Turn the Universe

Chapter 1300: The legacy of Chinese Buddhism

The remaining two schools of Buddhism and Taoism must be far inferior to the heyday of ancient China.

However, even so, Xuanmiao and others still found such a place, which is enough to continue the two-door incense inheritance of the Chinese Buddhist Dao.

This is the transition between life and death, and between cycles, there is always an opportunity for life.

At this time, I was observing the surrounding Hanyu Xiaotian, and couldn't help but recall the classics I had read in the family~

Huaxia has many ancient books on Dongtianfudi, of which "Orthodox Taoist Collection" contains the most.

The best explanation for the concept of Dongtian is the Shangqing classic "Ziyang Zhenren's Internal Biography" in early Chinese history.

It goes: "The sky is meaningless empty, the mountain is meaningless cave, and man is meaningless house. The empty in the belly of the mountain is the cave house; the empty head in the human head is the cave house. The real person is in the sky and the mountain is in the sky, and people enter the infinite room. Millet Rong Penglai Mountain, including Liuhe, heaven and earth cannot carry Yan."

This classic clearly shows the ancient Chinese Taoist view of the universe, that is, the universe is composed of multiple layers of space, and the time and space in the universe are relative. There is nothing in the universe, something is born out of nothing, there is a big and a small, and a small is also big.

"The Preface to the Famous Mountain of Yuedu in Dongtian Blessed Land" also says: "The universe is opened, clear and turbid, merged into rivers, formed into mountains, or the upper part of the sun, or the lower part of the cave. All the great sages dominate all things, and there is Linggong Palace, Yuyu Jintai.

Or the formation of Qi, Ningyun fiction; or Yao Chi Cui Marsh, inscribed in the four corners; or Pearl Tree Qiong Lin, sparse on it. It is produced by Shenfengfeiqiu and inhabited by Tianlizema.

Or the Sun Yu passes, or the star-wound belonging; contains wind and rain, contains clouds and thunder, is the pivot of heaven and earth, and the axis of Yin and Yang. "


"Then... these buildings..."

Han Yu Xiaotian looked at the existence of those carved beams and painted buildings that seemed to be hidden in the clouds, and he knew something in his heart.

Here, I am afraid it is no less than the ancient ruins where my family is located.

Even better.

After Hanyu Xiaotian and the others went around under the mysterious guidance, an ancient magnificent hall suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"This hall and some of the surrounding buildings have been built with the strength of all our schools, and they can be regarded as the highest spiritual sustenance of our Buddhist heritage."

Although Xuanmiao was not here for the first time, when she saw the buildings that obviously contained the ancient Chinese Taoist gates and Buddhist relics, she was still very excited.

"In the legacy of Buddhism and Taoism, the main gate is Taoism, which is slightly less, so the temples here are also set up in proportion. What we are going to now is the main temple where we are going to talk about Xuanlundao this time: Xuandao Hall!"

When Xuanmiao and others passed through a film that was invisible to the naked eye, the scene changed again, the mist disappeared, and the magnificent palaces were clearly presented in front of everyone.

"Hello, are you the master of the mysticism of the Qing Wei school? The master told me to take you to the hall and sit down."

After walking through the perimeter of this cave, the people of the Shang Qing sect in charge of the Tan Xuan Conference were already ready to receive the big sects.

"Okay, lead the way~"

Xuanmiao nodded at the young man dressed like a Taoist boy, and then led everyone behind him to the hall.

"Qing Wei faction, the head of Xuanmiao is here!"

With a shout, Xuanmiao and others finally entered the center of this cave, the Great Hall of Xuan Dao!