Turn the Universe

Chapter 1252: The Horror of Coulee

Although Han Yu Xiaotian didn’t feel anything, what he didn’t know was that the scene he had just done had already set off a huge wave once again in the hearts of the Mysticism, Xuanxiu, and the core disciples of the Qing Wei School. ~~~


Are they still human?

The advancement of Gu Li that dragon elephant giant force just now has already shocked everyone in the Qing Wei Sect.

But that palm...

Several people in Jingxuan said, isn't this Hanyu Xiaotian a great supernatural power?

What is the palm of the hand just now?

Are you kidding me?

Relying on the power of the flesh, the terrifying dragon elephant power, which is almost equivalent to the top realm of the two souls of the mysterious stage, was suppressed back alive?

This.. Even the top ancient martial artist training, it is impossible to have such power?

Could it be that he and others have been hiding in the chaotic star field for too long?

Is the outside world so terrifying now?


"Coulee, how do you feel now?"

Looking at Gu Li who had slowed down, Han Yu Xiaotian asked slightly curiously.

"How... well, it's better than ever!"

Raising his hands, Gu Li silently felt the changes in his body, and then a gleam of light bloomed from his copper bell-sized eyes~


The fists were squeezed at random, and a terrifying sense of power instantly condensed, and there was a blast in the air near Gu Li's fists!

Afterwards, Coulee looked towards the empty place outside the Qing Wei School Hall~



The sound of explosions that seemed to be true and imaginary came out, and a terrifying and terrifying force came out!

Did not hit anything in kind~

However, a long-lasting trace of the void was left in the void route through which the fist power passed...


Feeling the terrifying power like a nightmare still staying in the void ripples, the complexions of Xuanmiao and Xuanxiu all changed drastically.

This punch~

They can't take it...

Gu Li's way of reducing ten guilds with a single force originally relied on the purest strength to crush any other form of existence.

And at this time, the ninth level of Gu Li's Dragon Elephant Prajna skill, the Dragon Elephant Prajna, its power is almost equivalent to the level of the mysterious rank powerhouse from six to seven!

Among those present, it can be said that apart from Hanyu Xiaotian, Gu Li has surpassed Leng Yu and Meng Canyue with his inhuman strength, and has become the strongest person among Hanyu Xiaotian's followers!

At the same time, it can barely catch up with Han Yu Xiaotian's footsteps.

And Mo Tianyun, Meng Canyue, Leng Yu and others, even though the giant Couli's changes at this time were extremely shocking, but what they had in their hearts was their admiration and admiration for Couli, without the slightest jealousy or jealousy.

On the contrary, Gu Li's powerful promotion has inspired them to cultivate as quickly as possible, and they must also break through the barrier of the profound stage in the shortest time!

When encountering Abu Diga's joy in Zen Buddhism, Hanyu Xiaotian once strengthened their heart to become stronger and stronger, and uplifted everyone's spiritual beliefs.

And just now, Han Yu Xiaotian's ‘Secret of the Heart’ said, again made them feel quite a bit.

In fact, with the exception of the Azure King who was slightly worse in cultivation, everyone else had already touched the film of the profound stage.

They are already infinitely close to the profound stage...

And what Hanyu Xiaotian did just now is just like what he promised to everyone~

"I'm here, you have a way!"

