Turn the Universe

Chapter 1248: Purity of Self

"Friend Xiaotian.. Just now you said that you... understood the way of Profound Rank Seventh Rank?"

Xuanmiao and others who had regained their calmness, You Zi felt a bit unreal about the scene that just happened, but Xuanmiao always remembered that Han Yu Xiaotian, a miraculous young man, murmured the last sentence.

"Uh, I don't understand, I just have thoughts and understanding..."

The comprehension of Xuanxin's seven turns made Han Yu Xiaotian a little happy at this time, and a smile from the bottom of his heart naturally appeared at the corner of his mouth.

However, this smile has caused some kind of illusion to everyone who sees Xuanmiao, Xuanxiu, etc.~

Plain, true~

Mysterious, Liuli~

"This is... a pure heart!"

Thinking of the mystery, he suddenly shouted with a shocked face. This shock was even greater than Han Yu Xiaotian's just now revealing the supreme profound meaning of Rank Six of the Profound Rank.

With Xuanmiao's words, Xuanxiu and Xuanwei also showed unconfident expressions.

Purity of self-nature is also called Tathagata.

We have a natural mind, a pure self, and we are far away from all rashes, so we have a pure mind.

At the same time, it is also recorded in the ancient classics of the Qingwei School, the highest state of mind of the Qingwei Daomen!

There are sayings in ancient scrolls~

"It is said that our minds are originally pure, which means that our minds are pure. This is the opinion of the Hinayana Volkswagen Department.

Mahayana refers to this mind as Tathagata, Buddha Nature, Truth, Dharma Realm, Dharma Nature, etc.

According to Mahayana's Interpretation of Purity of Self-Nature, it is said that the mind has been covered by ignorance since the beginning, but it is called "purity" because it does not change.

It is called "Xing Jing" because it corresponds to the method of non-existence and ignorance.

It is called the "heart" because of the repetition of the real consciousness. "

The Xuanmiao and others who originally saw this scripture have all wondered, why do they remember the Buddhist ‘heart’ in their own Taoist inheritance?

But now, seeing Hanyu Xiaotian’s smile at the moment, and recalling Hanyu Xiaotian’s saying that “Buddha is the Tao” and the words of “Secret of the Heart” that just happened, they couldn’t help but feel endless waves in their hearts~

I and others, a sect that has been passed down for hundreds of years, have never successfully comprehended the highest state of mind recorded in the classic scrolls of their own sect-self-purity~

But today, just before everyone's eyes, the handsome boy in white clothes who was just 20 years old showed them what is understanding, what is evil, what is supreme arrogant!


While all the members of the Profound Order of the Qingwei Sect were still feeling horrified, slowly, the core disciples of the inner door of the Meihua 13th Sect and Mo Tianyun and others gradually came to wake up from Wuxuan~

However, with the passage of time, there are two people in the field, because Hanyu Xiaotian’s secret words have always been in concentration, and they have not moved~

Leng Yu!


The direction of Leng Yu who entered the way with extinction and killing intent

At this time, a faint profound meaning was constantly rising from his body, and Leng Yu's closed eyelids twitched slightly from time to time, as if he had seen some kind of profoundness.

Coulee’s direction is just the opposite~

There is no profound meaning, no obscurity, and some are just the extremely low sound of dragons and elephants coming from his body.

At the same time, a vague and amazing sense of power is constantly spreading from Gu Li's body to the surrounding space...


Discovering the abnormal changes in Leng Yu and Gu Li, Han Yu Xiaotian interrupted the movement of everyone in the field and signaled for silence.