Turn the Universe

Chapter 1246: Xuanxin Seven Turns

Hanyu Xiaotian, who was deeply thinking about the word ‘heart secret’, suddenly recalled again, the supreme ‘heart Tao’ classic of Chinese Buddhism that he had seen before-Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra!

Prajna. Wisdom too.

Jackfruit. To the other shore also.

many. Set also.

through. Path also.

This sutra is also a way of centering.

Since this Heart Sutra scripture began to appear, it has reverberated in everyone's hearts over and over again, as if the subtlety is inaudible, refreshing the depths, and like a grand bell, shocking.

At this time, this empty hall is still extremely quiet...

I don't know how long it took~

The grand and infinite voice finally stopped slowly, and slowly dissipated.

Afterwards, everyone in the hall began to recover from the mysterious and profound realm just now...

At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian also gradually withdrew his thoughts. At the same time, a paragraph of the interpretation of the pure heart from the ancient Chinese Buddhism power, the sixth ancestor Hui Neng, naturally blurted out~

"When is the self-nature, the self is pure.

The Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas should have a pure mind in this way, instead of being alive in physical form, and should not be born in sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and dharma, but should be born without a dwelling.

What period of self-nature does not arise and die.

Those who issue the Three Bodhisattva minds of Ahundala, do not talk about the death phase in the law.

What period of self-nature is self-sufficient.

Those who have issued the Three Bodhisattva minds of Ahundala, in all dharma, should know this way, see if it is, if we believe in understanding, there will be no Dharma form.

What period of self-nature is unshakable.

All actions are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, and should be viewed as such.

What period of self-nature can produce all things.

Can eliminate all suffering, true and true. "

When the last sentence was finished, Hanyu Xiaotian’s eyes were extremely bright~

"Seeing mountains is a mountain, seeing water is water; seeing a mountain is not a mountain, seeing water is not water; seeing a mountain is still a mountain, seeing water is still water~

I seem to understand Xuanxin's Seven Turns~~"


The seventh turn of the profound heart, the apex of the mysterious realm of the profound stage, has been confirmed by countless human pioneers, that this is the highest point that humans can reach in communicating the mystery of heaven and earth.

However, there are not many that can know why~

The human spirit can be divided into soul.

There are three souls, one is the heavenly soul, the second is the earth soul, and the third is the life soul.

There are seven souls, one for the sky, two for the spirit and wisdom, the three for the energy, the four for the strength, the five for the center, the six for the essence, and the seven for the English.

In fact, the seven souls of human beings are, in fact, the seven chakras and seven energy fields that are located on the central channel of the human body from the top of the head to the crotch.

Among them, the heavenly chakra is in the crown chakra, the spiritual wisdom is in the brow chakra, the spirit is in the throat chakra, and the force is in the heart chakra. At the same time, it is connected with the heart of both hands and feet. The central soul is in the navel chakra, the essence is in the genital chakra, and the hero is in the sea chakra.

The seven souls of the human body are also controlled by the soul of life.

The soul of life is also called the soul of man, or the soul of sex. Human life was born from then on.

After the life and soul live in the womb, the energy is distributed on the seven chakras of the human body to form the seven souls of the human body.

The soul is unique to the human body. After a person dies, the seven souls dissipate, and the life soul also leaves, and life ends with this.

The soul of life is the root of the seven souls, and the seven souls are the branches and leaves of the soul of life.

There is no life but no life, no life but no prosperity.

Seven souls in life, seven revolutions of Xuanxin~

Tongxuan mystery, seven turns of heaven and earth mystery, settled in the wheel of seven souls, the life and soul of infinitely powerful people...