Turn the Universe

Chapter 1317: Li Ruyi

"Since you have no objections, then in the next game, we will invite one of the four great arrogances to play and show us the profound powers..."

Li Jianghe couldn't help but swept his gaze from the four great arrogances one by one, there was also a hint of expectation in his eyes~

Talking about Xuan Lun Dao, although the main purpose is to show the Xuanyi Yuanshen and discuss the cultivation of supernatural powers, but for these Tianjiao, in terms of the cultivation of the Xuanyi, they are only initially entering the realm of the first and second revolutions, and they are participating The enlightenment time is also short and short.

Their understanding of the Xuanyi Yuanshen is naturally incomparable with those of the Profound Rank 5th and 6th Rank like Li Jianghe, even if it is the first and second ranks of the Profound Stage that have been infiltrating the Profound Stage for decades. Compared with the elders, I am afraid it is also very different.

However, after all, he had entered the Profound Stage, possessed the Profound Spirit Yuanshen, and was also qualified to talk about the Profound Dao.

Li Jianghe and other elders in charge of the big sects proposed to let Meihua 13 and others come to power to discuss the Taoism, on the one hand, they have the intention of pointing the younger generation;

On the one hand, I also want to see whether this new generation of Tianjiao characters has realized something that they can learn from.

"Haha, um, senior Li, seniors, if that's the case, then I really want to come first, Li Ru, it can be regarded as the ‘brick’ of my four great arrogances."

When Li Jianghe's voice just fell, Li Ruyi of Zhengangdao suddenly flashed in his eyes, and the first one stood up.

"Haha, okay, okay. Well, Ruyi, I have heard that your true gangster has reached the mysterious state, and your magical powers have the power to crush everything.

In this next session, I believe you will be able to show us a wonderful interpretation. "

Seeing Li Ruyi standing up at Zhengangmen, Li Jianghe couldn't help but encourage him, nodding.

"Well, thank you Senior Li for the absurd praise, but this time I don't want to show off the profound meaning soul alone, nor dare to show ugliness in front of the seniors.

Well, I think, I also invite a fellow Taoist to join me in discussing the magic of magical powers. "

Li Ruyi said with the head.

Hearing what Li Ruyi said, everyone in the audience also nodded in agreement.

"Well, it's okay, then I don't know which Daoist do you want to choose to come to power? Or do you choose someone of your same generation as Tianjiao to discuss Dao?"

Li Jianghe nodded and asked.

When Li Jianghe thought about it, Li Ruyi would definitely not choose his own head and other high-level profound rank powerhouses, so he could only choose from the elders of various factions, or the Xuanbing Saintess who was also a Tianjiao powerhouse.

However, at this time, the answer given by Li Ruyi of Zhengang Sect was beyond his expectation~

"Haha, Senior Li guessed wrong this time. Actually, this time I don't want to fight against the seniors of the sect, nor do I want to fight against Jingxuan and others. At this time, I want to invite Taoist friends...

It was Hanyu Xiaotian who was invited by the Qingwei faction... enchanting..."

Li Ru smiled and looked in the direction of Han Yu Xiaotian, and at the same time he sent out the invitation, he bit the word'monster' very hard, as if he was afraid that others would not hear it.

Li Ruyi still clearly remembers Jingxuan, who he likes, and introduced himself to the ‘monster’ that Han Yu Xiaotian said with pride.

And when he recalled Jingxuan's intimate feelings for the boy in white next to her, he was always jealous and resentful...