Turn the Universe

Chapter 1346: What is a great supernatural power

"What? The way of latitude and longitude?"

The meaning of Hanyu Xiaotian's words made Zhenjun Ziwei and all the big sects in the field start to stay again...

Needless to say Lei Dao, Han Yu Xiaotian has already demonstrated its incomparable way.


What is the way of latitude and longitude in his mouth now?

So far, what this boy has shown... Isn't it his limit?

Way of Space~

Jiuxiao Yushu Thunder~

Thousand-Hand Guanyin Bodhisattva

The Great Peacock King's Faxiang~

Big Dipper Jiuyao Star Doumu Yuanjun~

And what kind of latitude and longitude in his mouth~~


Hanyu Xiaotian once again showed everyone what a great supernatural power is!

"Friend Han Yu, you are really willing to discuss with my Ziwei School... No, is it the professor who waits for Lei Dao? Also, what do you mean by the way of latitude and longitude?"

During those decades, the Ziwei True Monarch of the Ziwei Sect had rarely had a turbulent state of mind, and he was repeatedly broken by Han Yu Xiaotian.

"Um, Ray Dao, of course. What can't be discussed in this?

However, I remember that the Arctic Emperor Ziwei should master the five thunder rectification, um, it just so happens that I also know a little about this magical power, then I can tell you my experience about Thunder. But the Nine Heavens Yushu Thunder may be enough to choke it, and it is estimated that with your body and soul, it may be unbearable.

As for the way of latitude and weft, well, the Ziwei Doushu you just mentioned is actually a kind of way of latitude and weft, but it should be a small part. Well, I also know something about Hetuluo's book. Then we can also study each other. "

Han Yu Xiaotian said truthfully.

Five thunders rectify the law~a little know one or two~

Hetu Luoshu ~ also know some~

However, the ‘point’ and ‘some’ in Hanyu Xiaotian’s mouth were already in the discussion just now, making countless people embarrassed.

Therefore, no one thinks it is true anymore for the flexible words of ‘know a little’ and ‘know some’.


"The Immeasurable Heavenly Sovereign, I also want to ask Daoists' supreme supernatural powers, and I will send them to practice the Zhoutian method of alchemy~"

Xiantian Sect is the inheritance of the ancient Chinese Taoism that focuses on alchemy. The full name of its alchemy method is: when you pass the sky and take the Qi, you can close the gangway at one hour and six times and close the gangway for thirty-six weeks. The first to the secret technique of alchemy Essentials.

People of this sect claim that they can use alchemy to practice Zhoutian Kungfu and enter the state of innate inaction.

At this time, it is the leader of the Xiantian Church.


"Oh, I don't understand the alchemy basically, so I can only learn from you. However, I have read an overview of the alchemy in the scriptures, but I can communicate with Taoists~

‘Essential water, sacred fire, and Yi Tu are the supreme treasures. Essence water is the Qi of Xiantian Zhenyi, the fire of God is light, and the earth is the heart of Zhonggong. Take sacred fire as the use, the earth as the body, and the pure water as the base. God is hidden in the soul, and knowledge is hidden in the soul.

Natural sufficiency, sacred fire occurs, the earth is condensed, and the holy fetus can be formed. Turning to the mud pill, and the pill is born white, the magical power of the gods. The soul is in a square inch, the wonderful person, the light has been condensed into the law body, and gradually the magical powers are self-contained..."

Hanyu Xiaotian’s "basically unreasonable", once again taught a lesson for those who were taught by nature~

"Friend Han Yu, I am the head of the King Kong Sect..."

"I have seen that in the Great Compassion Mantra it is said that the number of sands in the Ganges River is 9.9 billion. The Tathagata said that the merits and powers are unparalleled. Emperor, Shuobo Laye, Bodhisattva Poye, Maha Sabu Poye, Maha, Kalu Nigaya...'"