seem that I am going to die? Well, I can save so many lives, it can be regarded as a good death."

"It's just a pity that I haven't finished my journey through the road."

Han Yu Xiaotian's consciousness sighed softly, but at this moment, his'eye' caught his attention again.

"Huh? What is that? Why do you look familiar?"

In a place not far from Hanyu Xiaotian, an inexplicable pattern was looming.

"This is... the pattern on the stone my father captured!"

Han Yu Xiaotian remembered, and at the same time, he also had new guesses about where he was.

I saw him "looking around" looking around him, those transparent liquids and some extremely simple organizational structures~

"Could it be that the rune patterns on the stone used to distribute and receive information come from here?

Is it this guy who is sending out the band information that attracts creatures to the universe, and then monitors the creatures that are attracted to enter the King Mori?


Eat them? "

Through that pattern, Hanyu Xiaotian’s guess is getting closer and closer to the truth...

"And those green vegetation and biological natives on the surface of King Mori are actually its simple consciousness bodies? If this speculation is true, then I am now...in the body of this cellular organism?"

Looking at the appearance of this real master hidden behind the scenes of King Mori, Hanyu Xiaotian has defined it as a super cell that is actually not very intelligent, but has simple biological instincts!

"But didn't he eat life? Then how could he fall directly into its body without being swallowed?"

Hanyu Xiaotian's consciousness wondered for a moment, but when he saw his body that was broken and infinitely close to death, he couldn't help but "open his eyes"~

"It seems that my body has no life energy anymore.

Well, maybe, it was because he caused some changes after killing the five-star native, that's why his dead body entered the body of this super cell.

But it's not right. This greedy guy shouldn't let go of any life energy? "

Recalling what he had seen on the surface of King Mori, the human corpses that had been drained of life energy by the natives, Han Yu Xiaotian immediately rejected his judgment.