Turn the Universe

Chapter 1290: Waning moon green lotus

It's just a pity that there is only one lotus leaf in full bloom, and the other lotus leaves are sleeping.

But even if only one lotus leaf is opened, the profound and profound meaning and pure energy are enough to suppress most of the same-level profound experts in this world...

Facing the opening of this seemingly ordinary green lotus leaf, Meng Canyue also looked solemn at this time.

With a snort, Meng Yue also moved~

But seeing the graceful figure that was always vacillating, it took a volley and then disappeared in an instant.

And when everyone caught the exquisite figure again, Meng Wanyue had already appeared in the air.

"The waning moon is in the sky, the moonlight is like water, and the heavens are shining on the world!"

Along with the purple and white Lingluo clothes of the waning Meng Yue, a beautiful silver moon appeared on the head of the waning Meng Yue. At the same time, a bend appeared on the forehead of the waning Meng Yue. The mysterious mark of Crescent...

At this moment, everyone looked up, only to feel that the figure floating in the moon wheel, like the goddess of the moon, dreamy and beautiful.

Moon shadows are like weaving, beautiful in the world!

With the Yinyue essence that Hanyu Xiaotian gave her, which has been brewing for hundreds of years, Meng Canyue truly broke through to the profound stage.

And her profound meaning is that round of waning moon that contains endless femininity~

The days are long and the moon is full.

The waning moon is eternal!

A waning moon, moonlight is like water; a green lotus, shining in the world.

When the two really meet, there is no shocking collision between the two giants like Hanyu Juxiao and Gu Li, nor the devastation and extinction destruction of Motianyun and Leng Yu, yes, Just fresh, holy, natural...

"The waning moon swayed, shining on Qinglian."


It seems to contain endless profound meanings, and it seems to be discussing with each other at this moment, using my own profound mystery to cleanse the world, and crushing the other's profound meaning a little bit...

There is no earth-shattering aura, but it is even more obscure, mysterious, and soul-stirring, and even every trace of the mysterious wave changes, revealing endless thrills and oppression.

This is the collision between the two, the supreme martial art and the profound meaning!

At this time, the two of them have already been extremely solemn. Under the most direct moral and righteous competition between the two, whether it is the Qing Wang’s Jidao training, the nine changes of Qingxuan, or the waning moon sword battle of the waning moon, the dreamy remnant, at this time They have been unable to function.

This is the fundamental difference between Xuan Jie and Huang Jie!

The most core competition has broken away from the moves, but the collision between the profound meanings that everyone understands~

A few minutes passed, and the collision between the waning moon and Qinglian still stubbornly stubbornly stubbornly. At this time, more people from the Qing Wei sect had rushed over, even the two Qing Wei elders, Xuan Wei and Xuan Hua. Has arrived.

It can be said that, apart from the two people of Xuanmiao and Xuanxiu who are still in retreat, at this time this Qingwei school's dojo has already gathered more than half of the Qingwei school.

At this time, Xuan Wei, Xuan Hua and a group of Qing Wei "genius" inner disciples, the expressions have long been described as wonderful.

Whether it's the battle between Mo Tianyun and Leng Yu's destructive power that is just like a devil, which has just been seen by most people, or the collision between Qinglian and the waning moon at this time, they have already caused endless waves in their hearts. .

Isn’t my own Qing Wei school the legacy of the ancient Chinese Taoist school?

Don’t these people like you all have amazing aptitudes and born with roots of wisdom?