Turn the Universe

Chapter 1259: Comprehend the classics

The spirit of Hanyu Xiaotian still rests on the mystery of the "Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Sound Puhua Tianzun Jade Sutra", and he just answered casually.

Feeling pretty cool?

Han Yu Xiaotian's words left Gu Li, Meng Canyue and others in a daze. In their impressions, the boss seemed to seldom express their feelings in such straightforward words.

Is it~

Was he really taking a shower just now?

And after hearing what Han Yu Xiaotian said, Xuanmiao, Xuanxiu and others also had obvious eyelids and cheeks~

The treasure of the town faction of his own Qing Dynasty, the Nine Heavens Yushu Thunder formed by the Supreme Thunder Scripture, was actually carried down by others who did not follow the ancestral precepts of his sect in the slightest!

What's even more exaggerated is that this person even said it was...cool afterwards!

It's really tolerable or unbearable~

"Um, fellow Xiaotian. Well, according to the ancestral precepts, I will temporarily hand over this scripture to you for safekeeping. When you leave in the future, you can return it to me.

As for the Jingshu Pavilion of this school, if you want to go, you can always let Jingxuan take you there. There are some other things to do in this school, so I'll be temporarily separated. "

Listening to the meaning in the mysterious words, she actually wanted to leave, and the reason is~

She really didn't want to stay here anymore, and then she was hit repeatedly by Hanyu Xiaotian!

However, Hanyu Xiaotian didn't seem to intend to give the Qingwei group a chance to retreat easily~

"Uh, no need, the master of the mysterious Taoist. I have learned this "Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Sounds Puhua Tianzun Jade Sutra", you can take it directly now..."



The beginning of the "Lei Secret Theory" of the classic "Qing Wei Shen Lie Secret Method" of the Qing Dynasty School ~

"Those who are pure and insignificant, in the words of the elephant, are the great Luo, Yuluo, Xiaotai, Yushan, Beijing, and the supreme, great Luo Yuqing, the venerable among the heavens. Originated from the chaos, the unjudgment, the beginning of the Great Brahma. , That is, the rule of Yuanshi Zhizun. It is Yiqi enlightened ancestor's robbery. It is the root of heaven, and the person who is clear and subtle, that is, the different name of Shenxiao..."

"In the Law, the Thunder Fuyu and the Jade Chapter of the Book of Heaven, both at the beginning of the catastrophe, the Vatican was naturally formed in space. In the early days of the Yuan Dynasty, it began to fall. It was ordered by the innocent emperor to press the pen to write the book. The text is wide and long, and it is hidden in the upper palace of Ziwei. Que, order the five old gods to hold it."

At this moment, Hanyu Xiaotian is accompanied by Meihua Shisan, in the Jingshu Pavilion of the Qing Dynasty School, looking up and referring to this classic secret book of the Taoist branch left over from ancient China.

After severely hitting the confidence of the Qing micro sect, Hanyu Xiaotian began to plan for herself what she would do next, staying in this Qing micro sect for three months.


Practicing "Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Sound Puhua Tianzun Jade Sutra" ~

Comprehend other esoteric classics of Qing Wei school~

Continue to study runes, portray Gu Li's body, and help him bear the power of "Dragon Elephant Prajna Paramita" as soon as possible~

Deliver the few large cultivation pill that still exist in his body to the Azure King, in the hope that he can cultivate to the peak of the Huang Tier faster~


"Well, the Waning Moon, Tianyun, and Juxiao have all reached the pinnacle of the Huang Tier, and even a hint of profound meaning has been born.

Although the Azure King's cultivation base is still a little weaker, with the help of Da Pei Yuan Dan, I believe it will be pushed up soon. Moreover, he has also comprehended the Qinglian Profound meaning, and he will not be too far away from the Profound Order..."

Han Yu Xiaotian, who just finished comprehending a Qing and Wei school classics, is now thinking about the future path of his friends...